How To Protect Our Skin From Blue Light

By Ruth on August 26, 2018 in health

Just like pollution, blue light can pose a daily threat to your skin and eyes. Most people know that the sun contains visible rays and invisible ultraviolet rays. However, what most people don’t know is that the visible light emitted by the sun can contain several different colored rays. You could find anything from a red ray to an orange ray, yellow ray, or even a blue ray. Each colored ray is going to pose a different threat to your skin, with blue being one of the most harmful. Unfortunately, another thing that most individuals don’t know is that indoor lighting sources, like LED fluorescent lights and TV, computer, tablets, and smartphone screens can give off this same blue spectrum of light.

So, how can you protect your skin from these threats, when you are exposed to them on a daily basis?

Limit Your Exposure

Of course, it might be easier said than done, but the best way to protect your skin from blue light is by limiting your exposure. After all, technology can be harmful to your skin. How can you do this is you are required to spend eight hours in front of the computer? Well, there are specialized screens available for tablets, computers, and smartphones. These devices can be easily and quickly inserted over the screen to limit the amount of blue spectrum that you are exposed to. At the end of the day, you really need to just try to separate yourself from your device as much as possible.

Adjust Your Settings

Most people know that their phones, TVs, and tablets come with color and brightness adjustments. However, most people never really tinker with these settings, but they could really save your skin some damage. Accessing the settings and manually adjusting the color and brightness levels can go a long way to adding the right amount of protection that you need from the damaged caused by blue spectrum rays.

Keep Ambient Lights On

Did you know that blue increases when the ambient light is low? This means if you are playing your computer, using your phone, or watching TV in the dark, you are exposing yourself to more harmful blue light rays. This is why you should always try to leave the overhead light on when you are working in dark ambient conditions.

Bump Up Your Nutrition

A good diet can provide a variety of health benefits, including protection that you need to help guard your skin against blue light damage. Fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants will be an excellent source of protection. Grapes, blueberries, nuts, and dark green veggies are just amongst a few of these rich antioxidant foods that you should be including in your daily diet.

Facial Lymphatic Massage

Free radicals just like blue light can do a lot of damage to the body. And, there really is no better release for this type of damage than a facial massage. The body disposes of free radicals by utilizing the lymphatic system. When the lymphatic system is backed up or not working efficiently, it almost creates something similar to a traffic jam. Basically meaning that your body and cells are going to be exposed to the harmful effects of these free radicals for longer periods of time. A lymphatic massage can help the drainage process and speed up the removal of these unwanted free radicals.

Utilize A Good Facial Cream

You have probably heard about people utilizing moisturizers and facial creams, but scoffed at the thought. Well, when you truly discover the benefits of a good facial cream, you’ll probably want to jump right on board. Not only can these products act like an antioxidant, but also they can potentially repair the damage that has already been done to the skin. If you look hard enough, you will even find that there are some facial creams that were specifically designed with the intention of providing protection against blue light damage.

Clear skin is something that everyone desires. Getting clean skin could be much easier than you might imagine.

Take Advantage Of Vitamin C

Scientists and nutritionists have been stressing the importance of vitamin C for years. However, there are still lots of people that are unaware of just what it can actually do for the skin. Not only will it provide the protection that you need from blue light, but also it can enhance your complexion, even out the skin tone, and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. There are a variety of foods like oranges and orange juice that contains a high content of vitamin C. There are also vitamin C supplements that you can take advantage of. You can even invest in a facial cream with vitamin C and apply it to your skin on a regular basis.

White Birch Extract

White Birch extract is an extract that comes from the bark of a Betula Alba Tree and it can provide anyone with a variety of skin benefits. Applying this substance on a daily basis will not only give you the ability to utilize your electronic devices without the worry of blue light exposure, but it can enhance the overall beauty of your skin. It contains properties that will improve your skin tone, texture, clarity, it will even out the skin, giving it a more natural appearance. It can also stimulate the collagen production in the body as well.

The Power Of Lutein

Lutein is another powerful antioxidant that is present in a variety of sunscreens and facial products currently available on the market. This powerful ingredient really is a star on its own, as it has the abilities to create a barrier of protection around the skin. This protective barrier will stop blue light, before it is able to penetrate the skin and do any damage. In addition to this, it can also provide the much-needed protection against other outside atmospheric pollutants, like carbon particles, heavy metals, and chemical pollutants.

Utilizing Omega Fatty Acids

Omega fatty acids, like the ones found in fish oil, are highly known for their nutritional benefits. This is why more and more people are including them in their daily diet regimens. However, until as of recently the benefits that these acids can have on the skin has been virtually unheard of. In fact, it has been discovered that omega fatty acids are the essential building block for the skin’s surface layers. These acids will not only strengthen your skin, but they can give you a younger and healthier complexion, increase the hydration of the skin, deliver antioxidants, eliminate flaking, and eliminate the signs of stressors.

There are a variety of foods like milk, orange juice, eggs, margarine, and yogurt that contain omega fatty acids. There are also several skin products and oils that contain this powerful ingredient.

Cocoa Powder

Cocoa powder contains properties that are capable of protecting the skin from damage caused by blue light. This substance derives from the cocoa bean. In some cases, non-fermented cocoa beans are utilized for this purpose. In other cases, the cocoa bean will be fermented for a very short period of time, three days or less.

The bioactive phytochemicals found in cocoa beans have shown to modify the pathogeneses of several types of diseases. According to a report published on the NCBI website in May 2016, cocoa powder decreases skin wrinkling caused by UVB exposure. It does this by regulating the genes that are responsible for dermal matrix maintenance and production.

According to the report, cocoa powder administered orally may protect the skin from UVB damage – wrinkling – by preventing the breakdown of the dermal matrix. To receive the maximum benefits of cocoa powder, it is best to stick with organic. Organic cocoa powder contains more antioxidants than non-organic cocoa powder. These compounds are known for their ability to inhibit oxidation, which produces free radicals that cause damage to human cells. Inhibiting oxidation could reduce the harmful effects caused by blue light exposure.

Caesalpinia Spinosa Tannins

Caesalpinia Spinosa tannins contain properties that are capable of protecting the skin from blue light damage. This substance also contains a high content of antioxidants, which have the ability to inhibit oxidation, resulting in healthier, younger looking skin. If you are accustomed to spending long hours in front of a computer or cell phone, you could definitely benefit from skin care products that contain Caesalpinia Spinosa tannins.

To enhance these capabilities, some manufacturers are combining Caesalpinia Spinosa tannins with sunflower sprout extract. This combination helps protect the skin while supporting the health of mitochondria found in human skin cells. In addition to this, these substances work together to prevent skin aging and loss of skin density caused by blue light and ultraviolet rays.

Fortunately, there are a variety of skin care products available on the market with Caesalpinia spinosa tannins. However, it may be difficult to find these products with both sunflowers sprout extract and Caesalpinia Spinosa tannins. In this case, you can add sunflower sprout extract to any skin cream that contains Caesalpinia Spinosa tannins to receive the maximum benefits.

To learn more about the harmful effects of blue light and health benefits of Caesalpinia spinosa tannins and sunflower sprout extract click here

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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Denise Low August 31, 2018 Reply

    Thank you for sharing.I had never thought about blue lights harming your skin.

  2. Sarah L August 29, 2018 Reply

    Very interesting article. I’ll remember to keep the light on in the room when I’m on the computer. And drink more cocoa.

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