Interview With Actor Madison Alsobrook, “Christmas At Graceland” & “Wedding At Graceland”

By Ruth on December 28, 2019 in Interview, movie, television

Last Christmas season, a Hallmark movie took audiences by storm. In spite of any potential issues, one of the most highly-anticipated (and highly-rated, I might add) was Christmas At Graceland. This was the first Hallmark movie filmed at Graceland (followed up by Wedding At Graceland this past summer), and although many were focused on Kellie Pickler and Wes Brown, Madison Alsobrook (who played Laney) was also an integral part of both movies. Recently, she and I had an online interview and I am pleased to present her to my readers today.

RH: How old were you when you decided you wanted to start acting? What was it that inspired you to pursue acting at a young age?

MA: I first started acting when I was seven years old. I liked the idea of expressing myself through different types of characters. My parents have always said that I am “extra”. Acting is a good way for me to show all sides of my personality.

The Boombox Saints

What was your first professional on-screen role and what are your memories of it?

My very first acting experience was in January 2016. It was a student film called The Boom Box Saints. It was written and produced by a group of college students at SCAD. My whole family and I traveled from Atlanta to Savannah for filming. I remember it being so much fun because I was able to wear a colorful 1980s jacket and my hair in an Afro. The Boombox Saints was my first IMDb credit.

Please tell us about any memorable experiences you’ve had in your big feature films. 

Being Mary Jane

Being Mary Jane was my first SAG show. I had a recurring role. I was honored to see what a “first team” actor goes through on set. I also enjoyed meeting famous celebrities like Richard Roundtree and Margaret Avery (Shug from The Color Purple).

 In Hallmark’s Christmas at Graceland, I had so many great memories, including spending three weeks in Memphis, and meeting new people that I am still in contact with today. It was my first time flying on a plane for work, which was a great experience for me. The sequel, Wedding at Graceland, was also a great experience. I went site-seeing on both trips, including the Civil Rights Museum, the Memphis Zoo and Elvis’ home.

Before filming Christmas in Graceland last year, what did you know about Hallmark? How did you get that role?

Christmas At Graceland

Before Christmas at Graceland, I knew that the Hallmark Channel was known for seasonal romance movies. My Grandma has been a Hallmark fanatic for several years, so she was really excited when she found out that I booked the role of Laney Jenkins.

To get the role, I first did a self-tape audition. Then, I was invited to Nashville for a callback. A few days later, my agent told me that I booked the role. It was one of the happiest days of my life.

Christmas At Graceland behind-the-scenes

What was your on-set experience like with that first Hallmark movie? Any special behind-the-scenes stories you’d like to share?

with Graceland parents

Behind the scenes for both films was an awesome experience. I loved getting to know Kellie Pickler and Wes Brown. I also really enjoyed hanging out with my set parents, Tamara Austin and Ryan King Scales (Sally and Ted). My mom and I spent a lot of time with them when we weren’t filming. We toured the city and went to a ton of restaurants in Memphis. I also enjoyed hanging out with Claire Green (Emma) on set and around the city. We did lots of fun stuff like making slime and swimming at the Guesthouse. We also enjoyed touring the city with our set teacher/advocate, Ms. Chris McCommon (Ms. Chris is amazing!).

Wedding At Graceland

They brought you back for Wedding At Graceland this year. What was that experience like for you?

I was so excited and honored to play Laney again for the sequel. In the second movie, I was able to create a stronger bond with the cast members, producers and directors.

Any upcoming works you can mention?

More Graceland pictures

I recently completed a fun Adidas/FIFA 20 commercial. I also recently filmed an episode of a major new show on HBO. Pilot season is around the corner so…fingers crossed!

How does school work for you when you’re filming?

With director Eric Close

Fortunately, I attend a charter school that has more flexibility than a regular public school. For example, once we found out about the sequel, my parents met with my school’s administrators. They were very accommodating. All of my assignments were available online. SAG-Aftra requires a set teacher for long periods of filming, so I don’t really feel like I missed out on anything. My set teacher for both CAG and WAG was awesome. I really miss Ms. Chris.

As you look towards the future, where do you hope to see yourself professionally five or ten years from now?

As I look into the future, I hope that I will be a successful woman who follows her dreams (every last one of them). I would like to attend a performing arts university and eventually start writing and directing my own films. I also hope to be an inspiration to people and spread happiness.

What do you like to do for fun?

Other than acting, I enjoy biking, swimming, hiking, and spending time with my family and friends.

It thrills me to witness the success that Madison has had thus far, especially over the past couple of years, and I cannot think of a more deserving young artist than Madison. She has continued to remain positive while sharing her incredible gifts with the world, and she also enjoys the support and love of her entire biological family as well as her film/TV families. While she is still young and her resume is arguably not as long as some young people in the industry, if you check out the stars with whom she has worked and the acclaim she has received, it is fully evident that quality outweighs quantity any time, at least in my opinion. Her experiences, her roles, and the diversity of her works make her a significant player in this massive film/TV universe. If you have not had the opportunity to watch Christmas At Graceland, be sure to catch the final Countdown to Christmas showing of the season on the Hallmark Channel on January 3rd. And stick around into 2020 for the next reairing of Wedding At Graceland if you have not had the chance to see this film. Also, be sure that you visit her links below and consider following her where applicable. I have no idea what the future holds for this aspiring actress, but I am convinced that her career is just beginning. It boggles the imagination to envision what she may be doing five or ten years from now, and I, for one, and going to be ecstatic to witness the undeniable progression of her career!





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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


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