“Adventures of Dally & Spanky” Movie Review

By Ruth on September 9, 2019 in movie, review, television

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this movie in exchange for my honest review. I was not financially compensated and all opinions are 100 percent mine.


Based on the True Animal Friendship that Amazed and Inspired Millions

Debuting on DVD and Digital September 10

Debuting on DVD and Digital September 10

The amazing real-life dog and pony friendship that took the internet by storm becomes a feature-length film when ADVENTURES OF DALLY & SPANKY rides onto DVD and Digital September 10 from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. Brenna D’Amico (TV’s “Descendants”), whose father is played by country music superstar Trace Adkins, and Reylynn Caster (TV’s “American Housewife”) star as half-sisters who prove that anything is possible when their two animal companions form an unlikely bond that sends their family on an amazing, inspirational journey.

ADVENTURES OF DALLY & SPANKY also stars Elaine Hendrix (The Parent Trap) and Denise Richards (Starship Troopers).

Directed by Camille Stochitch, ADVENTURES OF DALLY & SPANKY was written and produced by Tyler W. Konney with Barbara Greaves, Bobby Hillis and Stochitch as executive producers.

ADVENTURES OF DALLY & SPANKY has a run time of approximately 84 minutes and is rated PG for brief language.


Inspired by the true animal friendship of a Jack Russell Terrier and a rescued miniature horse, the story of Dally & Spanky’s bond has captivated audiences. This sensational duo has generated millions of video views and is now the inspiration for this brand-new feature film!

Addy and Ella are teenaged half-sisters with little in common. When 17-year-old Addy loses her father, she retreats from her family and struggles to deal with his loss. Ella, with her dog Dally, reaches out to create a bond with Addy and Spanky, the miniature horse she’s just inherited from her father. Not only do the animals get along, but they quickly become a dynamic duo thanks to Addy and Ella’s training. Their act quickly goes viral and wins their high school talent show, bringing the girls closer! Unfortunately, the family realizes that the cost to keep Spanky is too high and they’ll have to send him away. But Addy gets an idea and submits their routine to a popular TV talent show. Now, it’s all or nothing…and ANYTHING can happen!

My Thoughts:

First of all, I had no idea this was a true story. All I knew is it was a family-friendly story, and while there are a few brief instances of “Oh My God” shouted in a somewhat irreverent fashion, that is the only thing I can find about the movie that would potentially be non-family appropriate. It also does deal with death and depression to a degree, but all of that is handled in a way that shouldn’t be too upsetting to most children. I would say that the target range for this movie is around preteen to early teens. Those younger than preteen will probably enjoy the animals (my favorite part), and those older may find it “cheesy.”  The acting is not always the strongest–especially by those who are less-experienced actors–but for the most part, this is a movie that I can recommend to families.

The indisputable stars of this movie are the animal actors who portray Dally and Spanky. In fact, I wouldn’t have minded the entire movie being about their antics and friendship. I have never seen anything like this, and had I know this was a real internet sensation, it would have captured my imagination too.

The two half-sisters were portrayed acceptably, in my opinion. I really didn’t know Brenna or Reylynn all that well, and it’s clear that they are still finding themselves artistically. As the movie went on, their bond became stronger, and I found them more in-tune with each other.

Stand-out acting from Trace Adkins! Is there any end to this man’s talent! It was a shame he didn’t figure more significantly into the overall movie. He has the entire country music singer angle down pat, but he gives a fantastic performance as the somewhat wayward father of Addy. Maybe because part of the character he is portraying is one with whom he can identify. He has had his shares of hard knocks throughout his life, including addictions and a near-death experience.

I can’t say anything negative about Elaine Hendrix and Denise Richards. They gave their usual stellar performances, and I was impressed with their respective characterizations. In fact, Timothy Hornor, who played Elaine’s husband, was pretty impressive in his role too. I was unfamiliar with him, but I hope to see more of him in the future.

One thing that impressed me above all else was the ending. Perhaps since this was based on a true story, the writer may have chosen to buck the usual “happily-ever-after” plot for something a bit more realistic. I seriously applauded when I realized what direction the movie was headed, and I bet you will too!

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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.

1 Comment

  1. Fred September 20, 2019 Reply

    I hadn’t heard of this movie but you make think they will love it! We have an old mini of our own that is my youngest’s daughter’s best friend. Thank you for the review!

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