Interview With Screenwriter Carley Smale, “Christmas Pen Pals”

By Ruth on December 13, 2018 in Christmas, Holidays, Interview, movie, television

Some time ago, I discovered the screenwriter, Carley Smale, due to her substantial work with the Hallmark Network. Back then, we discussed how she began her career and included some of her early works in our conversation. However, over the past couple of years, Carley has become a prolific writer of Lifetime Christmas movies, and there is no doubt about it that if her name is on a Christmas movie script, viewers can rest assured that it will be incredible and entertaining. This weekend, Carley’s newest offering, Christmas Pen Pals (that stars my good friend Giles Panton), will premiere on Lifetime, and I was happy to be able to interview Carley yet again.

RH: Last year, you wrote my favorite Lifetime Christmas movie of 2018–Snowed Inn Christmas. Where did you get the inspiration for that film? Were you able to go to set for that film? How did this film meet and/or exceed your expectations?

CS: Firstly, thank you for watching it! The inspiration came after a drive with friends when we were spitballing different titles that could work with Christmas movies. Once I had the title Snowed Inn, I spent a few days coming up with different plots that could work. It all kind of fell into place after that.

With her mom on the set of Snowed Inn Christmas

And yes! I went to Winnipeg to be on set and it was so much fun. The cast and crew were incredibly friendly and the director, Gary Yates, really took me under his wing and taught me a lot. When Gary eventually sent me a link to the finished movie, I was so happy with it. Andrew Walker and Joy Lenz had amazing chemistry and added such a depth to their characters. It definitely exceeded my expectations.

This weekend, we will see your new Christmas movie, Christmas Pen Pals. Where did you get the idea for this film? Please tell us the main premise.

I originally thought of this idea when I was writing letters back and forth with my Grandma when I was in college. I liked the idea that even when you’ve known someone for years, by writing letters you see a whole new side of who they are. In Christmas Pen Pals, the movie centers around a woman, Hannah (played by Sarah Drew), who goes back to her hometown for Christmas and ends up signing up for the town’s Christmas Cupid, which is an old tradition where you get matched with an anonymous pen pal. Throughout the two weeks leading up to Christmas, she begins to fall in love with her mysterious pen pal while also reconnecting with her high school sweetheart.

With Giles Panton, star of Christmas Pen Pals

I believe you visited the set. What was your experience like?

I was only on set for a couple of days, but it was amazing. It’s always surreal to me to see something I wrote come to life. I was there when they shot the most tense scene in the movie where Sarah Drew’s character and Niall Matter‘s character get into a pretty heated fight and I was truly blown away by their performances. Every time the director would yell cut, I would put my hands together, accidentally preparing to clap–haha–I was just so captivated by their talent.

Why do you believe audiences will enjoy this film?

I might be biased–haha–but I think it’s a great love story and has so much charm and a surprising amount of emotion too.

As a screenwriter who has been writing about one movie per year that gets filmed, do you find that you have to supplement your income? How do you make that work?

I will get commissioned and paid to write outlines and scripts that don’t necessarily make it past the pre-production stages, so I keep busy. Like most jobs that are in this industry, there are seasons of being so busy you hardly have time to eat and then there are seasons where not much seems to be happening. I’m just enjoying the ride.

Any other upcoming/in progress works you can mention?

I’m always working on something! Nothing I can say for certain at the moment, but my fingers are eternally crossed.

Favorite holiday movie: The Family Stone and The Grinch

Favorite holiday dessert: Gingerbread cookies

Favorite holiday book: The Polar Express and The Grinch ( I LOVE The Grinch)

Favorite holiday activity: Watching Christmas movies, of course!

Any special Christmas traditions that you’d like to share?

My family has a tradition called “Nana Sacks” which is something my Nana started and that we’ve continued since her passing. It’s a mixture of Secret Santa and Minute-To-Win-It games that get pretty competitive. Sometimes we even go door to door carolling if enough wine is flowing–haha. It’s great.

In the world of screenwriting, I do believe that as vital as massive credits can be when aiding in the procurement of more work, there is something to be said about quality versus quantity. In the case of Carley, even though her movie credits may not be as extensive as other screenwriters I know, every single one of her films has had distinctive storylines, stellar casts, and notable viewership. I honestly believe that Carley has found her niche as well as her voice, and I can hardly wait for the U.S. premiere of Christmas Pen Pals this weekend (12/15) on Lifetime. Canadian viewers will have to wait until December 22nd to see this movie on Super Channel Heart & Home. Additionally, I would like to invite all my readers to visit Carley on Twitter and check out her other films (see the links below) for even more delightful films and engaging tales. While Carley’s scripts have not been featured in a Hallmark movie for quite some time, I believe it is safe to assume that many a Hallmarkie has made the pilgrimage to other networks in order to watch her fantastic works because no matter the network, there is nothing quite like a Carley Smale Christmas movie. 




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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


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