Interview With Actress Sarah Rodgers, “To Avenge”

By Ruth on April 20, 2018 in Interview, movie, television

Just today Nick Belial, director and writer of the upcoming crime/thriller film To Avenge, announced that Sarah Rodgers would be playing the role of Christina in this soon-to-be-filmed feature. While Sarah is still a novice in the realm of professional acting, it is these kinds of actors with whom I take grand delectation in interviewing. While speaking with Sarah recently, I connected with her almost instantaneously, and it was a joy to discuss the many aspects of her life which have brought her to this exciting new opportunity that is about to jumpstart her career in ways that baffle the imagination. And I have the joy and honor today of sharing our chat with the world!

RH: Sarah, it’s so nice to talk with you today. 

SR: Ruth, thank you for being willing to interview me. It means a lot that you would reach out.

I understand that this upcoming role in To Avenge is going to be your first role. 

Yes, my first role with IMDB credit.

So, Sarah, how did you get started in acting?

I’ve always loved the theater and watching movies. I did my first play in middle school and just fell in love with it. Then I did theater throughout high school and into college. I’ve done community theater outside of school and attended an acting school, the Gaiety School of Acting in Dublin, Ireland. I’ve been trying to immerse myself in this art because I love it so much. I feel so alive when I’m acting. It’s a feeling of relief to have this sense of belonging.

As far as my experience, I got to film a role for a webisode, but they never aired it. And that was a little disappointing. I felt like I did a really good job, but I think they had some post-production complications. But I have been blessed that Nick put me into consideration for this role, and I got it.

It’s got to be so hard because you’re trying to get established, and you took the time to film this webisode, and it never aired. Unfortunately, as you know, these kinds of things happen, especially in the world of independent film.

Oh, I know that all too well. This webisode was the first thing outside of student films that I did. I was so excited and told everybody about it, but now, I’ve kind of learned my lesson. It’s better to keep quiet until it’s a sure thing.

So how did you get involved with To Avenge?

Well, I was just searching acting jobs, and I came across the listing for To Avenge. There was a very detailed description for the main female role, and I saw what the movie was about. Originally, I auditioned for the part of Vera, and I was among the final individuals he considered for the role. I know someone special got cast who will be annouced soon, and I know she’s going to be amazing. I understand how my lack of credits did not put me in line for such a big role, and I’m fine with that. But I was so blessed when Nick was still willing to give me a part with face time and lines. I think it is so brave of Nick to make a film about this concept, especially with the “Me Too” movement that has flooded the media and society for the past few months. In the past couple years, this is finally a topic that has been spoken about more openly, but there have been a lot of voices that have been silenced as well. But I think just to have this production out there and really show how sexual assault damages people and ruins their entire lives is amazing. I know this production is going to be really good.

One of the things I have done with Nick is to continue to follow-up with him many times concerning this production and my role. I sometimes worry that maybe I come across as being a little bit annoying, but I’m just very passionate about trying to get in this zone.

Sarah, I can assure you that you are NOT annoying. I think sometimes actors, especially young ones, tend to think that if they keep contacting someone about a project that they might be perceived as annoying or bothering the person. But as I have observed, quite the opposite is true. In today’s world, we get busy and are bombarded with so much on a daily basis, that things might tend to get lost if we don’t stay on top of them. If a director does not want his actors to reach out to him, I would question whether that person has any business being a director. 

I’m glad to hear you say that, Ruth. I only ever want to check on things and clarify things. I am never mean or rude about it. So it’s nice to hear that you think sending a gentle reminder is a good thing. I only ever want to come across as being invested in any project in a positive way.

And the fact that you’re thinking like that shows where your heart is. And in today’s busy society, it’s often up to the actor to be proactive about his/her career. Especially when you don’t have an agent.

That makes good sense, come to think of it. These directors are obviously invested in these films they are doing. These films are like their babies, so they’re going to want people involved with their projects who are going to want to really be in the film.

I see your willingness to contact Nick as an admirable quality because not everyone does it, and sometimes I wish they would. If an actor reaches out to me concerning an interview, I often move it to the top of my list and make it a priority. So as long as you’re doing it in the right way, I think you’re doing the right thing.

Thank you, Ruth, I appreciate that.

Please tell us a little bit about the character you are playing in To Avenge.

I play Vera’s friend, Christina. We see her in the very beginning because she is spending the evening with Vera on the boardwalk at Ocean City. The interactions these two characters have happen before the sexual assault. Christina has just broken up with her boyfriend because he cheated on her, and she’s spending time with Vera to get her mind off it. It’s a girl’s night out. I would say that Christina seems a little bit edgier than Vera as far as attitude is concerned, but she’s still a really sweet girl. Just from reading the script, I can see that the chemistry between Vera and Christina is a long-lasting, fun kind of friendship. They’re the kind of friends who if they didn’t talk for several months or even several years, when they get back together, it’s just like they pick up right where they left off. I am really excited to work with the actress playing Cabrina in this scene. I have a sense that we are going to hit it off well and truly enjoy working together. I’m hoping we’ll be fast friends.

I have no doubt that you will, Sarah. Out of curiosity, have you worked with or met any of the other cast members?

No, I have not met anyone who’s a part of the cast or crew as of yet. I have only met Nick.

Most of the cast is in the same position. A few of them know each other, but most of them have not met yet, but they are just as excited as you to meet and start filming. 

I think Nick’s marketing plan for this film has been fantastic. He’s marketing the cast even before filming has begun. I think he strategically planned this, and I believe it’s really creating some good press and buzz for our film already. It’s great to go into a production that is already being promoted, and promoted so well.

I couldn’t agree more. I’ve never known a director to do this before, and I think Nick should be commended for his strategy. Have you been cast in anything else that is upcoming besides To Avenge?

Unfortunately, no, I have not been able to get cast in anything else as of yet. At least as far as IMDB credits go. I do have auditions that come up here and there. I just auditioned last week for something that would be an IMDB credit, but you have to wait and see who gets the part. It’s so hard waiting sometimes.

It seems like that’s the nature of the business. Waiting is never fun, but it is something you have to do as an actor.

The hardest thing for me is I don’t have any IMDB credits, and I am constantly applying for these jobs and doing auditions, but I don’t always hear back from them. It can be very discouraging, but you’ve got to keep trying. At some point, the right part will come along.

That’s the best attitude to have because even established actors go through this. All too often, people think acting is so easy.

But it’s not. Dry times with little or no work is just a part of the art. But I’m a determined, headstrong individual, and I’m hoping something is gonna come along soon. When the time is right, the right thing will come my way. I’m just trying to be patient between now and then.

Not only is that the right attitude, but is is the only attitude to have in this business. If you start getting depressed or worried about not getting the right job and you become desperate for work…

…it shows!

Yes, and so even though it can be difficult to keep a positive attitude, it’s what you’ve got to do.

Easier said than done.

Do you plan to do any writing in the near future?

Actually, I have my undergrad degree in English with Teaching. And then I have theater. I love performing on stage, dancing and singing in musicals. I’m still auditioning for local theater around here when I can.

As far as writing, I love creative writing. I actually wrote a book which I started writing in the eighth grade and finished when I was halfway through high school. I found myself writing in it periodically throughout those years in school. It was kind of weird, but it was the first one. But I’ve been writing another story. I feel like it’s another way I can work on acting and developing characters. In fact, one of the reasons I love acting so much is because I love people and emotions and making connections with people and analyzing their behavior. I’m always wondering why certain people act this way or that way and what causes them to act and react. You’re able to do that when you’re writing a story in a book or short story. In that way, it’s similar to writing a script. So I’ve found that in addition to reading plays and attending certain events, writing is something that helps me stay involved when I don’t have the work of actually performing.

I think that’s such a smart thing to do. A lot of actors tend to do that. When there is a lull in auditions and/or work, they often pull out what they call their “passion projects” and work on them. 

It sure helps me to keep my focus and pass the time rather than just waiting to hear back about a job or an audition.

Since you’re at the beginning of your career, are you thinking about staying in the Philadelphia area, or do you think you might move to a different area where there are more opportunities?

Well, it seems like things are picking up in the Philadelphia area, or at least I hope they are. As much as I love writing, I’m really passionate about acting, and that is my focus right now. So I’m not sure. We’ll see what happens.

I cannot tell you just how thrilling it has been to talk with you, Sarah. I can hardly wait to see you play Christina in To Avenge, and I wish you nothing but success in all your endeavors.

Ruth, thank you for being so supportive. I loved our chat, and I look forward to filming To Avenge later on this year. I am grateful for all the support.

While Sarah is truly at the very inception of her career, she already has an exceptional grasp on the essentials of this exhilarating but sometimes capricious business. She recognizes that patience is the most vital attribute one can possess as an actor, and she understands that preserving her spirits lest she becomes discouraged and surrender is the only way one can survive a career in the arts. Far too many actors in her position would not be nearly as tenacious nor grounded as she, and I commend her for her pertinacity as well as her recognition and acceptance of the disappointments along with the enthusiasm. While her dreams and goals are as massive and all-encompassing as most aspiring actresses, I have the sense that she is one who will not desist when the going gets tough. In fact, it is probably her moments of defeat and discouragement that fuel her passions to improve the next time and strive even harder. And that is a rare commodity in this day and age of instant gratification and gratuitously luxurious expectations. 

While we await the genesis of this monumental film, I would invite everyone to investigate all of the links listed below, both for Sarah as well as the film, To Avenge, itself. While I have never met Sarah in person, I can state beyond the shadow of a doubt that this is a girl who has a brilliant, triumphant future, and at the appropriate time in the proper season of her life, Sarah will definitely come into her own. Furthermore, in the meantime, she will continue to hone her skills, receive all the experience in every format possible, and most of all, maintain her high ideals no matter what negativity attempts to shift her priorities and passions.










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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


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