Do-It-Yourself Divorce – The Best Proven Way to Save Your Money

By Ruth on December 7, 2019 in advice

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Due to the exorbitant cost of divorce, as well as the increase in divorce rates within the United States, alternative and more affordable ways to navigate this process have emerged. One of the most common ways in which many people are saving money through this process is by managing the process themselves through a DIY divorce. While there is seldom such a thing as a cheap divorce, in this article we will explain exactly how a DIY divorce can save you money and what the process involves.

Before you make the decision to handle all elements of your divorce yourself, there are a few things you need to consider. The first step in considering a DIY divorce is to step back and contemplate how legally complicated your divorce may be. If you have extensive assets that are difficult to divide between you and your spouse, a DIY divorce may not be the best route for you.

The second aspect of a DIY divorce is to consider your emotional well-being. Handling your divorce yourself takes additional time, energy and emotional strength compared to having an attorney assist you and support you along the way. You will also need to have the time and ability to meet deadlines as required by a court to execute on concluding your divorce.

Now that we have the introductory aspects covered, let’s consider exactly how a DIY divorce works and more specifically how it can save you money:

The Process

It is possible to apply for divorce yourself from start to finish. From filing divorce papers to completing the divorce online, there are many comprehensive online resources to guide you every step of the way. Divorce forms are most commonly found online and include guides on how they should be completed. Keep in mind that taking on this responsibility may be emotionally taxing and time-consuming which is something you need to factor in when making this decision. The start to finish of the timeline of a DIY divorce is difficult to predict as it could take a matter of weeks or stretch out over years.

A DIY divorce is not recommended for situations that involve complicated asset division or contested divorces where spouses are not on amicable terms.

Do Your Research

There is a wealth of information online for you to read and research before you consider a DIY divorce. Taking the time to read up on how divorce is conducted in your specific state can save you both time and money as you will start the process with a good idea of what it involves. Your local county court’s website is a good place to start. Most of these sites have information on what documents you need to file for divorce, where to get divorce forms and whether or not it is possible to file for a web divorce in your specific state. While you may still at some point need to consult with a lawyer, you can save time and money by finding out a lot of information on your own before applying for a divorce.

Make use of a Mediator

Mediators are a great way to save money through a DIY divorce. Granted that the use of a mediator does not suit every situation, should it be an uncontested divorce, using a mediator is one of the key ways to save money on attorney fees. Mediators are not able to provide legal advice or tell either party what to do. Instead, they play the role of a facilitator and assist couples in reaching a conclusion on the details of their divorce. The cost of a mediator is inexpensive compared to attorney fees and will allow you to conclude your DIY divorce in a civil and effective way. Here is the FAQ about divorce mediation:

Complete Divorce Online

One of the most common ways in which many spouses execute a DIY divorce is by downloading their own divorce documents and filing for divorce online. Concluding a divorce over the internet has become increasingly common and easy to do. It saves having to spend time at the courthouse and the process itself is made easy through comprehensive online instructions. Being able to conclude your divorce online saves money as it means you do not need the assistance of an attorney, at least for this part of the process. Here you can find more information about getting an online divorce:

Getting a Divorce Without an Attorney

As you navigate the process of getting a DIY divorce and saving costs in the process, one of the biggest cost savers is being able to avoid the huge expenses of an attorney. While this may not be an option for more complicated or contested divorces, if you and your spouse are on good terms, you may be able to avoid using an attorney. That being said, we do still recommend making use of an attorney at the beginning of divorce proceedings. This you can do through free consultations which many law firms offer and will ensure that all aspects, assets, and arrangements are covered and nothing pertinent is missed. Making use of these free services will also save you money in the long term as you can avoid any costly surprises down the line.

Save your pennies

While you will already be saving a considerable amount of money through handling the divorce admin and process yourself, it is important to save as much money as possible. Many spouses are tempted to splash out on expensive items just before, during or after their divorce proceedings are concluded. Avoid doing this as divorce can present many unexpected costs down the line. Be as frugal as you can with your income and all your assets until you are completely assured that there will be no additional costs that you may need to budget for.

The idea of handling your own divorce through this DIY approach may seem daunting but, with all the online resources and free consultations available online in modern times, the process is less complicated than you may think. We hope that these key pointers will assist you in navigating the process and aspects of a DIY divorce with more confidence and direction.

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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


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