Vancouver Reflections Part 1–Friday

By Ruth on November 17, 2016 in Personal

cliff harting again

Well, if you haven’t noticed, I did come back from Vancouver, BC. I left on Friday, November 11, to begin my marvelous experience, and I returned on Monday, November 14, to my Washington state home. I knew that this was going to be a life-changing encounter, but I can easily say that my dreams, hopes, and expectations were considerably exceeded. Many (including my mother) suggested that putting down my thoughts about my adventures may be an outstanding way of preserving and sharing the auspicious happenings. So, don’t think of this as a travelogue. While I will relate to you a variety of things that happened while in Vancouver, this is going to be more about my thoughts, feelings, hopes, and aspirations, and specifically, what God accomplished within me.

On Friday morning, I awoke to the alarm clock at about 3 A.M. I hadn’t slept long. In fact, I remember how I was attempting to get everything set out ahead of time, and as I tried to sleep, more often than not, I found myself awake and popping out of bed to get this or that. It was very simple to get up, however. I knew where I was headed. I had to be at the airport by no later than 5 A.M. And this was going to be a special day.

As I prepared for my day, it was so pleasant to luxuriate in the knowledge that I was meeting a dear friend who didn’t care if I had the most fashionable set of clothes or the perfect make-up or hairstyle. But I was committed to wearing my contacts–vanity, I know. There’s something about not wanting to make a first impression with my glasses. I mean, I know I look fine, but…and furthermore, I still see better with my contacts than my glasses any day. And somehow, I was able to get my eyes to accept those contacts at 3:15 A.M. That must have been a “God” thing.

We had no trouble getting to the airport. I remember reflecting on friends I had lost over the past two years due to my friendship with Sebastian Spence and others. But now that seemed such a miniscule price to pay for the undertaking upon which I was about to embark. I was confident of the fact that the next few days would be the beginning of a new era in my life, and if people chose not to align themselves with where I was now and soon would be, that was their choice.

I remember how I felt as I began to walk down the ramp to our plane. It was one of those small commuter planes, and so we had quite a distance to walk as we headed outside into the semi-frigid morning. I kept telling myself to breathe as the excitement was intensifying. I could not keep from smiling although I had consumed some of the worst coffee ever at the airport and it was only about 7 A.M. I was on an adrenaline high that was possibly going to last for the duration of my trip.

I got into that plane, and I found myself chatting briefly with some nice people, but once we took off, all I could think of was, well, meeting Sebastian. After all, we had been friends for over two years. We had only ever spoken once, and now we were going to meet at an airport for the first time. I wasn’t nervous or worried. I wasn’t “freaking out” like a fangirl or anything like that. No, I was merely thrilled to meet this friend who knew me better than I know myself.

Over the time we have known each other, Sebastian and I had buttressed each other in amazing ways. I supported his acting, and he supported my writing. Whenever I had a question or an issue, especially an industry-related one, he was the one I would run to. Many a time, his messages calmed me when I wrote a review that I felt was substandard or an interviewee or fan had reprimanded me or misunderstood my intentions.  Many a time, I was there to console him when he was low on confidence due to the nature of the business or he had three auditions in one day, and he needed my good wishes. Without a doubt, we were always there for each other, and we saw each other through the eyes of mutual friendship.

Now, I would never say that we don’t have faults. My goodness, I am first to say that I’m verbose, too hard on myself, a recovering perfectionist, an overthinker, one who leaps to hasty conclusions, and one who often jettisons the entirety of my thoughts on one who is not ready for it (oh, poor Sebastian–I say that seriously. He got stuck with a truly bizarre and sometimes overbearing friend in me.) But I have my good points too, right? I’m positive, an exceptional writer, a good mother, a kind person who would do anything for anyone, and a planner. Oh, and if I say I’m going to do it, I always do it or perish trying.

The extraordinary thing about Sebastian is that he inspires me to be the best that I can be as a person. Yes, indeed. He is aware of my inadequacies, and he is always compassionate in relation to those. On more than one occasion, he has restored my sanity. And oftentimes, just scribbling a message to him about my thoughts–jumbled though they may be–helps to calm the negativity that swirls around my brain at the speed of a category five tornado. He never criticizes me; he only comforts. He always corrects me in love, and there is no doubt that he does the best he can to keep from hurting my feelings at all costs. (I realize I’m not talking about his imperfections, but in truth, those are not mine to mention. I’m not blind–he has them. But another thing I won’t do is knowingly betray a friendship.)

Upon my arrival in Vancouver, customs went fairly smoothly. I knew where Sebastian and I were to meet, and I hadn’t expected him before 8:30 A.M. Well, he arrived at the perfect time, and he gave me specific directions to where he would be. I got a little bit confused as I overthought the directions, but just at that moment, I saw him waving me down. And so with my heart beating wildly with anticipation, I walked towards this friend who has become so very dear to me.

Some may wonder, as did I, did I recognize him? Did he recognize me? The answer to both is in the affirmative. Was it awkward meeting him? Absolutely not. As he will say, it is though we had known each other for years, and we had no trouble whatsoever spending some time together on that first day. Nothing seemed foreign to me at all. He was exactly as I thought he was (though much more handsome and mannerly in person).

During that first day, the thing that most amazed me was his ability to carry the conversation. Remember, I had only spoken with him once, and that was when he first surprised me with his penchant to ramble and keep the conversation going. Now, that may not seem like much, but for me, it is. In past friendships, I was always the one who had to keep the conversation going. Or, the person would be so self-absorbed that I would never get a word in. Neither of these things are true with Sebastian. On the contrary, he has the ability to talk when he is at ease with a person, and yet he listens more than sufficiently, too.

Now the thought comes to mind–is it just me? I sometimes wonder because most actors I interview have no problem opening up to me. It’s always something at which I marvel. As I often explain to others, I was always the one who was the proverbial wallflower who kept to herself and rarely took the initiative for conversation. Practically every friend I have ever had has reached out to me first. Although I could talk like crazy to myself or maybe on occasion, to other friends, I would rather pick up a book and read or pick up a pencil and write. It’s why I can hardly believe that I relish interviewing as much as I do.

Seeing Sebastian in his organic environment (Vancouver) was a genuine treat for me. Not only that, the man is a true gentleman. I remember remarking early on that he struck me as one who had “old world charm,” and in truth, he does. I don’t wish to blather, but I will say I was treated with more respect by a man than I ever have been before. And it is authentic; definitely not fabricated.

The other thing that is just baffling about this first meeting is that he set aside other things to come and meet me. Now, maybe that doesn’t amaze some people, but it does me. I know about actors and their schedules, and it is often difficult to plan things. But he made it very clear that meeting me was the priority, even if he had to leave early to go take care of business. Of course, he did not leave until I had checked into my hotel room. And with a hope and a promise to see me later on, he departed.

Now, if there’s one thing I’ve learned about this friend of mine (as well as many, many actors) is that he does his best to follow through with what he says he will do. I had hoped to see him later on Friday, but I also knew that the nature of the business would probably keep him away. So when I discovered a bit later on that he would not be returning on Friday, I understood completely. After all, he had given up several hours of his time already for me, and so I was hopeful for more time Saturday and Sunday.


As the afternoon was looming before me, I contacted Lini Evans, another actress who expressed the interest in meeting me. We planned for a late lunch, and she was lovely from the outset. I got a rather grand tour of the city, even though she was disappointed that the restaurant she wanted to take me to was being renovated. So after a long drive in Stanley Park (I was told by several I needed to go there anyway), we ended up at a charming restaurant, and we had fantastic conversation.  We lunched on the waterfront at a place called Cardero’s, and we had some of the best salmon chowder I had ever tasted.

While I had a mellow, quiet evening, I spent a good share of my time chatting with a friend on the phone about my copious adventures of the day. I thoroughly enjoyed not having a television set to watch. And it was so much fun to detail my day to a caring friend who only wanted the best for me.

As I turned in that evening, I can only say that I went to sleep with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. Saturday was about to be one of the biggest days of my professional life, and I could hardly wait for my next adventure to start. My final thought was, “I hope I get to see Sebastian tomorrow at some point.” But I also knew that if I didn’t, I had already had one of the best days of my entire life. Meeting him had been a dream come true, and I had only dared to hope that I might see him Friday and maybe Sunday if I were lucky. But thinking about seeing him some time on Saturday–that gave me the most wonderfully sweet night of sleep. And so ended day one in Vancouver BC.

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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Mindi Eden November 23, 2016 Reply

    This is so informative! I have always wanted to travel to Vancouver & this just confirms my desire!

    • Author
      Ruth November 23, 2016 Reply

      Mindi well I’m so glad I could help.

  2. Tammy Holmes November 17, 2016 Reply

    I’m really stoked that you got to meet Spence that must have been a really awesome experience for you. I’m proud of you and the strides you have made with your writing gigs. You better keep pushing never stop reaching and if your friends can’t be happy for you then they can just keep it movin you don’t have time for nagative vibes. Keep Slaying and Congratulations on meeting Spence 🙂

    • Author
      Ruth November 17, 2016 Reply

      Thank you, Tammy. Indeed I am doing just that. I’ve learned so much and I will never stop pursuing my friends.

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