Interview With Actor Mike Dopud

By Ruth on April 24, 2018 in Interview, movie, television

Although I first discovered Mike Dopud through his influential role in Hallmark’s original series Cedar Cove, Mike’s career has continued to touch a wide variety of genres on several networks. While he often plays the villain or the misunderstood bad guy, Mike himself is an unpretentious, pragmatic family man who loves his chosen profession, but consistently makes the time to place his family as his top priority. Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with him again in anticipation of his upcoming role in season five of  CW’s The 100.

RH: Mike, so nice to speak with you again! I know that you’ve been pretty busy since we last spoke.

MD: Thanks, Ruth. And yes, I have been pretty busy. And because it’s such a crazy industry, unless you’re working every day, sometimes it doesn’t feel like you’re working. Does that make any sense?

Yeah, it does.

You go on a streak for working, and then all of a sudden, you won’t work for weeks. And then you’re like, “Oh my gosh, I have to get back to work!” But things have been good, so I can’t complain.

I remember a while back, last season I think, you were on an episode of Lethal Weapon. In fact, I think both you and Brooke Nevin were on that episode.

Yes, we were both in the episode, but I didn’t have the chance to see her or work with her.

True, but I know your character wasn’t very nice.

No, I know. I tend to play lots of those characters. But somebody’s gotta play the bad guy sometimes, you know?

Yeah, and sometimes you get typecast in those roles, but I guess that means you are able to play them well and play them convincingly. 

They are fun parts to play. Like with Lethal Weapon or other roles, you don’t end up actually doing a lot of bad things. They talk about what bad things your character has done, but then the rest of the scenes, you aren’t really shown doing those things. I’m always a little careful, obviously with having kids, I worry sometimes about the parts that I play. But now my son is getting older, and he says, “Dad, it’s cool to play the bad guy.”

I understand that. My daughter is fourteen, and she doesn’t mind seeing the characters on TV or in movies that go out and do bad things. 

Yeah, before, my son would always say, “Dad, why do you always play these bad guys?” And now it’s like, “Oh, I like that one. That’s one’s cool!” In fact, my son is in a film academy now, so he gets it. He understands that you get to use weapons in these roles, and it’s like playing GI Joe, as they say. Suddenly, you’re transported back to being a kid, and it’s still fun. Recently, I was doing some night shoots for a project, and I was getting to play with weapons and do all this stuff. We were laughing about it during that night shoot because, after a while, I just had a big smile on my face. I’m hunting these imaginary creatures; it’s hilarious. It’s honestly pretty fun and I really enjoy getting to do it.

You’ve been on Arrow and you’ve been on iZombie. I know both of these were recurring roles. In fact, you’ve been on Arrow quite a few times. Are you able to say whether your character comes back to either of these shows?

Well, I won’t be coming back because in either show because the character I was playing died. You know, that’s the only thing about being the bad guy. You usually sign up to do a three-episode arc or whatever, and you know there’s a point when your character is bound to succumb to something that will cause him to meet an untimely death.

That is unless you happen to be in Supernatural where they always seem to bring the dead people back. 

Yes, that’s right, I’ve heard about that. And like they say, with sci-fi, you’re never really dead in any of those shows whether it’s a comic book show or sci-fi show. You’re never a hundred percent dead.

I know you do have some things coming up or that have recently aired. But, of course, I can’t watch Caught that aired on CBC. I noticed you were tweeting about that as was Lochlyn Munro and some other Canadian actors I follow. That’s always the problem with being in the U.S.

Yes, I do know about that with these Canadian shows. In fact, I don’t think you can even watch the show online.

No, you can’t. If you try, they say it’s not available in your country. But I know these shows usually make their way to the U.S eventually.

And I think that’s what’s gonna happen with Caught. I think it airs in Europe after here, and then after so many months, it will be released so it can air in the U.S.

That’s good to know. I did some research on it, and it sounds like a great little series.

Oh yes, absolutely. It’s such a fun ride and so many great people attached to it. And then it’s a throwback to the 70’s. The wardrobe, the cars, and the settings. It’s pretty amazing to look back. And just the attitudes of people, how it was different back then. So yes, I was absolutely blessed to go back there and do this series.

Is this a series that will just run for this one season, or is it something they’re hoping to bring back?

I know there’s talk about a season two.

Oh, that’s good. I wasn’t sure since it’s listed as a mini-series, but since there’s talk about it, you can always hope. 


I’ve been doing this long enough that you just don’t hold your breath, and hopefully, it comes back. None of us are on options or anything, so you never know. Some actors may get booked on other shows, and this one may get rewritten and they could have a whole different journey. You just never know. I know it’s received favorable reviews, which is great, especially with some of the top Canadian media outlets like The Globe and Mail and such, which tend to be tough on Canadian shows. But they seem to enjoy it, so that was great. So we’ll see. But I would definitely go back if they want me back.

Now, this TV series called Power, I’m afraid I’ve never heard of it. I’m afraid I don’t even know what network that airs on. 

It airs on Starz.


Okay, that’s why. It’s a premium channel I don’t get. 

So that series is going to premiere its fifth season this summer in July. And they recently got renewed for the sixth season.

So you have a recurring role on this series.

Yes, that is correct. Power is a darker show basically about relationships, but it deals with the underworld, drugs and drug dealers. But having said that, it’s well-written, and I’m proud to be a part of this show as well.

I may have to look that one up and see if I can see past seasons. It seems like I’m always looking up new series and finding ones I’ve never heard of. I know there’s so much out there, and I miss a lot of things.


Oh yes, exactly, especially with all the cable networks now, there are so many shows out there. So many good ones. Which is great for the viewers, but it’s so hard to be on top of it anymore.

I know you were on The X-Files as well.  I believe that aired back in January. 

Yes, it was the first episode of season eleven. I play this driver, and it’s kind of one of those instances where he’s basically a killer and he’s trying to track down Scully. He manages to find her. But it’s a role where he doesn’t speak; he’s just a killer. I had a talk with Chris Carter and they were evidently thinking about me for another role, but I couldn’t do that role because I had conflicts with other projects. I happened to have a two-week window, and they asked if that would work out and if I’d be willing to do this role. And for me to have the opportunity to work with Chris Carter was something I really wanted to do. I had worked briefly with them before way back in season two or three like around twelve years ago. But he is definitely an interesting person, and I wanted to work with him. So when the opportunity came up, I took it. And that’s where my stunts background sometimes comes into play. I had to do a lot of driving. And in a sense, it’s a pivotal role ’cause you don’t know who this guy is. And sometimes with no dialogue, it is a little more difficult to convey what you’re trying to do. The driving stuff and the action part of it is something that I’ve done my whole career. Sometimes timing is everything. So at least I got to be back on The X-Files again.

I’ve heard different things about The X-Files. Sometimes I hear it’s coming back, and sometimes I hear it’s not.

I really don’t know. Who knows? Things change sometimes. The network ratings aren’t exactly what they wanted. Sometimes new people get hired on in the upper echelon of the company and maybe they don’t like the show or they do…there’s so many considerations and issues. It amazes me how shows actually stay on. You need so many things to line up in order for it to work out.

In addition to all this, I believe you have other things that are coming up.

I’ve been working on a couple of things, but I can’t really talk about all of them. There are a couple things I can mention. I am in Deadpool 2. But I can’t say what character. That movie was exciting and a lot of fun. I’m also on The 100. In fact, that premieres April 25th on the CW.

Oh, that’s right! You tweeted about that. That is such a big show that I’m still trying to catch up on. I know so many people who have been on that show. 

I am so glad it worked out for me to be a part of this show. I had wanted to be a part of the show for a while, and now I am.

I know with The 100, it’s always about how long your character might be a part of the show. Fans tend to get really upset when their favorite character gets killed off.

It’s one of those shows where every time you read the script, you’re always looking ahead to see if your character is still alive at the end. And that is something that happens with me all the time because some of the characters I play on shows, their shelf life isn’t that long. And it’s not always discussed. Sometimes you sign a deal, and you have no idea how long your character will be around. Playing these “bad characters,” that’s part of what you sign up for. But again, they’re so much fun to play, and there’s so much more of a range with these characters. It’s all make-believe, but it’s all these different characters that you get to portray, and that makes it fun. Sometimes the hero isn’t as fun to play, but as an actor, I just love every role I’m blessed to play. I like to get all sorts of different roles and try to figure out what makes each of them tick.

I know you can’t tell us how many episodes you’ll be on of The 100, but what can you tell us?

While I can’t say much about my role, I am billed as the new villain, Vinson. He was one of the prisoners on the ship that landed in the season four finale. He seems to be pretty smart and good at first, but I believe that he is described as a “ruthless serial killer.” We’ll see what the fans think of him. But he is just the kind of part I enjoy playing.

I know you’ve mentioned how your son has taken somewhat of an interest in your career. I know he’s gone to set with you, so is this something you could see him pursuing?

Mike and kids

I know it’s something he’s interested in. I know he really wants to be a pilot, but he’s only thirteen. I know things change. I think his passion is to be a pilot; I think he wants to be a fighter pilot. Which is actually extinct; I’m not sure where he got that from. But in the same depth, he’s starting to enjoy the film world. He’s doing a film academy right now. He’s really enjoying that as well, and he’s got a great knack for it. I think he’d make a great director as well. He’s got a great ability for telling stories. Ever since he was a kid, I would watch the way he plays with his cars and his toys. He always would lay down at these different angles and really get into the story of these characters. So that might be where he’s headed. More than he realizes it even.

Well, you never know. He could always end up doing both. I was thinking about him because I always think it’s great when you share about your family. Whether you’re on vacation or doing something together as a family, it’s always nice to see you all enjoying your times together. I think it’s great that even though you have a job that often takes you away from them, you do make time to spend with them. 

Thank you, Ruth, that’s nice of you to say. They’re my family. They’re number one on my list. And I enjoy them! {laughs} We enjoy each other. I mean, I hope they like me. I think they like me. We have a blast and take trips together. And every once in a while, I share some stuff online. It’s interesting to me, and I love watching the world through their eyes. It’s fun for me.

I think the fans enjoy seeing you with your family because it makes you seem like a real person, not just an actor. We can see that you have a life outside of acting. Sometimes people think that actors have a glamorous life and they don’t have normal lives. 

That’s right that some fans see actors that way. But with all the guys I know, everybody’s a family guy, a normal guy…we’re people. We’re not high-profile career actors. Which is great. That has some negative drawbacks of course, but for the most part, you focus on the good and everything will be fine. I love my fans. I’ve been very fortunate to have some great people around, and they seem to like my work. It resonates with them, and I’m lucky about that. I love what I do, and if people enjoy it, it’s so much better for me.

I think you’ve been able to create a great career, Mike. You’ve got some fantastic credits, a wonderful family, and on top of that, you’re a pretty nice guy. 

Aw, thank you, Ruth, that’s sweet. I’m working, and that’s all I want to be able to do. I want to be able to work doing something I love. Acting is something I love. I’m happy when I’m on set. And my wife will probably say that if I don’t work for a while, that it’s time for me to get a job! {laughs} I need to work ’cause I’m a driven person. But I also love being around my family. So I have to find that happy medium. Honestly, I am so involved with my kids’ lives. When I can, I coach them in sports, and when I’m not working, I try to take them to school so that my wife can have some time to herself. It’s been a busy time.

I’m so glad it worked out to chat with you today, Mike.

Me too, Ruth. Thank you for all your support and the support of all my fans. I really appreciate it. And I’ll be very interested to see what the fans think of my character in The 100. I hope everyone will be watching.

Mike & Wife

I believe the thing I appreciate most about Mike is that he is a rather unassuming fellow with whom you can have a regular conversation about practically anything, and if you were not aware of his acting career, you probably wouldn’t even realize all the movies and shows in which he has had the privilege of being involved. He is particularly passionate about his career, but he keeps it in proper focus with his family and personal life. He doesn’t draw undue attention to himself, and fan interactions with Mike are accessible and enjoyable. For him, it is not about being “rich and famous” or even being a household name. His sincere desire is to have the opportunity to pursue a career that drives his spirit and supports his family in the process. There is nothing better for him than being on set unless it is lounging at home relishing the family that he cherishes with every ounce of his being. Mike is a decidedly exceptional commodity in a business and a society that is often egocentric and acquisitive. Mike strives to infuse profound, troubled characters with comprehensive attributes and backstories, and even though his specialty is “bad guys,” Mike is one of the most affable people one could ever wish to meet in real life.

I hope that viewers tune in tonight (April 25th) to the CW to watch the season five premiere of The 100 as we wait and watch for the arrival of Mike’s villainous character. While we have no idea how many episodes in which Vinson will appear, I have no doubt this character will be as well-developed and as astounding as every role which Mike is privileged to play. Furthermore, I encourage my readers to check out all of Mike’s links below and follow him on social media (he does post a diverse assortment of pictures on Instagram for his fans’ benefit). While we regularly see him as a scoundrel, as far as rogues go, Mike always captures the role impeccably and with such finesse that I believe we can be assured that Mike is going to continue to be a decisive force in this business for many years to come. Moreover, I am considerably eager to see what the future holds for him, as well as his undeniably gifted son!











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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.

1 Comment

  1. denise April 24, 2018 Reply

    great interview

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