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Is your child always busy using the phone? Are their grades and learning being affected due to excessive use of the phone? Then you can introduce them to some different ways by which they can be productive with their phone. If your child is studying using a phone, then even studies will be easier. After you introduce these ways, make sure that your child is not pretending to study while using the phone. This can be ensured by getting an application such as spy on whatsapp. The below described are the top 4 ways to make learning easy for your child using a phone:
Video Tutorials:
There are various video tutorials available on different platforms. These videos are sorted according to the age and the grade your child is in. If your child is not willing to step out of the home for the lessons, then you can subscribe to such applications. If the lessons are brought to their phone, interest for studies will be generated. Hopefully the next time they pick up their phone, they will open the learning application instead of games and social media.
Online Books:
Not all children will pick up the textbooks on their own. Therefore, you can bring these textbooks to their phone. There are many books available on the internet for free or at little cost. The books from several authors and publishers can now be accessed on their phones. Apart from textbooks, they can also read some comics or novels in the form of eBooks. This will be beneficial for them as they improve reading and communication skills. Hence, online textbooks will make learning for your child easier and more affordable.
If your child is not into reading textbooks on a regular basis, there are many animations available on the internet which explain various lessons of their course. Thus, introducing this creative way of learning through the phone to your child is a great idea. When they watch a particular animation a couple of times, they will understand the concept and not forget it for a long time. This is an amazing idea to make your child learn and study. This will contribute to improving their grades for sure!
Extra Knowledge:
Not all kinds of knowledge will be available and taught to your child through their textbooks. Thus, let them explore different fields. You can teach them how they can get extra knowledge from the internet. Encourage them to read different blogs and articles. They will also be able to explore their area of interest, which will guide them for their future. Your child can also improve some co-curricular skills with the help of the internet as well as a mobile phone. Once they are able to search for this extra knowledge, it will be their habit to keep on reading and understanding those things.