Interview With Actress Cherion Drakes, “Under the Autumn Moon”

By Ruth on October 13, 2018 in Interview, movie, television

Quite often in my line of work, interviews do pop up at the eleventh hour so to speak. Nevertheless, every time God brings along one of these last-minute interviews, He always provides the necessary time and resources in order for me to feature it in time for the movie premiere. And in the case of Cherion Drakes, that is precisely what happened. In anticipation of Cherion’s very first Hallmark movie, Under the Autumn Moon, I am delighted to share my recent chat with this gifted young lady with all my readers today!

Photo by David Muller © Cherion Drakes

RH: Cherion, I’m so glad we were able to chat before the premiere of Under the Autumn Moon tonight. 

CD: Oh, Ruth, me too. Thanks for reaching out.

I have already chatted with Wes Brown about the movie, and now it’s my turn to chat with you.

Ruth, it’s an honor to be asked, so thanks. Wes is fantastic, as is Lindy {Booth}.

How did you get involved with acting?

I was very shy as a child, and one of our neighbors suggested to my mom as a way to get me out of shyness to enroll me in an acting school called The Children’s Theater in Montreal. So I went there, and the lovely ladies who were there–they’ve passed on now, God bless them–they said, “Don’t worry. We’re gonna make her shine.” And that’s how I started acting.

I am familiar with this theater because I believe other actors I have talked to before have also been a part of that theater program. Since you began at the age of ten, was this something you considered for a career, or was it more just for fun?

It did start as something I just did for fun. Then when I was in high school, my guidance counselor gave me a test to help me decide what I should focus on for college and university, and acting came up. Journalism also came up. When I spoke with my mom about it, I wanted to be cautious and take the safe route, and she recommended that I have something to fall back on. I love storytelling, and I thought, “Well, journalism would be another avenue where I would be able to tell a story.” So I have a degree in journalism from Ryerson University. But I didn’t actually pursue journalism. Where I was living in my dorm, we always had to walk by the theater school in order to get to our classes. And my heart just ached to be in that building. When I graduated, I prayed and asked for a sign. The week of my graduation, I applied for a job where I was interning. I didn’t get the job, but I got an agent that same week, and she’s still my agent today.

I just love hearing stories like that! You think you’re going one direction, and then something happens that sends you another direction, and it’s what you wanted to do anyway. 

Yes, absolutely.

What was your first professional job in the industry?

I did a movie for Showtime called Conviction, and that was my first job.  Omar Epps was the star, and I played his mother in a flashback scene. Actually, come to think of it, technically my first job was a Tim Horton’s commercial. But my first TV/film role was in Conviction.

Now, do you live in Toronto? Is that your home base?

No, I lived in Toronto for some time, but I actually live in Los Angeles.

Oh, I see. So when did you move to LA?

I think I moved down here back in 2010.

That’s really cool. I have spoken with some actors who have gone through the process of relocating to LA from Canada, and I understand it can be a bit of a nightmare process at times.

Oh, that’s so true. Half of the battle is just being able to work here in the U.S. But I am so blessed because my father was American. He has passed on now, but because of his heritage, the process was much easier for me.

While I’m rather unfamiliar with much of your past work, what would you consider some of your more well-known works?

Major Crimes

I do a lot of commercials. I’m definitely not as big as Wes or Lindy. {laughs} I have done some television shows. I did an episode of Major Crimes, which is not really around anymore. But it was a popular show on TNT. As far as television goes, most of the shows I appeared on aren’t running anymore. But that’s often what happens unless it’s something like CSI that’s been running for like twenty years. But I’m still on my upward journey.

You know, I think most working actors that I have talked to, even if they’ve been in the business a while, that’s their outlook. They’re just happy to be a working actor and to make a living doing what they love. 

Exactly. What I will say is my whole philosophy on my career…Neal Patrick Harris said it in an interview once with Oprah Winfrey. In this interview, he was talking about the journey and he was like, “No matter where you are in your journey, you’re always chasing something. You’re trying to get an agent. Then you’re trying to get auditions. Then you’re trying to get a callback. Then you’re trying to book a job. Then you’re trying to keep the job. Then you’re trying to get an Emmy. There’s always something.” You really just have to be where you’re at and be fully present with that, and whatever comes, comes. Because if you constantly live for the next moment, you’re gonna miss this one. Success means different things to different people. I think as long as you’re happy doing what you’re doing, then you are successful. And I’m so happy right now!

Since you’re in LA, you will get to watch the premiere of Under the Autumn Moon tonight.

Yes, I am so excited. I believe it will air in Canada on the 20th. But tonight, I’m gonna watch it with Lindy, and we’re going to promote it live together.

That’s great! So even though this is your first Hallmark movie, I am sure you were aware of the network.

Under the Autumn Moon

Yes, I was, but I wasn’t aware how big they were and how much of a following they have. I was quite surprised when I came on board. But let me tell you a funny story. A week before I got the audition for this Hallmark movie, a friend of mine sent me a text message saying that I should talk to my reps about getting into one of these Hallmark movies. My friend said I’d be perfect. I still have that text message. And literally a week later, I got this audition and now I’m in my first Hallmark movie.

You hadn’t worked with Lindy or Wes previously, right?

No, I hadn’t, and I had never met them until I met them that first day on set.  And I found out that actually, Lindy is Canadian too. And now we’re friends. Of course, I had seen some of their other works. But they’re both such wonderful people, and I loved working with them.

What can you tell us about your character in Under the Autumn Moon?

with Wes Davis

Well, without giving away too much of the story, my character, Jill, is going through a life change. She decides to take a little vacation. During her vacation, she meets Lindy’s character, Alex, and both of them are going on life-changing journeys together and learning a lot from each other. Certain things happen and certain people are met, and we end up in different places than when we started.

I know you filmed this in Canada, but whereabouts in Canada?

We shot in Winnipeg, and it was my first time there.

From what I’ve seen and heard, the area where you shot was beautiful.

Under the Autumn Moon

Oh my goodness, it was stunning! And then just being around the horses…it was just really beautiful. It was really nice to go to work every day.

Since you’re watching with Lindy, does this mean you’ll be live tweeting tonight?

I will, yes. I am really bad with social media, but I’m getting better. Twitter is probably the one I’m on the least. But for the fans that are on social media, I’ll also be doing a live feed on Instagram tonight and tackle that for the first time.

It’s great that you’ve got Lindy to help you out. She will probably give you a few pointers as live tweeting can be overwhelming the first time especially.

I was glad Lindy suggested watching together. I really hope this movie is the first of many Hallmark movies for me.

with Lindy Booth

Well, I bet the fans are gonna fall in love with you and feel the same way, Cherion.

Aw, thank you, Ruth.

Now, in addition to this movie, do you have anything else upcoming that you can mention?

Not right now. I’m waiting to confirm some things. So stay tuned! I’ll be sure to announce it online when I can.

One more thing I would like to clear up. How do you pronounce your name?

It is pronounced “Sherion.” Actually, it is French, and there is an exact pronunciation, but I don’t expect anyone else to be able to pronounce it the French way, so “Sherion” works for me.

Good to know. Thank you, Sherion, for taking the time to chat with me today, and we are all looking forward to Under the Autumn Moon tonight.

And thank you, Ruth, it was a pleasure chatting with you. I hope to see a lot of the fans on Twitter on Instagram tonight, and I hope everyone loves the movie.

Photo by David Muller © Cherion Drakes

While I know there are a wealth of actors who are regularly added to the Hallmark network family, there are particular ones who seem to be the perfect fit right off the bat. And in the case of Cherion, I believe we have found someone who is ideally suited for Hallmark. Her attitude and outlook are replete with positivity, kindness, and anticipation. While all actors have the tendency to desire providential success with their projects, I sense that Cherion’s eagerness to please and completely immerse herself within the world of Hallmark are qualities that are going to afford her the chance to connect with the fans in a responsive way. Furthermore, her kinship with one of the sweethearts of Hallmark (Lindy Booth) is going to make her an even more viable candidate for future Hallmark roles–at least, in my humble opinion. 

Please make every effort to tune into the Hallmark Channel on Saturday, October 13th and celebrate the premiere of yet another Fall Harvest romance entitled Under the Autumn Moon. Just like the network’s other offerings, this film definitely promises to sweep the viewers away into a dimension of love, joy, and a world of happily-ever-after in its own inimitable way, aided by the undeniable talents of Wes, Lindy, and this newcomer, Cherion Drakes. Additionally, please check out Cherion’s links below and consider following her so that you have the opportunity to tweet with her tonight and in future productions, not to mention also interact with her on Instagram. While I have not had the occasion to watch Cherion in any other works as of yet, I have no doubt that since Hallmark has chosen to take a chance on her and Lindy has formed a prompt and winsome bond with her, I tend to think that her journey is about to take a decisive upswing, propelled by her willingness to invest the time and resources necessary to ensure a steady and exemplary career in a somewhat uncertain profession.  I applaud her determination, her optimism, and above all, her authenticity. As far as I’m concerned, I am a fan of her as a person, and I am convinced that will transfer seamlessly over to the screen tonight and in every other project in which I am honored to witness her talents!






Under the Autumn Moon


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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.

1 Comment

  1. denise October 15, 2018 Reply

    I so enjoyed the character she played. So full of vim and vigor and bubbly, too. A delight to watch.

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