6 Reasons Why Students Should Get into Volunteering at Seniors’ Home

By Ruth on November 16, 2019 in advice

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When you reach your teenage years, there comes a time when you think that your parents know nothing and whatever they did during their glory years don’t apply to you anymore. When you get to college, that picture changes a bit and you start to realize that you don’t know everything. 

If you are really smart, you even take the time to listen to some of their wise words. If you really want to get some expert advice, though, you need to speak to the people who have been around the block. If you had to write an assignment on the elderly, you would end up having to write volumes of novels. 

Image 1: https://unsplash.com/photos/J-Jb1niw1j0

Giving direction to your aspirations

The elderly have walked a long road and they will be able to tell you what is worth-while and what not. When you are in college, you dream of making a difference, but what that difference looks like if often very vague. 

Speaking to the ones who have had the experiences of a lifetime is like getting help from admissions essay writing service. Their advice in terms of writing winning essays and quality thesis and dissertation is priceless and when it comes to your goals in life, they will be able to shed some light on how to get there. 

Advice on health

The elderly can tell you more than how to write an assignment. They have made it that far and if there is anyone who can tell you how to live a long and healthy life, then there is no one better. 

If you have a look at modern dietary trends, then you will have noticed that every year, something new is bad for you, or the thing that you thought was healthy is actually unhealthy. The seniors will be able to tell you what you need to do to achieve a healthy balance.

What not to do

There are older people in a senior’s home who don’t have it all together as well. You can even learn a thing or two from them. Dementia can set in when the mind isn’t stimulated anymore. 

If there is one thing that you can learn from them, it is to always stay active and keep your mind going. You don’t need to be in college to challenge yourself. Think about controversial topics to write about and start exploring. You will never know what you can find. 

Image 2: https://unsplash.com/photos/5wJ2GiYSifA

They can bridge the gap

Just because you were born in a different era, doesn’t mean that you are not human or that principles that applied back then, don’t apply anymore. The elderly have seen things that you have yet to discover and they have stepped into more traps than you can imagine. What’s more is that they have insights into how things have changed, for better or worse. 

Taking a page out of their books will enable you to dodge the traps and spend less time putting out fires and more time building your future. As the saying goes, they don’t make things like they used to.

They know how to lift your spirits

It doesn’t matter how depressed or down you might feel when you are in the thick of things. When you spend some time with the seniors, they lift your spirits. They know just how to inspire you when you feel like there is no end in sight. 

They always have a word of inspiration and advice on how to get out of your slump. Maybe it is just their appreciativeness that rubs off on you. Or perhaps, it is their outlook on life and knowing what is essential. 

Know what is important

Never has there been an elderly person lying on a deathbed, wishing that they had worked more or spent more time in the office. There are some goals worth chasing and some that end in nothing. 

Spending time with the elderly will help you realize that relationships with the people around you are the things that matter the most. They will help you see that making money is only a means for you to enjoy the time that you have with them. 

Chasing after possessions and stuff only brings temporary happiness, but building your relationships brings a lifetime of happiness. The ones who didn’t get it are the lonely ones and you can see the regret that they carry with them. 


The seniors have a wealth of wisdom that they are dying to share with you. All you need to do is to carve some time out of your schedule and invest it in some time at a senior’s home. It is true that times change and that the world today is different than what it looked like a couple of years ago. 

The one thing that does not change is that we are social beings and need the company of others to lead full lives. The seniors that you visit will tell you what works, what doesn’t and they will be honest in telling you that they don’t have all the answers. But getting ahead and dodging some of the mines is always worth the effort. One day you will be the one who can pass on your life experience. 

Author Bio:

Robert Everett is a student counselor guiding college and university level students to get into careers that they dream of and be successful in what they take up in their professional lives. His guidance has helped many students achieve greater heights in their careers. In his free time, he reads autobiographies, plays tennis and practices meditation. 


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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


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