Interview With Actress Erin Boyes

By Ruth on June 12, 2019 in Interview, movie, television

Have you ever been watching a show, and you exclaim, “Wait a minute! That person looks familiar! Where do I know them from?” My mom does this to me regularly, and being the sleuth that I am, I adore going on the hunt for the name of the supporting cast member whether she instigates it or someone else does. In fact, I often initiate the search myself anyway. In the case of Erin Boyes, I knew her by name, but it took me a little time to investigate who she was and where I had seen her previously. This is when I am grateful to Hallmark because this network has introduced me to a wide variety of actors (both in Canada and beyond), and recently I was able to catch up with Erin and ask her a few questions about how she got started as an actress and more. It is my joy to share our recent chat with my readers today.

Photo by Kristine Cofsky: The Portrait Sessions

RH: Please tell us how you got involved with acting as a career and what kind of training you had to prepare you for this career.

Photo by Rebecca Roberts

EB: I started at Cab Calloway School of the Arts in Delaware. I was there for six years studying acting and vocals and dance. Then I ended up briefly at an acting school in Philadelphia because my parents didn’t know where else to send me when I expressed an interest in acting. It’s really more of a modeling school–haha! They actually taught me how to host a party and set a table. When I look back at that I think it’s super weird and reminds me of Stepford Wives.

After graduating from Cab Calloway, I worked as an intern at the Actors Center in Philadelphia in exchange for classes. They taught me about acting while clocking for soaps like All My Children. Then I started going to New York for auditions – really random ones like the Britney Spears and Madonna music video and commercials for Live Links. I’m aging myself aren’t I? Ha! I interned at a talent agency just to learn the ropes. I was eighteen and traveling twice a week or more on the bus or trains for three hours to NYC just to help an agent sort through stacks and stacks of VHS demo reels and headshots. We’re talking THOUSANDS. We were surrounded every day with phones ringing that we couldn’t find through all of the headshots. It’s so different now!

Anyway, I eventually moved to Vancouver, and my cousins who worked in the industry here helped me get my first real agent. Then I started to study at acting studios in Vancouver. I did voice classes, scene classes, monologue writing, method-style training, character work, comedy classes… everything.  I booked a few roles, but felt like I was on a time crunch to go to University. My Dad is a molecular biochemist and my Mom was a teacher, so education has always been a priority. I went to university for psychology while I kept studying and auditioning and working as an actor.

Photo by Kristine Cofsky

Then I made the move to LA! I lived in LA for four years where I studied at some amazing studios with truly amazing artists that I still adore. I worked as a casting intern and associate, a producer’s assistant and produced my own short films. For the next few years, I bounced between Toronto–doing theatre–and LA–finishing the short films I was making. I have traveled a bunch for film festivals and for studying acting, including Spain, Colorado, LA, Philadelphia and Jamaica. It’s been a wild ride. I have always listened to my gut when I have felt the urge to move to the next experience. It has always been a blessing.

So again, on a whim, I moved back to Vancouver. I started booking work pretty soon after moving here and decided to finish my degree while working as an actor again. I have always loved being a student, but it was scary going back. A lot had changed over the six-year break that I took! While I was nearing the end of my degree, I met my fiancé, Johnny. Once I met him, I knew I wasn’t going to be “leaving on a whim” again. I finished my degree and LOVED every minute of being back. Having a background in psychology helps with my understanding of literature, characters and story.

I started teaching acting a few years ago to kids, teens and adults, and I use a lot of what I learned in my degree when I teach. Now I have a beautiful newborn baby girl and a partner that I adore and I truly love being rooted as an actor in Vancouver. I am currently training in voiceover, and I love being a student again.

What was your first professional job in the industry, and what are your memories of that job?

My first job was in a wrestling mockumentary called Kayfabe. I played the promoter’s daughter, Wendy. Learning about the wrestling world was memorable, let me tell you! Learning what “gigging” was blew my mind. Real blood people. Real blood. I really loved working with all those guys. They were so friendly and funny. Really funny. I think the movie ended up pretty funny too.

Married Life
Patricia Clarkson, Erin Boyes

I think one of your first notable works was in the Ira Sachs film Married Life. What was it like working on that film, and what did you most appreciate about your character and the storyline?

I was playing Chris Cooper and Patricia Clarkson’s daughter in Married Life. I was completely starstruck. It was set in the 40’s so I was uber excited because I am a HUGE fan of period pieces and history. I remember the wardrobe fitting like it was yesterday. All of the undergarments. Everything made me feel so dainty and structured. I just thought about my grandmothers a lot as  I do in every period pieces I work on.

The Mistletoe Promise
Jaime King, Christie Laing, Erin Boyes

Hallmark viewers (including me) first saw you in The Mistletoe Promise. What did you know about Hallmark before making that movie? What did you enjoy about working on that film?

Growing up in Delaware, my mom and my younger siblings and I watched Hallmark movies. We ate snacks and cuddled up in my mom’s bed, especially when there was a thunderstorm. I remember thinking “I can do that!” I must have been maybe twelve thinking “I want to do that!” My first day on set on The Mistletoe Promise, I called my mom and said “Mom! I am actually one of those actors now!” We had a good chuckle.

You made an appearance in a couple of mystery films with Hallmark. Anything notable stand out about making those films as compared to the typical Hallmark romances?

The snow! Lots of snow in the holiday movies, but we film them during the summer so we’re boiling in winter clothes! The mystery films I have worked on have been spring or summer clothes matching the season more.

Your most popular Hallmark film is probably Miss Christmas. What are your memories of making this film? Why do you think this particular one resonated with the viewers so much?

Miss Christmas

Two words.. Marc Blucas.

I LOVED filming Miss Christmas. Marc, as my brother, was almost as annoying as he was supportive and hilarious. We played brother and sister, so it worked out great 🙂 Also Brooke D’Orsay and Fiona Vroom are SO fun to watch and professional, so I think the magic was in the casting. And the ugly Christmas sweaters.

Marrying Mr. Darcy

You also made an appearance in Marrying Mr. Darcy, a very popular film series with Hallmark. Were you familiar with this series before joining the cast? What did you enjoy about this one?

I was! I loved watching Frances Fisher. My sisters and I are huge Titanic fans (again, period pieces and history). I really just loved working with Frances. I think she is fabulous. Oh, and my wardrobe. I loved my hair and wardrobe.

The Man In the High Castle

You were also in an episode of The Man in the High Castle. What is special about this series, in your opinion? What did you enjoy about being a part of it?

The story behind Hoover and his real-life secretary was cool to learn about.  And the wardrobe! Can you tell? I’m a nerd for wardrobe. My mom and sister work in wardrobe, so I became a fan of period-style clothing from a young age. It tells a story. My sister Mariah actually has a consignment shop online called ReRuns which my mom used to own in Gastown in Vancouver in the 80’s. I also loved working with Rufus {Sewell}. We know each other outside of the show, and I was very excited to watch him work and learn. He’s a great actor.

Any other upcoming works you can mention?

I have just returned to auditioning within the last month or two, so we will see! I am back to teaching my scene study classes as well, so that’s exciting for me.

I understand you’ve just had a baby. Congratulations! Going forward, how do you think this may impact your acting career?

Thank you! Yes, Lyric is just over three months now. I think it will make it more awesome in every way. I’m always up for a challenge as long as my heart is in it. And my heart is definitely in my baby girl and storytelling so I see it as all positive.

I appreciate having the opportunity to feature supporting cast members like Erin because their perspectives and anecdotes are often rather refreshing. In the case of Erin, I am convinced that she could easily write a best-selling memoir detailing the varied experiences she has had in her chosen profession! I was almost exhausted reading through the first couple of paragraphs! Notwithstanding, Erin has remained committed to her goals, passions, and ideals, and in so doing, she has carved out a marvelous niche for herself in an industry that can often be overrun with those who aren’t genuinely committed to the craft. It is readily apparent that she is quite intuitive and always has been throughout her career, and I am so glad that she is able to “brighten the corner” where she is as she portrays a wide variety of characters on-screen while preparing the next generation for the rigors of an entertainment career. I am convinced that if anyone can do it, Erin can, because it seems that her talent is limitless when it comes to the entertainment industry. However, she never takes anything for granted and continues to dive into every role and challenge that is sent her way, and that is why she continues to have such unparalleled success in everything she does. 

I hope that everyone has the opportunity to watch Erin’s past works (for Hallmark, that should be easy since Christmas In July is coming very soon) while also visiting her links below. She does share some magnificent photos on social media, so it is worth your while to follow her I would say. As a young mother who now has a little girl as well as a delightful partner by her side, Erin is one whose possibilities, both professionally and personally, are boundlessly exciting as her career continues its gradual upswing towards every dream within her heart and mind. While no one can foretell the future, it is my sincere belief that as long as she perseveres in her chosen field and continues on her current path while keeping a cool head and a determined attitude, I have no doubt that she will experience genuine satisfaction as more significant and exciting career opportunities are sent her way!







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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Sally Silverscreen June 15, 2019 Reply

    Great interview! I have seen ‘Miss Christmas’ and it was such a great movie! Hopefully, Erin can star in more Hallmark movies in the future.

    Thank you, Ruth, for your continuous support of 18 Cinema Lane’s Gold Sally Awards! I recently posted the results on my blog, so check it out if you get the chance!

    • Author
      Ruth June 15, 2019 Reply

      Thank you Sally! I did check out the results. I thought I commented, but I probably forgot! Thank you for reading my interviews too.

  2. denise June 14, 2019 Reply

    My niece attends Cab Calloway–Delaware is where I grew up, too.

    Love learning about the different actresses and their backgrounds.

    • Author
      Ruth June 14, 2019 Reply

      How cool is that Denise? Thanks for reading & commenting

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