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In a post-pandemic world, almost nothing is more important than ensuring you are as healthy as possible. While there are vaccines and medication that will help you recover from illness, the best prevention is having a balanced, nutritious diet. Building up your immune system and eating healthily while at home is paramount to ensuring your body is operating at an optimal level.
The typical nutrition of Americans, in general, is lacking in balanced nutrition. Americans are known for eating way too much processed food. When food is highly processed a large portion of the nutrition is often stripped away. Unless a person can adopt a farm-to-table approach 100% of the time, the typical American is bound to be somewhat nutrition-deficit.
While there are many companies that offer supplements, it would behoove each consumer to conduct his/her own research about each company. Dr. Ryan Shelton of Zenith Labs has research content readily available so people can feel confident making the correct choice when it comes to supplements. Zenith Labs and Dr. Ryan Shelton is a huge proponent of natural medicine, and they have done extensive research to ensure the best quality imaginable when it comes to nutrition and supplements.
Most people have a general understanding of what consists of a healthy diet, but there is a lot of bias due to ambiguous marketing claims from different companies. Most Americans inherently know that not every company has the same standards when it comes to balanced nutrition, but taking the time to research it can be time-consuming. That is why it is a relief to know that there are companies out there who have already done the research and have trustworthy data readily available.
At the core of nutrition is eating as many natural foods as possible. This means focusing on organic vegetables and fruit, whole and unprocessed grains, and grass-fed meat. While not every one of these products is available in every area of the country, obtaining the healthiest food possible should always be a priority. While it might cost more in the short term, the long-term benefits are extensive.
As a person makes the decision about what supplements to add to one’s diet, it is imperative that competent medical professionals be consulted, and these need to be professionals who are open to patients using natural and/or alternative medicine. There is a growing number of doctors who are seeing the benefits in transitioning their patients to natural medication and most competent professionals will at least be willing to consider the benefits of natural and healthy eating in lieu of instantly pushing pharmaceuticals. It can be a delicate balance, however, and it is ultimately up to the individual to make the right decisions for him/her and his/her family.
While no guarantees can be made concerning pandemic-related illnesses going forward, what is proven is that healthy eating and quality supplements can at least minimize health risks. Taking the time to do the research into the best nutrition possible and supplements for you and your family is one of the best things you can do as the world begins to open back up.
1 Comment
Listen to your body is sound advice IMO. If you are on some weird, restrictive diet and you have no energy and look like crap. THEN STOP IT!