Interview With Actress Jaycie Dotin

By Ruth on October 14, 2018 in Interview, movie, television

Yet again, because of my devotion to all things Hallmark and my interest in the supporting cast, I have happened upon another up and coming actress, Jaycie Dotin. Viewers had the opportunity to catch a delightful glimpse of her this summer in Love At First Dance, but her career is certainly more expansive than merely that one role. I am honored to highlight her today by featuring our recent Q & A session.

Photo by Peter Konerko

RH: Why did you decide to become an actress? What kind of training have you had?

First Dance

JD: I can’t remember the exact moment I decided to become an actress because, as far back as I can remember, it’s just always what  I wanted to do. My father was an original member of the Billboard Award-nominated band, La Flavour, so I guess you could say my training started at the ripe age of four weeks (yes, four weeks!) when my mom brought me into the studio where they were recording one of their many albums. From fourteen weeks to five years old, I traveled on tour with them throughout the USA. Making music, entertaining crowds, and performing on stage was the only “adult job” I knew of. So it was no surprise, when I was placed in my first ballet class, there was no turning back. My love for dance slowly transitioned into a love for musical theatre and then my acting career took off from there.

La Flavour

I majored in Musical Theatre at Wright State University and since then, most of my formal training has been at various studios in LA and NY or just from picking the brains of seasoned actors on set while working. I have since moved to Vancouver, BC and am currently training with Deb Podowski at Austin Tuck Studios.

What was your first professional job in the business, and what are your memories of it?

King’s Island Cast Members

My very first paid entertainment gig was at Paramount’s Kings Island amusement park in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was the summer after my first year of college and I remember it being one of the best summers of my life. I was in school learning about a business that I loved and I was finally making a living doing it!

Kings Island Cast

Our main show was a high energy variety show where we danced and sang to every genre of music you could possibly think of; Pop, Rock, Country, R&B, the list goes on. The choreography and vocals were beautiful, the costumes were colorful and fun, and the audiences absolutely loved it. My cast became my family that summer and most of us still keep in touch to this day.

Many of your films have been independent short films. What do you appreciate about indie film and what do you see as the challenges?

The Badass Security Handbook

I’ll start with the challenges: funding. This is a business after all, so funding is typically the biggest challenge you’ll face on some smaller indie films. However, the silver lining to that challenge is the thing that makes me appreciate them the most. Generally, you’ll find that a lot of the cast and crew on an indie short are either volunteering their time or are working for a discounted rate.

Last Words

When you don’t have a huge budget, you must rely on a team who you know is truly passionate about the project. This results in a cast and crew who are willing to put their “all” into a film because of the art of it, not the paycheck. I find that the indie films I have worked on possess more heart and gusto because everyone involved was there for the film, not for themselves. It creates an incredible environment on set where creativity is rich and positivity is plentiful. Don’t get me wrong, I have been on larger budget sets where I had a wonderful experience as well, but there is something to be said about having a group of people gathered in one place, putting their blood sweat and tears into a film just because they truly want that story told.

You had a guest star spot on iZombie. What was it like working on that show?

So much fun! That cast and crew are so dialed in and that set runs like a well-oiled machine. My day went fairly quickly, but the short time I spent with them was warm and welcoming. They also kept offering me food, so that definitely helped make it a positive experience! I wish them many seasons to come.

Love at First Dance Choreographer: Paul Destrooper, Becca Tobin, Director Mark Jean, Jaycie Dotin, Nate Fadear, Niall Matter

Your first Hallmark movie premiered this summer, Love At First Dance. What did you appreciate about your role and working on that film? Any behind-the-scenes moments you would like to share?

I was so excited to be a part of that film! First of all, my scenes were all shot in and around Victoria, BC which is my husband’s hometown, so it was really cool to be able to work in a city that has such sentimental value for us. It was also really special because I rarely get to combine my two loves (dancing and acting) when working in the Film/TV world. For most of my career, I have been hired as a singer/dancer in shows like Jersey Boys the Musical, but playing Cindy in Love at First Dance was my first opportunity to meld my two worlds and take my dancing to the screen.

Love At First Dance

My favorite behind-the-scenes moment was on the last day of shooting when Niall Matter brought us all cookies. (All my best memories of any set involve food!) In all honesty, all the BTS moments were great because that cast and crew were all super fun and hilarious human beings. Here’s to hoping Cindy and Adam get a spin-off. Love at First Dance 2: The Honeymoon, anyone? Hallmark? Bueller?

Why do you believe the Hallmark network has experienced such major growth in recent years? What do you like about working for the network?

Hallmark provides magical moments for people to sit down and enjoy optimistic stories with their families. There is currently a lot of negativity in this world and I think that their viewers love the positive experience that Hallmark’s movies create for them. The stories are all beautiful and give people something happy to look forward to in their day. The network is very experienced and they have a wonderful formula that maintains a pristine working environment and produces content that any actor would be proud to be a part of. I hope to continue working with them for many years to come!


Any other current/upcoming works you would like to mention?

This summer, I completed the Los Angeles 48-Hour Film Project with Trinoceros Productions. If you’re not familiar, the “48” is a short film competition where teams are given just two days to make a film from scratch. Our film, L.A.M.P, had its initial screening in Los Angeles on August 16th and we were honored to ultimately win 3rd Place: Best Film of 2018. {Check out more information about other awards and the film itself here.}

48HR Film Project red carpet with director Fernando Raigoza

I also recently shot the pilot of Chalkboard Prison: a new comedy series about a former kindergarten teacher, Stanley Purdy, who is forced to take a job teaching at a men’s prison. I play Ashley Purdy, Stanley’s wife, who is a prosecutor for the District Attorney’s office and a secret nerd at heart.

I have two upcoming projects in pre-production:

The Scorpion: a parody/comedy about a washed up 70’s Rockstar and his struggle to remain relevant in the “synthesized MTV era” of music.

Killing for Spark: A comedic short about a couple who turn to murder to regain the spark in their marriage.

You can always keep up with my current projects at or @jayciedotin on Instagram and Twitter

Do you have plans to write/direct/produce?

I’d call it more of a dream than a plan at this point. I have ideas every day about things I’d love to see created, but finding the time to start those projects is a challenge. The more I work in and around Vancouver, the more I meet people who I would love to collaborate with. I hope to make those dreams a reality soon enough.

What advice would you give to a young person who was considering a career in acting?

Halloween costume Pumpkin Spice made by me

If it is something that you are truly and wholeheartedly passionate about, never give up. The minute you second guess it as your career, quit. This business is unbelievably challenging and there are high highs and even lower lows. If you aren’t prepared to give your blood, sweat, and tears just for the chance at a role, then you aren’t ready to maintain a career in this industry. I don’t want to scare anyone away or make it sound like I don’t love the entertainment business; I do. I love it more than anything and that’s why I’m still here. I just want people to know it isn’t all glitz and glamour. Actors are THE hardest working people I know; physically, mentally, and emotionally. You must be ready for anything and be willing to give your whole self to it and I promise you, if you do, it is the most rewarding career on the planet.

Halloween Costume SFX Makeup created by me

What is your favorite season? Why?

Definitely fall! I’m not into the pumpkin spice lattes, but I sure do love sitting by a campfire in a comfy, oversized sweater, cuddling my dog, and smelling the crisp clean air all around me. I lived in Los Angeles for almost eight years and “seasons” weren’t exactly a thing there. Since moving up to Vancouver, BC, I’ve realized how much I love the change in weather and colors of the leaves. Not to mention, “fall food” is the best! Soups and casseroles with squash and pumpkin, and Thanksgiving dinner…yum! (it always goes back to food with me!) Last but not least, Halloween is my favorite holiday and I always make all of my own costumes so, once fall hits, it means I can start planning and creating them. Bring on the fall!

with my dog Rolo

I absolutely adore Jaycie’s optimistic outlook, her genuine enthusiasm, and, of course, her multifaceted, undisputed talent. While much of her work has been in indie film, I believe that her persistence and patience are going to pay off as she consistently invests herself fully in every on-set experience she is afforded. Even though growing up in the entertainment business never guarantees that a child will follow that corresponding path, there is no doubt that her true calling is within this world of the performing arts.  

If you have not had the opportunity to witness the prowess of Jaycie on-screen, I invite my Hallmark readers especially to look up her film from this summer, Love At First Dance. Additionally, for even more Jaycie, check out all of her links below and consider following her where applicable. I sincerely hope to get the chance to watch her in another Hallmark movie (or any other network for that matter) soon because a talent like hers deserves some brilliant moments in the spotlight. While I understand that working actors do have to pay their dues, I believe that Jaycie is one who is dependable, conscientious, and above all, a pure joy and gift to on any set on which she works. Furthermore, since she’s unquestionably a team player, I tend to think it is only a matter of time before her career manifests itself in more major projects, and it is my desire to follow this lovely lady every step of the way!








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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.

1 Comment

  1. denise October 15, 2018 Reply

    I enjoyed getting to know a little more about her.

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