Interview With Actress Chelsea Hobbs, “Martha’s Vineyard Mystery”

By Ruth on February 23, 2020 in Interview, movie, television

I’ve never suppressed my adoration for the Hallmark Signature Mysteries, and it just so happens that the newest franchise, Martha’s Vineyard Mystery, is premiering its second installment tonight (February 23rd). I absolutely relished the first movie when it premiered last month, and I am greatly anticipating this next episode. Jesse Metcalfe and Sarah Lind make an impeccable duo in this series, and I hope it continues for years to come. What some of you may not know, however, is that one of the recurring characters in the series, Jackie Shawl, is played by an actress who was featured in one of the most noteworthy Christmas movies the network has made within the past few years. Chelsea Hobbs will be reprising her role in tonight’s premiere, Riddled With Deceit: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery, and she was kind enough to take a few moments to chat with me about her career in anticipation of tonight’s debut!

Photo by Liz Rosa

RH: How/Why did you decide to pursue a career as an actress?

CH: Following my parent’s divorce, my mom thought acting would be a good outlet for me. Also, as a single mother herself,  she knew that acting would also help pay for the thousands of dollars a year in dance lesson fees (I was a competitive dancer). Her friend saw me performing a lot at home and suggested I try it, but for me, it was the only way that I would be able to keep dancing. It wasn’t until I was a teen that I decided to take it more seriously and fell in love with it even more.

Chelsea at 8 years old

Since you entered the business as a child, how did you remain grounded and away from negative influences as you were growing up?

I had a great support in my mom. Also, I never hit that crazy Disney-level of success as a child that put me in those situations. I did about a hundred commercials and some TV roles and those were easy in-and-out jobs. I did get into some trouble in my teen years (as most teens do), but I think I just really was truly terrified of doing things that I knew had scary implications. My mom made us watch a lot of cautionary Dateline and 20/20 stories with her–LOL!

It looks like Hallmark’s Snow Queen was your first big break. What do you remember about auditioning for and booking that role? Any special moments from filming?

Snow Queen

I remember Snow Queen was the first role I really desperately wanted. I slept with the audition lines under my pillowcase for good luck for weeks. It was a long audition process and I couldn’t believe I actually booked it. We filmed for three to five months, and it is to this day one of the most amazing filming experiences of my life. I really matured on that set.

With Jeremy Guilbaut
Snow Queen

As for special moments, that’s hard! I would say being helicoptered to the top of the Rocky Mountains and dropped off alone was pretty magical. And cold.

I understand you moved to Los Angeles at the age of seventeen. What prompted you to do that on your own? Any stand-out moments from doing that?

Make It or Break It

I did. Well, when you’re that age you are itching to be an adult and I had already finished high school by homeschooling during Snow Queen and a pilot I did for FOX. I had spent months at a time in Los Angeles alone as well, which gave me the confidence. So I think for me it just felt natural. I had been contacted by a manager out there, and already had agents there as well. So I just packed my room in my childhood home and jumped in my ’92 convertible Cabriolet and drove down with a friend . Of course, the idea of moving to a city like LA at seventeen and the reality of it are different. It was me and a big apartment with three doors to enter plus a balcony, so I had some sleepless nights those first few months. Ha-ha!

Lords Of Dogtown

While in LA, what were some of your more significant works and why do those stand out?

I think Make It Or Break It and Lords Of Dogtown were two of the more standout ones. Simply because Lords of Dogtown was with the late Heath Ledger and I feel super lucky to have worked with him that summer. And Make It or Break It because it was me stepping outside of my comfort zone and doing something that challenged me physically, but it also put me into a category I had previously felt uncomfortable with. The teen series idea scared me. But I am so glad I did it, and I’m super grateful for everything that show brought into my life.

The Nine Lives of Christmas

Hallmark audiences have seen you in two films in recent years: June and January and The Nine Lives of Christmas. Any special memories or behind-the-scenes moments you can share about either of these?

Oh gosh, that was a while ago for this old brain–Ha-ha! June In January…I was able to work with my Beach Girls costar Wes Brown, so it was an amazing reunion so many years later and we just had fun on set catching up.

June In January

And coincidentally, I played a rather diva-like character in both movies, which was different and fun. But when the cameras AREN’T rolling, you always want to make sure everyone knows that you are a nice person. So I remember doing a LOT of that. Also sneezing on The Nine Lives Of Christmas ’cause I’m allergic to cats!

You were in season three of UnREAL. What was most memorable about working on that show? What did you enjoy about your role? (You got to work with my good friend Brennan Elliott and I watched the season you were on the show!)


Yes! Aw, I love Brennan! He has this amazing ability to improvise, and I remember us always being in stitches over the things he’d say. That show was super special because of the cast and the super-talented women who were responsible for making it all that it was. It was the first time I’ve played a role like Charlie; she was more of a tomboy who wanted to prove herself as a female in a male-dominated world and profession. So I think exploring that, and also learning how to operate a steady-cam was what made it even more fun.

Chelsea Hobbs Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Hugh Tull

You are now portraying Jackie Shawl on the new Martha’s Vineyard Mysteries. I have a couple of questions from your “namesake.” For those who don’t know, screenwriter Kraig Wenman did name this character after a certain podcaster duo.


From Jacks and Shawl of the Bubbly Sesh:

How do you feel about playing a character named after Jacks and Shawl from Hallmark Channels’ The Bubbly Sesh Podcast? (Both of the ladies had this to say about Chelsea: “She has been so sweet about all the social media love and excitement we had when the movie came out and it’s been so much fun for us to have such a wonderful actress who we love playing the role!”)

Why, thank you! I think it’s super fun and I actually wasn’t aware until after we filmed the first movie! Jackie Shawl is a feisty and smart woman and it’s really awesome to see the inspiration behind her, and I can see why you two inspired her!

What did you do to prep for your role as Jackie Shawl?

I had to remember that Jackie has a thirst for getting to the bottom of things and her brain ticks double time. So I think the preparation was thinking of characters that have that same drive and keeping that alive in her while I’m on screen.



Chelsea Hobbs, Sunita Prasad Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Hugh Tull

What can we expect from your character in the next installment of Martha’s Vineyard Mysteries?

Chelsea Hobbs Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Hugh Tull

Jackie wants to prove herself and she wants to be a part of these mysteries unfolding in Martha’s Vineyard. I think you will see her develop in a way that proves she is a real asset to these cases, and not “just” a reporter but someone who wants to bring the truth to everything she does.

Any special moments from filming the mystery series?

It is so special being a part of the inception of something fun and new. The cast and producers and everyone involved were so concerned with making this something different and wonderful for Hallmark, which I truly think they’ve done. So the first two films were us exploring together and figuring it all out behind the scenes as it was coming to life.

Do you have any other upcoming works coming up you can mention?

with her husband

A baby boy! I’m currently working on baking my third child, and he’s going to be making his appearance sometime in May.

On the work side, I have a film coming out this year directed by Tony Dean Smith and I also have two TV shows in development that I have written and co-created with my partner (and fellow Hallmark actress) Jovanna Burke.

As you’ve mentioned, you are also a mother in addition to being an actress. How have you been able to juggle your personal and professional lives?

I feel super fortunate to be able to work as an actress, but also be at home with my kids. I decided a few years back to really try to take jobs that would keep me living in Vancouver and home with them, and luckily, now being here in such a busy city, I am able to do that. There are times I travel for maybe a month out of town for jobs, but then I will have a large chunk of time at home to be the hands-on mom they need. Even if I have a string of on-set days in town, they know that this career has allowed for them to have an at-home mom for a lot of their childhood. So I think it’s about finding that balance and knowing what works for you and your family, and saying “no” when it is going to sacrifice your values (not always easy to do). I also have an amazing husband, which is a LOT easier than when I was a single mom.

Photo by Liz Rosa

Before interviewing Chelsea, I only knew a few key things I had uncovered about her online, and I was expecting a rather standard interview with fun tidbits about her career along with a dash of insight into her upcoming works. However, Chelsea thoroughly impressed me with the authentic way in which she presented herself and detailed her story, and I found myself inspired and dazzled as I compiled her answers to my simple, but carefully-worded questions. When it comes to actors, I never wish to pry into their personal lives, but I cannot tell you how thrilling it is to have them peel back the covers for a moment so we can catch of glimpse of the amazing experiences they have had, the lessons they have learned along the way, and most of all, the people and values who have helped fashion them in all aspects of their lives. I could not stop myself from recounting to so many people how exhilarated I was to share this particular interview, and I believe that Chelsea is well on her way to even more monumental accomplishments in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead.

I heartily urge all of my United States readers to tune in for the premiere of Riddled With Deceit: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery tonight (February 23rd) on the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Network (my Canadian friends will have to wait to see this movie, unfortunately). In addition to viewing this movie tonight, be sure to visit Chelsea’s links below and consider following her where applicable. I think all of us Hallmarkies and Sleuthers can wish Chelsea and her husband all the strength, health and prosperity imaginable as they bring a new life into this world in a mere few months. Moreover, I am infinitely grateful to know that mothers like Chelsea exist in this world, especially in the film and television universe. All too often, I observe messages that don’t applaud and recognize mothers and fathers who are placing the well-being of their children before their successes in the workplace, and I am wholeheartedly honored to be highlighting on my site today someone as benevolent, gifted, strong, and beautiful as Chelsea who definitely has her priorities correct and is still experiencing unparalleled fulfillment and joy! I hope everyone supports this woman one hundred percent and shows her all the love we can muster…and then some!






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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Diana February 23, 2020 Reply

    This actress I always admire in Make it or Break it series and snow Queen. I love the work of perseverance she put in the character of each movie and series. I realize that she has been through a lot in her self. I just want to say keep up the good work, motivational toward others and live for your family. When life hits you in your head just have faith and Never give up on what you are called of doing. I hope in the future I can become an actress like you in the future 📡. You are a great person and you are beautiful both in and out. I love your work, attitude, and passion for believing in yourself. You are a role model to many people in society. Live the Life of Your Dreams
    When you start living the life of your dreams, there will always be obstacles, doubters, mistakes, and setbacks along the way. But with hard work, perseverance and self-belief there is no limit to what you can achieve. Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed. many blessings to you.

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