5 symptoms of Unhealthy Liver And Why You May Have A “Potbelly”

By Ruth on March 1, 2020 in health

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What is the Liver? Obviously, it is an organ in the human body. But you may not be aware of what its main purpose is and how it should be functioning.

In short, the liver has over 500 known functions.

The liver is the human body’s filtration system. It filters out microbes, drugs and dead cells from the body as a function of the immune system. Every hormone, chemical, bacteria, virus, fungus, and parasite is filtered through the liver.

Similarly, like an oil filter in our cars, it also acts as a digestive organ, breaking down fats, proteins, and even carbohydrates. It can also convert protein to sugar. 

The liver is the major organ for detoxification; it works to break down the chemicals taken in from toxins on foods to which you are exposed daily.

It is possible that you have seen a “skinny” man who has a protruding belly, popularly known as a “potbelly.” This is called – ascites, or water weight in the abdomen. There is a sac inside the abdomen area that fills up as the liver leaks liquid, a sign of an improperly-working organ.

This is one of the symptoms of an unhealthy liver. When the liver is not able to produce proteins, this leads to leaking fluid. Because the problem is caused by low protein, you can only improve this by eating a high-quality, protein-rich diet with lots of vegetables in order to take the stress off the liver and let it heal. This condition has also been called “beer gut” which creates the same kind of stomach because alcohol destroys the liver.

The second symptom is tightness, an almost arthritic-like feeling in the lower back and right shoulder, particularly in the morning. The head frequently feels heavy and dull with aches in the forehead and neck area. A person suffering from this liver issue rarely gets adequate sleep.

The third symptom is that of experiencing a challenging morning. This happens because the liver can’t hold blood sugar for a full seven hours, so this kind of morning grouchiness actually comes from low blood sugar. When the person has a gap for a ten-hour span (from the last meal to the next one–breakfast), the amount of sugar in the blood is excessively reduced, thus creating irritableness, moodiness, mentally depressed feelings, and lethargy, all experienced most noticeable upon waking.

The fourth one is pretty close to the ones already mentioned. Arthritis and skin can also be indications of unhealthy liver. The finger joints, particularly in the morning, may become stiff and slightly swollen. This worsens if refined grains were consumed the night before, since many unhealthy liver cases have difficulty with gluten (protein part of grains). Wheat and other grain products seem to aggravate arthritis and cause joint pain and inflammation in various parts of the body (mid-back, low back, lower neck, hands, right shoulder, ankles, and even in the knees).  The body seems to misidentify the gluten in these grains as a microbe, creating an inappropriate immune response. When refined grains are avoided, arthritis disappears in many cases.

The fifth symptom is related to digestion problems.  This includes bloating, constipation and acid reflux. A person often craves foods that destroy the liver – fatty foods, bacon, chips and deep-fried foods, especially from fast-food restaurants. These all look so yummy when the person is hungry. But afterward, they feel bloated as their digestive systems are poor, and usually, they start burping and belching after a high-fat meal.

The solution is to create a healthy liver. How? Simply by changing your food habits and nutritional pattern. Because fat-burning hormones create their effects through the liver, having a healthy liver is one of the most important step in weight-loss. Without it, fat burning will be almost impossible.

The best food for the liver are raw, cruciferous vegetables and small amounts of lean proteins (raw nuts, fish, etc.). Eggs can be good as well unless the gallbladder is sluggish. Red meat tends to be a bit harder to digest than fish, but in small quantities, they should be fine. Of course, it is highly recommended that you visit your healthcare professional before implementing any dietary or lifestyle changes.

Nothing happens overnight. The healing process will take some time, but your aim should be that of  the long-term benefit and a healthier body.

At Body Design EMS Training Dubai, they customize your nutrition because they believe that it is the main key to fitness success. Moreover, everything ties together and through the analyzed individual approach, they guide you further so that your diet won’t be too challenging for you to manage. Body Design EMS Fitness is here to guide you further to create a healthier lifestyle and achieve your fitness success! 

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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


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