Interview With Actress Tegan Moss, “Valentine In the Vineyard”

By Ruth on January 31, 2019 in Interview, movie, television

Back before the debut of Summer In the Vineyard, I had the wonderful opportunity of chatting with Tegan Moss and Marcus Rosner live. Since that time, I have been following Tegan’s career, and nothing made me happier than discovering that she was coming back for the third and final installment of the “Vineyard” series. Recently, Tegan and I took some time to do a follow-up interview, and I am delighted to share it with my readers in anticipation of this weekend’s premiere!

RH: Since we last chatted, viewers have seen you in a few things, including one of the Garage Sale Mysteries films. What was it like to be a part of this iconic series? 

Garage Sale Mysteries

TM: It was such a pleasure to work on this series, especially as I had the opportunity to work with my brother on that film. It was actually our sixth time working together and it’s always so much fun. Lori {Loughlin} was also incredible to work with and just as beautiful off-screen as she is on-screen. I kept asking her for beauty tips and she gave me a few excellent ones 🙂

You also guest-starred on an episode of The Good Doctor. What did you appreciate about being a part of this show?

The Good Doctor

I was fortunate to guest star on The Good Doctor when it was at the peak of its ratings so the buzz on set was very exciting. The cast is so down-to-earth and incredibly talented, so it was easy to just feed off of what they were delivering. Antonia {Thomas} was especially supportive when I had to do my more emotional scenes and it was so nice to have someone like that when I was dealing with that kind of material.

You have also voiced a character for My Little Pony. Why do you think this show has continued to be so popular with the fans?

My favourite thing about working on My Little Pony was seeing the reactions from the fans and to see how many long-time supporters there are out there. I think this show has continued to be so popular because it ignites so many memories in parents as well as kids, and it gives them an opportunity to bond in a way the new cartoon shows haven’t.

Tegan Moss, Marcus Rosner Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

Very soon we will see you in the third installment of the “Vineyard” films, Valentine In the Vineyard. What can you tease about your character and the storyline?

In this installment of the “Vineyard” films, you get a chance to see both Lexi and Marco a little more grown up. Our clothes, our demeanor and the issues we had to deal with were much more mature than the first film, and it was so nice to go on that journey with these characters. It was also fun to see Lexi settled into her new life in St. Madeline and to see that her friendship with Frankie is even stronger than last time. In this film, you also get to meet my mom played by the talented Teryl Rothery. We had worked together on a film when I was fourteen, so it was so nice to finally be back on set with her.

Valentine In the Vineyard

What is it really like working with the other cast members in this series? Any behind-the-scenes stories?

We are a really tight cast and have so much fun both on and off screen. Brendan {Penny} and Marcus {Rosner} are always cracking jokes and setting a fun vibe on set while Rachael {Leigh Cook} is so down-to-earth and easy-going; she’s an absolute doll and I’m lucky to have met her and now have her as a friend. The crew was also fantastic and we had a super fun night on our day off at the Karaoke bar. And no, I did not get up and sing, but Marcus did and he killed it!


With Teryl and Rachael
Valentine In the Vineyard

Any other upcoming works you can mention?

There is a possible Hallmark project in the works where I may play a bride, but the details are top-secret at the moment 🙂

As a wife and mother, what has been the most challenging thing about returning to acting? What has been the most rewarding?

Definitely time management. It’s so hard to give the attention you want to give to all the important things in your life, and it’s challenging to find time to prioritize everything. I often find myself getting up at 5 AM to work on lines before the kids get up so that I can give them my full attention. In short, I’m tired a lot! The most rewarding thing is that my kids get to see me do something I really love and they can see how much it lights me up. I really try to involve them and share the wins with them so that it can inspire them to do something in the future that really fulfills them too.

Marcus Rosner, Tegan Moss Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

Do you have plans to do any writing/producing/directing in the near future?

Writing is definitely something I have on the agenda as well as producing. When I was little and I went on a commercial set for the first time, I told my mom that one day I was going to “sit on the big comfy couches that the producers sit on,’ so I think I owe it to the little girl in me to see that through one day 🙂 As for directing, I’ll leave that to the pros!

Do you have any special traditions/plans/memories of Valentine’s Day that you would like to share?

Well, my birthday is exactly one week before Valentine’s Day (I was actually supposed to be born on Valentine’s Day), so I’ve always had a special place in my heart for this holiday. When I was young, I used to have Valentine’s Day-themed birthday parties and went all out with the decorations, so I think that has influenced the way I like to celebrate today. I like to make Valentine’s Day special, and I can promise that there will always be a box of chocolates waiting for my kids when they wake up Valentine’s Day morning, which is a tradition my mom started. They may roll their eyes when they are seventeen-year-old teenage boys, but I’m still going to do it!

Women like Tegan are always an inspiration to me. As a mother myself, when I see mothers and wives who are continuing to pursue their dreams while maintaining a healthy balance between their home and work lives, it reminds me that in today’s world, women (and everyone else) are not limited when it comes to accomplishing their aspirations. While Tegan has had to learn how to navigate this new chapter in her life, she has done it with flair, grace, and true joy, and seeing her on-screen is invariably something that overwhelms me with pleasure. In addition to this, Tegan is beautiful, kind, sweet, tenacious, and incredibly talented. 

I hope that all my U.S. readers will make it a point to tune in to Hallmark Channel this Saturday, February 2nd to watch the premiere of the third film in the “Vineyard” saga, Valentine In the Vineyard. While luxuriating in the romances of this series, I invite you to take a moment to visit Tegan’s links below and consider following her on social media. While she’s not excessively active on her social media accounts, she is rather skilled at ensuring that her fans know what her upcoming works are and where and when you can see them. And after all, we all want to be supporting her the moment she steps into the writer and/or producer chair, so if we follow her now, we will be certain to witness history in the making. Since she also has a birthday coming up soon (February 7th), it would be an advantageous opportunity to remind her just how much we love her, respect her, and appreciate her genuine positivity, effervescent spunk, and her exquisite talent!





Tegan Moss, Marcus Rosner, Rachael Leigh Cook, Brendan Penny

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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


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