Interview With Actress Jen Lilley, “Winter Love Story”

By Ruth on January 18, 2019 in Interview, movie, television

A couple of years ago, I first discovered the phenomenally-talented Jen Lilley, and since that time, I have had the opportunity to interview her more than once. In my last two interviews with her (posted here and here), we discussed an extensive array of topics, and I was ecstatic to be able to speak with Jen yet again in anticipation of her first ever Winterfest movie, Winter Love Story. She was gracious enough to squeeze me into her frenetic schedule, and I am honored to share this effervescent, pragmatic, talented woman with my readers today!

Jen Lilley Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Shane Mahood

RH: Jen, it is great to get to chat with you again, and I’m so glad you have another Hallmark movie coming up so soon! It was such a nice surprise to find that out at Christmas.

JL: Thank you for reaching out, Ruth, and yes, I am so excited to share this movie with the fans.

Jen Lilley,Brant Daugherty Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Pooya Nabei

I really loved Mingle All the Way this past season. In fact, before I saw it, I got to meet Casey Manderson, and he had nothing but great things to say about you. 

I was just about to say the same thing about him. Casey Manderson is one of my favorite people. I absolutely hope I get to work with him again and soon!

with Casey Manderson

And I know that he feels exactly the same way about you. Now, was Mingle All the Way your first time executive producing?

No, it actually wasn’t my first time executive producing. It was my first time executive producing specifically on a movie that had been commissioned by Hallmark from the get-go. Yes, I Do, with Marcus Rosner, I also executive produced on that one. However, that was produced by Tim Johnson and then sold to Hallmark. So in that case, when we were making the film, though we hoped it would be Hallmark, we weren’t certain it was Hallmark until after the fact. But with Mingle All the Way, it was Hallmark from the very beginning.

Jen Lilley Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Shane Mahood

Okay, thanks, Jen, that clarifies it for me. Now, we are all so excited to see you in your first Winterfest film this Saturday, Winter Love Story.

I am so excited to be in my first Winterfest film as well.

In fact, I met your co-star, Kevin McGarry before he made this movie with you. And I just interviewed him so I’ll be posting that soon as well. 

Jen Lilley, Kevin McGarry Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Shane Mahood

Nice. Kevin’s super great.

So without revealing too much, what can you tell us about your character and the story?

My character, Cassie Winslett, is the daughter of a very famous, award-winning, best-selling author, played by Mary-Margaret Humes. I actually did my very first movie in Los Angeles with her eleven years ago. So it was fun to reunite with her; she plays my mom.

Jen Lilley, Kevin McGarry Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Shane Mahood

Because Cassie’s mother is so famous and Cassie has a lot of integrity, she does not want to ride on her mother’s coattails. She wants to make her own way. Obviously, that’s extremely difficult for anyone to do…just to arrive on the scene in any capacity, whether it’s singing, acting, writing a book. You really do need to leverage all the publicity that you can get. So Cassie’s publisher tells her that she needs to do a book tour with Elliot Somersby, who is played by Kevin McGarry.

Jen Lillry, KevinMcGarryy Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Shane Mahood

And obviously, Elliot Somersby is a New York Times best-selling author, but he’s also extremely pretentious, which doesn’t make Cassie very happy as you can imagine. But if she doesn’t go on this book tour with Elliot, then she will lose her publishing deal because she’s not willing to leverage her mother’s name in order to get ahead. So her only other option is doing this book tour.  Of course, Cassie goes on this book tour, and she discovers a lot about herself. She realizes that maybe she judged a book by its cover, so to speak, with Elliot.

Now, where did you film this movie?

In a little town called Sudbury way deep in Ontario.

Jen Lilley, Kevin McGarry Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Shane Mahood

Did you get to see a lot of winter weather up there?

Every single scene you’ll see winter weather, at least to my knowledge. {laughs} If you can see a window, you can see winter weather. It was very real; we did not have to use any artificial snow during the making of this movie. It is authentic! {laughs} It was constantly snowing snow!

That’s great. I kind of figured that since that is usually how they plan these Winterfest films. The unique thing I notice about this film is that it is actually Kevin’s second Winterfest film this month. 

Jen Lilley Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Shane Mahood

I know! How on earth did he get that deal?! I want to do two Christmas movies this year! I didn’t even know actors were allowed to do two! And he did two Winterfest movies. So while it seems a little strange in one sense, I say, “Good for him!” I think it is a fair tribute to the fact that he is such a fine actor. He is such a nice guy, and he is very professional. So I don’t blame Hallmark for doing that, even if it seems highly unusual. And I did sort of envy him in every way, though he totally deserved it. I just want to know how I can get that gig too!

I can honestly imagine that. So with this being your first Winterfest film, I think you’ve now covered almost every season on Hallmark.

I haven’t done a Spring Fling movie yet. So other than that, I think I’ve covered the seasons. I mean, unless they decide to a St. Patrick’s one some time. {laughs}

Jen Lilley, Kevin McGarry Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Shane Mahood

Well, you never know. They could always choose to go that route sometime in the future.

But back to Winter Love Story, this one was very fun for me, and in this one, I have long hair. And oh, it was a lot of hair! I had permanent extensions that I put in, but they have since been taken out. So I look a little different in this one. And it was my first movie produced by Hallmark legends Amy Krell and Brad Krevoy. I was very happy to finally work with them. I really enjoy their work, so it was really an honor to work with them.

Before chatting with you, I was already looking forward to seeing this movie, and now I’m looking forward to it even more. So is there any singing in this movie by any chance?

No, in this particular movie, I am not singing nor was my music used in the soundtrack.

Jen Lilley, Brant Daugherty Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Bettina Strauss

Well, at least we got to hear some of your Christmas music in Mingle All the Way

Yes, that was some of my old music.

Oh, I know, but when I heard the song, I was like, “Oh, I have that CD! I know that music!”

Oh, that’s so sweet.

Speaking of music, I believe you have released two singles from your upcoming album.

Yes, I have released “King of Hearts,” which came out in October and helped raise money for John, an eleven-year-old boy who lives in Uganda and needed a heart transplant surgery, but his family couldn’t afford it. He recently had his surgery, and I am so happy my song was able to help John in this way.

Then I released what’s called in the music industry a “soft release” of a song called “Last Goodbye.” And all that means is that I didn’t promote it like I did “King of Hearts.” It’s basically a bonus track, so that when someone goes and listens to “King of Hearts,” and they’re anticipating my album, they can find something else to listen to. While my Christmas music is great and a lot of fun to listen to, it is not a good sampling of the type of music that will appear on my album. So “Last Goodbye” will give them more of a through-line flavor of my album.

When does your album officially come out?

I’m not one hundred percent sure of the exact date, but is it due to be out next month, February 2019. So here’s hoping that it happens as scheduled. But I can say my album will definitely be released in 2019.

So is there anything else upcoming that you can mention?

No, nothing specific. I know I’ll be doing more Hallmark in 2019. I have been told that, but I just don’t know what it will be exactly.

And you are still a wonderful advocate for foster children. I see that regularly on your social media accounts, and it is so lovely to see that. And I believe the adoption of your son is getting closer, right?

While we do not have a set court date right now, our son is no longer in the foster system. He is in adoptive care, and we are his adoptive parents. It’s kind of like being engaged. It’s not one hundred percent official as of yet. It’s like having the marriage license, but not being married yet. So that’s where we are. There’s definitely a lot of good things happening in that area.

At least it’s another positive step in the right direction. So is there anything else you want to be sure to mention?

Well, we could mention the TCA’s. I can’t announce when that will happen, but don’t despair. They are going to be happening soon, but for some reason winter TCA’s are later this year industry-wide. And for anyone who doesn’t know about the TCA’s, that’s the big Hallmark party for all the actors, directors, producers, and members of the press. And that is where we will hear more about upcoming programming on Hallmark because the network will be making lots of announcements.

I always love the TCA’s, and I will definitely be looking forward to them.

And really, TCA’s is also a time when the actors find out what we’re going to be doing for the network. We don’t always hear about it ahead of time either.

Jen Lilley, Kevin McGarry Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Shane Mahood

Now since you have moved more into executive producing, are you looking at doing some of your own writing eventually?

Not at the moment. I have a lot of producer friends as well as several director/writers that I’ve worked with who want to collaborate with me. At this point, however, I have not committed to any of them. It’s a very big undertaking, and I have easily fifteen scripts that people are regularly asking me about. So as a writer, no, not at this time.

But I’m sure we’ll see you doing more executive producing in the near future. 

I absolutely hope so. That is for sure my sincere hope. In fact, I would like to eventually produce movies that I’m not even in. I’m very much a supporter of my fellow actors. I love acting, but if I really believed in a script, I would love to be involved with it even if it’s on a producing-only basis.

Jen, thank you so much again for your time. I know we’re excited for Winter Love Story as well as everything else coming up for you.

Thank you, Ruth, again for reaching out. I hope everyone tunes in and really enjoys the movie this weekend!

Jen Lilley Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Shane Mahood

I don’t think I know of a woman who can multitask quite like Jen, and I mean that as a profoundly sincere compliment. Jen is one of these amazing individuals who seems to be happiest when she is managing several things simultaneously. And even more astounding is the fact that she is able to accomplish her various tasks with abundant joy, extraordinary focus, and utmost professionalism. When I consider everything that she is achieving in this world, I am stupefied by the way in which she consistently demonstrates unconditional love to everyone she possibly can within her extensive sphere of influence. I do believe that Jen is most content and fulfilled when giving of herself with abandon to others, and there is no doubt in my mind that God has bequeathed her with a limitless supply of spirit, drive, and passion. If there is one woman in the industry who is an exceptional steward of the gifts with which her Creator has endowed her, it’s Jen Lilley. While I’m certain there are times she does sleep (she’s a mother, wife, and an actress, after all), it seems as though her boundless love and energy come from her commitment to following the dreams and hopes that God has birthed within her soul, and as long as she remains on the path He has laid out before her, I have no reservation in believing that God will continue to bless her in every aspect of her life, both personally and professionally. To be honest, I see Jen as a beacon of light and a role model that God sometimes uses as a motivator in my own life as I navigate a world to which I wasn’t born and sometimes don’t understand–the entertainment world. I am grateful for those like Jen who invariably demonstrate that being a Christian is not about “talking the talk,” but it’s all about “walking the walk.” I applaud her dedication to her faith, her family, her career, and her aspirations all while not compromising the woman God has called her to be.

It is my sincerest desire that all who are reading this article will make every attempt to tune into the Hallmark Channel Saturday, January 19th for the premiere of Winter Love Story. (I have been unable to locate a Canadian premiere at this time.) Additionally, if you are not following Jen on social media and/or are not signed up for her email newsletter, I invite you to check out her links below and rectify that situation immediately. Although Jen is a woman of faith, she will never judge you nor preach at you. If anything, her posts will fill you with hope, joy, and the impetus to keep on going no matter what you’re experiencing at present. She genuinely cares about all of her fans, and when she is able to, she interacts with those fans on social media. Her positivity is infectious, and her talent is undeniable. I am so glad that Hallmark has chosen to continue their steady partnership with her, and I certainly wouldn’t mind it if she were in two Christmas movies this year, would you?? To be able to support such a marvelous woman like Jen Lilley is one of the reasons I do what I do here on this site, and I praise God for granting me the time, skills, and resources to be able to continue to highlight people just like her. I don’t know what God has in Jen’s future, but I can tell you that I know I want to be a part of her journey for as long as I can, and I hope that all of you will join me in that endeavor!








Jen Lilley, Kevin McGarry Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Shane Mahood

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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.

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