Interview With Actress Jessica Sipos, “Chesapeake Shores”

By Ruth on September 9, 2018 in Interview, movie, television

It is no secret that I love Chesapeake Shores, and I have been an avid watcher/supporter since season one. However, the character of Kevin has been a bit of a hard sell for me. Not that I didn’t appreciate the performance of Brendan Penny–come on now, he’s a wonderful actor! But Kevin often seemed overly depressed and lacked the energy that I relished from the rest of the O’Briens. Season two changed all that with the advent of Sarah Mercer. Suddenly, Kevin had more enthusiasm and direction in his life. The very day Jessica Sipos entered the show, I found myself enjoying her chemistry and interactions with Brendan, thus leading me to a more positive outlook toward Kevin. As this has only intensified in recent episodes, I am honored that Jessica agreed to answer a few questions for me about her career, including her Hallmark work, and I am delighted to share her with my readers today.

RH: Why did you decide to become an actress and what kind of training have you received?

JS: As a child, I was always curious about the variability in the human experience and acting allows me to experience many lifetimes in one lifetime, so to speak, by taking on different roles. I always had a deep love of the art, and for as long as I could remember, I knew I wanted to be an actor. I immersed myself in classes, books, and workshops throughout the years that were specific to the art and the industry, and that’s something I continue to practice even now as an established actor.

What was your first official role in the business and what are your memories of it? 

Dead on Campus was my first official role. It felt like the perfect environment to have all the first experiences on set. This past year, I got to work with the same producers leading one of their films, A Daughter’s Revenge, which felt like a full circle from that first job.


Your first recurring role was on the SyFy show Ascension, I believe. What did you enjoy about your role and being on that show?

It was! I loved being a part of that project and the cast and crew gelled together so well. I loved every minute I spent on set with them. I made a lot of lifelong friends from that show. I loved the layers of my character, Jackie. She had a lot of underlying motivation that drove her and that was really important for me to understand and play. The set was also one of the most incredible I have seen to date. They built that spaceship as one giant single set instead of separate rooms in a warehouse, so you really felt immersed in the environment.

You also had a recurring role on Slasher. How did that role come about? What was the on-set experience like? Any special memories?

I auditioned for Slasher and didn’t hear anything for quite a while. When I finally got the call, it took me a minute to realize what show it was I had auditioned for. But filming Slasher was so much fun. I mean, how often will I get to film such epic death scenes for myself? I got to do a full body and head cast, and it’s incredible how closely it resembles you. That was a first and really special memory.

You were a part of the show UnREAL. What was most memorable about your role and your time with the show? Why do you think this show resonated so much with the fans? (I am a huge fan of the show and have seen every episode so far!)

UnREAL Photo by Sergei Bachlakov

Amazing! I’m glad you’re a fan of the show! The way they filmed this show seemed different than anything I had experienced before and all of us actors became very close very fast from it. The concept of the show was unlike anything I had heard of and is executed so brilliantly. Getting to watch Constance {Zimmer}, Shiri {Appleby}, Craig {Bierko}, Jeffrey {Bowyer-Chapman}, Brennan {Elliott}, Donavon {Stinson}, Josh {Kelly}, Genevieve {Beuchner} all work their magic every day to create this world was so special.

You also were a part of Dark Matter. What did you enjoy about this show? Why do you think the fans have been so supportive, even all this time after it was canceled?

This show and the people in it are so special to me. The support, love, and camaraderie that were the foundation of every day on set made being on this show some of the best times of in life. The stunts I got to do, especially opposite Melissa’s {O’Neil} character, really stand out as some of the most enjoyable moments for me and working with John Stead, the stunt coordinator, was so empowering.

You were also on Legends of Tomorrow. Any special memories from that shoot?

Working with Casper {Crump} and Wentworth {Miller} who are two of the most incredible people was special enough. Any time I get to play a likable villain and do stunts, I’m happy.

Photo: Jessica Sipos, Brendan Penny Credit: Copyright 2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

Hallmark fans were introduced to you last season on Chesapeake Shores. How did that role come about? What was it like working on-set with that cast and crew? Any chance we may see you this next season on the show (as long as it’s renewed)?

This role came about in the classic way, I auditioned with the director and a couple producers with casting, but I wasn’t certain of what this character would turn into, or how far the relationship with Kevin would go. The majority, if not all, of my scenes are with Brendan, who is so lovely to work with and uplifting. I think you’ll definitely see her for next season. I hope!!

What has been your experience with the fans of Chesapeake Shores (Chessies)?

My experience with the fans of Chesapeake Shores has been nothing short of amazing. Everyone is very supportive, and the Chessies have been so welcoming to my character!

I saw you in the most recent Signed, Sealed, Delivered movie. What was it like filming that? 

Getting a glimpse into the world of the Signed, Sealed, Delivered movie series was a fun and heartwarming experience. Everyone is passionate about the stories being told and they take great care with the details that make up the messages being told. I’m very grateful to have been able to share the experience with them.

Any other current/upcoming roles you can mention?

I have an indie movie called Goliath that will finally be making its debut, which I’m really excited about. A lot of great actors I admire are in this movie, and it tells an important story that sheds light on mental health.

When you are not working, what do you like to do for fun?

When I’m not working my days are usually filled with nature. Hiking, kayaking, rock climbing, adventuring somewhere I haven’t been on the coast or abroad.

I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that an actress the caliber of Jessica has joined the Hallmark family. With an extraordinary array of diverse credits to her name, she continues to pursue excellence and intensity within her roles while making the entire process appear effortless in the extreme. In addition to this, the woman is an absolute beauty queen with a confident, adventurous, captivating demeanor about her that causes her brilliance and inner light to radiate beyond the screen in an utterly stunning manner. Her role on the show is the ideal counterpart to Brendan’s militarized character, and their interactions seem to bring out the best performances in each other. I am further grateful to Hallmark for casting her in the beloved Signed, Sealed, Delivered: To The Altar as well, and I can only pray that we will continue to see her in more quality productions for Hallmark and elsewhere (how about a Christmas movie, eh???) because she is the absolute epitome of elegance, dignity, and sweetness who can rise to the occasion whenever decisive action or physicality is required.

It is my sincerest hope that all households in the U.S. are watching Chesapeake Shores every Sunday night on the Hallmark Channel (and on Super Channel Heart & Home in Canada) and luxuriating in the dynamic writing, crackerjack portrayals, and family-friendly plot lines. Additionally, I urge all of my readers to visit Jessica’s links below and consider following her where applicable. Since Chessies have wholly embraced all the charm and warmth that is Sarah (as portrayed by Jessica), I tend to believe that as Jessica remains on her current path of humility, attention to detail, and team player mentality that more opportunities will come her way, and I, for one, plan on supporting her in every one!







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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Angela October 2, 2018 Reply

    Great interview. Jessie sounds as if she keeps very busy… a true testament of her talent. Thanks for sharing!

  2. denise September 10, 2018 Reply

    I’ve enjoyed watching her play opposite Brendan (Kevin)

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