Sounds To Help You Sleep Faster

By Ruth on December 7, 2020 in advice, health

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If you feel like you’ve tried just about everything for a good night’s sleep, chances are turning the volume up on your speakers isn’t one of them. According to a recent sleep survey by Puffy , 61% of people in the US experience sleep disorders such as insomnia – learning how to minimize your symptoms and nip this disorder in the bud is vital to your wellbeing.

Once you’ve sorted out the basics, such as finding the best mattress for a good night’s sleep, and developing sleep hygiene practices that enrich the quality of your rest, using sound to help you sleep quicker can change the way you get to bed every night. Here are some of our top tips for sleeping faster with the help of sound, and everything you need to know about how sound impacts the way we snooze.

Making Sure You Have The Best Mattress For Good Rest

First things first: you’re going to need to find the best mattress you can for a good night’s sleep. Finding the best mattress for your sleep is going to ensure you’re sleeping comfortably and properly supported through the night.

So how do you find the best mattress for your own sleep? Assessing where your trouble sleeping might be stemming from is a good start. For instance, if you have chronic pain and struggle to get a good night’s sleep as a result of this, a twin memory foam mattress might be the best for you, because it tends to be more firm than the average mattress.

Other options you might want to consider include the materials your bed is made of. The best mattresses are going to contain independently certified materials that make it much easier to assess the quality of your bed. Make sure as well to pick out the best mattress size for your space- bigger doesn’t always have to be bigger when it comes to your bed.

Once you’ve figured out the best mattress for your sleep, you can begin to think about other ways you might be able to benefit from a good night’s sleep.

How You Can Use Sounds For A Good Night’s Sleep

According to a study conducted in 2011, the brain is capable of processing sound even after we’ve fallen asleep. While our sensitivity to sound varies upon many different factors, lighter sleepers are sensitive to a wide range of sounds, and can therefore have their sleep interrupted by a simple disruption.

Different types of sounds have differing impacts on the brain – relaxing sounds such as pink noise, can actually help with falling asleep quicker and more deeply. The way sounds like white noise work is to combine every noise frequency, thereby masking other sounds.

In one 2016 study, white noise was played to patients of a critical care unit at a hospital. The results indicated that white noise can actually be effective in the management of certain sleep deprivation disorders.

If you’re looking for alternative sounds to help you sleep quicker, you might be surprised to learn there’s a lot more out there than just white noise. Some people respond well and feel calmed down by sounds that occur in nature.

Thankfully, technology means you don’t have to move your bed into the middle of the rainforest anytime soon – there are plenty of apps and websites that provide background sounds from a wide range of locations and can be used when you’re trying to calm yourself down and fall asleep.

Other sounds that have been shown to have a positive impact on a good night’s sleep including ocean waves, rainforest animals, thunderstorms, and for some people, even the sound of rain.

Using Guided Meditation To Fall Asleep

If you’re having trouble sleeping despite buying that brand new white noise machine, there are other ways sound might be to help. Starting a guided meditation routine takes a considerable amount of practice to perfect, but once you’re able to achieve this, you’ll find it a lot easier to get a good night’s sleep.

Guided sleep meditation involves someone taking you through a meditation practice verbally. Though this does involve some amount of speaking, guided sleep meditation practices are designed to be very soothing and relaxing, and can help immensely when you struggle with large amounts of sleep anxiety.

If you’re curious about how guided sleep meditation might be able to help you, here are some of our favorite apps to get started:

  • Headspace: this app contains plenty of great practices for total beginners, and it’s user-friendly design makes it totally unintimidating when you’re getting started with your meditation practice for the first time.
  • Calm: if you struggle with sleep anxiety, in particular, bringing body awareness and deep belly breathing with the help of the Calm app can help you fall asleep that much quicker. With a seven-day free trial, you have nothing to lose by giving this app a try.
  • Meditations: Guided meditations are well known for their efficacy, especially for those looking to fall asleep quickly. Look for meditations that have calming voices and even those that focus on the energy centers of your body – if you feel skeptical, try to give a recording a try to see the effect it has on your wellbeing.

From finding the best mattress you can for comfortable, uninterrupted sleep, to trialing different frequencies of sound, finding out which sounds or music work for you when you’re trying to fall asleep can really be a matter of trial and error.

Understanding how everything from your sleep position to the types of mattresses there are available can have an impact on the quality of your rest is crucial for coming to an understanding of what it takes for you to personally get better rest each night.

Whether you find a mattress that’s better suited for your sleep position, or you simply work out how to use sounds to help you sleep, patience with the process is going to get you to good sleep a whole lot quicker.

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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.

1 Comment

  1. Shahzad November 13, 2023 Reply

    Great insights on improving sleep quality! Finding the right mattress is crucial, and incorporating soothing sounds or guided meditation can be game-changers. Your detailed tips provide a holistic approach to enhance the sleep experience. Thanks for sharing, Ruth!”

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