Interview With Author Annie Rains

By Ruth on November 28, 2019 in book, interview

In my quest to promote and encourage as many quality writers as possible, I sometimes happen upon an author who writes in the style/genre that I am convinced many Hallmark fans would enjoy. And it just so happens that Annie Rains is one of these distinctive authors. Recently, she took some time to participate in an interview for my site, and I am pleased to highlight her here today!

RH: Welcome, Annie, it’s so nice to have you here today.

AR: Hi Ruth! Thank you so much for inviting me on your blog! It’s such an honor and I love having the opportunity to answer all of your questions.

Please tell us about your path to becoming an author.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by authors and their stories. I poured over creative writing assignments in school and loved the satisfied feeling I got when I’d gotten a scene or story just right. When I turned twenty, I decided to sit down and pen my first novel. It, along with several others, are hidden somewhere where they’ll never see the light of day. Those manuscripts are where I found my voice and learned to write scenes and chapters. I eventually found a romance writing group that was a two-hour drive from where I lived. I started making that drive and attending the monthly meetings. This is where I found my critique partner and began studying the romance genre. Having a support group and valuable feedback helped me finally break into publishing in 2014.

What was the first book you published and what was the journey like to get it published?

In 2014, almost ten years after I decided to become a published author, I sold my first novel WELCOME TO FOREVER to Penguin Random House/Loveswept. I published six digital-only romances with them before moving over to Grand Central Publishing/Forever and breaking into print.

You are now known for writing these small-town romances. What is it about these tales that resonate with you and the readers?

Just the thought of a small town is romantic to me. I love the cozy feeling you get from a close-knit community where everyone seems to know everyone. The town is like an extended family of sorts and that appeals to me. These are places where I would like to live, and I think that’s what resonates with my readers. I’ve gotten so many messages from readers saying that they wish they could live in Sweetwater Springs and visit Dawanda’s Fudge Shop, grab a cup of coffee at the Sweetwater Café, or just stroll along Main Street. Me too!

What does a typical day in the life of you as a writer look like?

Well, I still have a day job and three young children (5, 9, 11). So my writing day starts at 4 a.m. when the house is quiet and I can get uninterrupted time at my computer. I stop at 6 a.m. and the rest of my day is devoted to other things. Those two hours are crucial for me in order to meet my publisher’s deadlines. At least a few nights during the week, I’ll squeeze in another half hour or so to write. Then on the weekends, I have my laptop everywhere I go. Long car rides are great opportunities for sneaking in some writing time!

Your books seem to be the kind of books that networks like Hallmark may be interested in optioning for a film. What are your thoughts concerning this possibility?

I would love to see that happen! It’s definitely on my bucket list. I’m just waiting patiently/anxiously (depending on the day) to receive the call! Hallmark, are you listening?

Any upcoming/current projects you can mention?

Yes, I have three more Sweetwater Springs books coming out in 2020. Book 4 in the series (STARTING OVER AT BLUEBERRY CREEK) releases on February 25, 2020. This is a story about two neighbors who clash—and then who ultimately create sparks! Book 5 (SUNSHINE ON SILVER LAKE) releases in June 2020 and book 6 (SEASON OF JOY) releases next fall!

What is your favorite holiday? Why?

Definitely Christmas! Unlike other holidays, Christmas encompasses a whole season. I love decorating, buying and wrapping gifts, sending out cards, and connecting with family members and friends that I don’t see as much throughout the year. I love the sights, the smells, the music, and I never tire of hearing the nativity story. Christmas is so much more than just one day and for me, because I’m writing Christmas books throughout the year, it’s an all-year thing.

What is your advice to aspiring authors?

Don’t lose heart or stop believing in yourself. Rejection is tough. I still face rejection decades after I wrote my first novel. If I had given up after that first, second, or third rejection, though, I would’ve missed out on all the exciting things that are happening now. You have to stick with your dream no matter what.

I would also advise aspiring authors to learn the craft by first reading heavily in your genre. Then join local writer’s groups, take classes, and find a good critique partner. I’m still doing all of these things to sharpen my craft.

When not writing, what do you like to do in your free time?

When I’m not writing, I’m spending time with my family. We love to ride bikes and binge-watch our favorite shows on Netflix. My youngest is still into Barbies, so I also play a lot of Barbies—which can be good for the author’s imagination  I also love to read in and out of my genre.

Such a pleasure having you, Annie, and I hope that all my readers check out your books!

Thank you again, Ruth. This was so much fun!

Now, while I was previously unfamiliar with Annie and her books, there is no doubt in my mind that her sweet, small-town romances would resonate with those of us who cherish Hallmark movies. Even though none of her stories have made their way to the Hallmark studios, I tend to think it is only a matter of time before a miracle like that occurs. I used to be one who was sometimes skeptical of people following their dreams in the arts, but as I have learned in my own life over the past few years, “don’t give up five minutes before the miracle happens.” Moreover, it sounds like Annie is one of those extraordinary people who has followed that bit of advice in her own life. While she cannot devote her time one hundred percent to the art of writing, she is proceeding to persevere with tenacity and humility in the attainment of her goals and aspirations, while honing her craft along the way. I would invite my readers to visit all of her links below and consider purchasing one or more of her books and maybe even following her on social media. I am adding her books to my list, and I hope to play “catch up” very soon so that I can savor some of her amazing romantic tales for myself!






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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. denise December 28, 2019 Reply

    Love Annie’s books.

  2. Annie Rains November 29, 2019 Reply

    Thank you for your kind words and thank you again for the interview, Ruth! ~ Annie

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