Interview With Actress Nancy Sorel

By Ruth on February 22, 2020 in Interview, movie, television

Yet again, because of Hallmark’s steadfast devotion to highlighting impeccable supporting cast members, I had the opportunity to discover the fantastic actress, Nancy Sorel. While many fans may not know her by name, I have a feeling that the vast majority have seen and enjoyed some of her work on the Hallmark Network (and maybe even elsewhere). It is my joy and honor to share our recent interview in which we discussed all things Hallmark and a little bit more!

RH: Please tell us about your journey to becoming an actress.


NS: I became involved with my community theatre in Fall River, Massachusetts and the drama club in High School at BMC Durfee High School of Fall River. We had an amazing drama teacher, the late Mr James Tavares. He was instrumental in not only teaching me how to act, but how to become an extremely disciplined performer.

with Kelly Rutherford

What was your first professional role in the industry and what are your memories of that job?

My first television job was as an extra on the daytime drama Another World. I remember I cried when I received that paycheck! They paid me to do something I loved! After that, I did background work on all the soaps in New York City that summer and fall.  That winter, Annamarie Kostura, the casting director of All My Children, called me in to read for a small part on AMC. I booked it! From there, I went on to play a few roles on daytime. I absolutely loved performing in daytime dramas.

Why did you make the decision to call Canada home?

I was starring in a pilot for ABC, called Crows Nest, written and produced by Steve Kronish. He was also shooting the pilot for The Commish at the same time. During that month in Vancouver, the casts of both series became very, very close. It when I met my dear friends Michael and Michelle Chiklis, the late, great John Cygan and his wife Cathy, Jason Schombing, and a huge group of wonderful and talented actors. A week or so after returning to LA, I was asked to return to Vancouver to shoot an episode of The Commish with them (sadly, our pilot was not picked up), and directly after that, I filmed a television movie with Tim Matheson there. Vancouver was just starting to become “Hollywood North,” and I fell in love with the place. It was a magical time to be an actor! So… I packed my bags and moved there.

One of your best-known series was Less Than Kind. Please tell us about your role and your experience with that series.

Less Than Kind

I played Clara Fine on that show! She was Sheldon’s single, hot-headed, mistake-making, loud-mouthed, kind-hearted aunt. When we started filming, I had a toddler and a preschooler at home and had very little time to think about my career. The casting director, Jim Heber, asked if I would audition, so I got a sitter and ran over to the casting office. That was in June. Over the summer, he had asked if I could attend a few callback sessions and I had to say “no.” I made being a mom my first priority when my son was born, and now with two children, I just wasn’t able to put too much extra focus on auditioning.

Finally, in September he strongly urged me to at least go in and meet the producers and read with Wendell Meldrum, who had been cast. I made a stop to the salon to get my hair cut and styled and went. When I walked in, I froze for a moment: I saw Mark McKinney there front and centre. I had NO idea he was the showrunner! I didn’t grow up in Canada, so I didn’t know Kids in The Hall, his most famous series, but I had watched every episode of Slings and Arrows and admired his brilliance! I took a deep breath and did the scene with Wendell and that was that!

Our children grew up with everyone on that show, and many of us still get together to this day. It was a terrific show and a wonderful acting experience.

In more recent times, you’ve been seen in The Man in the High Castle. What did you appreciate about being a part of this series?

That show had amazing production values and the content was bold, thought-provoking art. I felt honoured to have been a small part of it.

Last Christmas, I saw you in what I believe was your first Hallmark movie, Once Upon A Christmas Miracle. What did you know about Hallmark before making this movie? What was special about bringing this particular story to life? What did you enjoy most about your experience filming this movie?

My first Hallmark movie was actually back in the 1990’s: A Hallmark Hall of Fame movie based on the novel : Into The Lake of The Woods. I filmed that in Vancouver with Peter Strauss and Kathleen Quinlan. It was quite good as I recall! Hallmark has grown since then!

Once Upon A Christmas Miracle (with the real-life couple)

Once Upon A Christmas Miracle was a very special film to work on as it was based on a true story about two amazing people. I love real stories about people overcoming odds and finding true love to boot! What I loved best about that show and all the Hallmark films I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of is going to work every day to make something positive, beautiful and often about Christmas! My favourite holiday! Yes, the hours can be long and making any film is hard work, but when the material is uplifting and all about love, family and goodness, it’s impossible to have a bad day. I think that’s why everyone loves to watch them so much.

Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Allen Fraser

Last year, I had the joy of seeing you in Breakthrough. Your character is very memorable to me. How did you prepare for your role? What was your experience like filming this movie? What has been the response to your character from the fans?

I have had a tremendous amount of positive feedback about this film and my role, Mrs. Abbott. Some controversy as well. Some people who have prayed diligently and passionately for a loved one and lost them had difficulty digesting this story about the power of faith to create miracles. My character, Mrs. Abbott, John’s teacher, also did. I think she addressed “the big question” for us all in that film.

My preparation for the role was simple: I had lost both of my parents many years ago… all I had to do was close my eyes and remember them right before cameras rolled… and give my love for them to the audience. This movie was very near and dear to my heart… my nephew, Brady Weglowski, was born with a severe congenital heart defect and “died” when he was a baby. He was put on life support and they told my brother and his wife it did not look good. There were hundreds of people praying for him… so many… and he not only lived; he thrived! He’s fourteen now and an amazing golfer!

Merry & Bright

This past Christmas season, we saw you in Merry & Bright (with my friend Andrew Walker). What was it like being in this film?

Oh my goodness! I loved working with him! He is an absolute gentleman and an impeccable professional. It was also fun to play the ” Boss Lady”! This film was directed by Gary Yates, who also directed Once Upon A Christmas Miracle. We all had a wonderful time.

Any other recent/upcoming works you can mention?

Nancy Sorel, Jessy Schram Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Courtesy of Johnson Production Group

Yes! Last month, on January 20th, Amazing Winter Romance premiered on The Hallmark Channel! This was a special treat as I was lucky enough to co-star with my husband, Paul Magel! He and I played mom and dad to the beautiful and talented Jessy Schram! It also stars Marshall Williams and was directed by Jason Bourque, who has directed a couple of Hallmark films.

With her husband, actor Paul Magel

As a wife/mother, how do you balance family and work in this industry?

Well, my husband of twenty years makes sure that happens! Paul is an actor as well, so he understands the “give and take” required to successfully parent while working in the film and television industry. I also have to say “no” to some work. When a project presents itself, we sit down and talk about how it will work with the kids’ needs. Sometimes we have to choose who will do a project and who will have to pass. Our “family first” policy has never caused us any regret.

What are your aspirations/hopes for 2020 and the beginning of a new decade?

This year, I performed on stage at The Arts Club in Vancouver. It was a crazy comedy called The Wedding Party by Kristen Thomson. Six actors played twenty-two characters at a wedding reception gone terribly wrong. I played the mother of the bride… and various other characters… including the family dog, Pilot.

I also facilitate an actors’ retreat for professional performers that I look forward to every summer.

And I hope to be cast in more interesting film and television roles.

It would be super great to work on another successful series… University isn’t too far off for my son and daughter, so that would probably be a really great thing soon! LOL!

How on earth has Nancy been “hiding in plain sight”? I mean, it should never have taken me this long to discover her, but I am ecstatic that I know her now. Furthermore, the fact that she is married to an actor (who was also featured in Amazing Winter Romance as they played mother and father to Jessy Schram’s character) only exhilarates me more! I don’t believe I realized who she was until watching the movie Breakthrough last year. It was those poignant statements her character made concerning the gigantic question everyone wants to know–why doesn’t God answer all prayers the way we want Him to? In fact, I remember that was something that I remarked about to my mom after insisting that my entire family watch this movie! I am grateful to Hallmark for featuring Nancy in a wide variety of roles (especially in recent years), and I look forward to seeing more from her in the weeks, months, and years to come. Oh, and the fact that she and her husband always place family first…I mean, how perfect is that for this network that calls themselves “The Heart of TV” and markets themselves as “family-friendly?”

If you have not had the opportunity to witness Nancy in a film or show (or if you would like to revisit those that you have already seen), be sure to check out her links below and consider following her if so inclined. In my humble opinion, she is one of the most virtuous, gifted women I have come across in recent times who decidedly deserves to be enjoying all the success she has had throughout her career, and I just don’t think God is done with her yet. I urge all of my readers to watch out for this woman whose incredible portrayals of vibrant, strong women have resonated on so many levels in an extensive variety of genres, and I am honored to have connected with Nancy!








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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


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