Interview With Actress Kyla Matthews

By Ruth on May 9, 2018 in Interview, movie, television

I often tell people that interviewing the young people in the film/TV industry is the task in which I most revel. While I had only heard of the popular Netflix show Anne With An E, when I was given the opportunity to ask Kyla Matthews (Ruby Gillis) a few questions about her career, I jumped at the chance. Interestingly enough, Hallmark audiences are familiar with her work as well. It is with immense enthusiasm that I am sharing her insightful responses with my readers today!

Photo Credit: Ian Redd

RH: Why did you decide to become an actress? When did you first start acting professionally?

KM: I never actually made the decision to become “an actress” originally. I just started acting, but I’ve had such great experiences doing it, and now that season two of Anne has finished filming, I know that I would like to carry-on acting for as long as possible.

My first professional acting role was in a Hershey’s Commercial. I was over-the-moon when I heard that I’d gotten that part. I got to eat Hershey S’mores and wear a cast on my arm.

Photo Credit: Ken Woroner

Tell us about how you got involved with Wayward Pines. What are your special memories of that role?

My mom and I had watched the entire first season, and we loved it, so when I had the opportunity to audition, I was so excited, (and my mom was super excited about seeing Djimon Honsou). I played the part of a schoolgirl in a high-school where all the teenagers were encouraged to procreate, (except for me because I hadn’t reached my “blooming period yet”). It was such an absurd situation where adults were actively trying to get teenagers to “make babies;” I love how absurd that show can be.

You were also on an episode of Project Mc². What was the best part about being on this show?

Photo Credit: Ken Woroner

My grandma on the show was awesome! I was playing a kind of bratty tween, and my grandma was a little exasperated by my antics. But in reality, she was really kind and funny; I love meeting interesting people like that on set.

Although Miranda’s Rights was not picked up as a series, I am familiar with the show. Please tell us what was special about your role and what you learned about being on set.

I played the daughter of parents who were in the midst of a custody battle. It’s always tough when kids are forced to be in the centre of the conflict between adults and a lot of kids can relate to being stuck in this situation.

Kim Delaney, Kyla Matthews, Laura Bertram, Emily Haine Credit: Copyright 2017 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Owen Strongman

Hallmark audiences were introduced to you in Signed, Sealed, Delivered Home Again. Were you (or your parents) aware of this movie series before you were cast in it? Are you aware of the fans of the show known as the Postables? What did you enjoy the most about being a part of this film?

No, I had no idea about Postables, but now I will go and look them up! The best part about being a part of this film was gallivanting on that farm amongst the cows. I also really enjoyed working with new actors. My “aunt” on the show was really cool; we’d go off on little adventures together when we weren’t really supposed to.

Photo Credit: Ken Woroner

You can currently be seen in the role of Ruby Gillis in the Netflix show Anne With An E. How did you get involved with this show? Were you familiar with Anne of Green Gables before becoming a part of this series? Any special moments from the series that you’d like to share?

I had an Anne of Green Gables picture book that I used to read over and over again when I was little. I loved the stories, so when I heard about the audition for the TV show, I thought it would be a wonderful opportunity. And it really has been. I’ve made such incredible friends from it. The people on Anne are what have made the experience so great. They are all so creative and caring. I am so thankful.

Photo Credit: Ken Woroner

Any other upcoming works you can mention?

Unfortunately, I can’t mention anything, but I hope I can soon.

How do you balance your schoolwork with your time on set and auditioning?

For the past year, I’ve been doing online school. Which has been a lot easier than getting teachers to mail your work. Or having to keep up with the people in your class. But for me, it’s always a little tricky and distracting trying to keep up with my schoolwork on set.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I love seeing my friends as much as possible. I also love taking little spontaneous road trips with my mom whenever I can.

How do you remain positive and stay away from negative influences that surround young people today, especially in the entertainment industry?

I think it helps to have authentic, down-to-earth friends who don’t really care about your status or anything irrelevant like that; they just genuinely like you for you. I would say that’s the main thing. Just surround yourself with people who are grounded and make you happy.

Photo Credit: Ian Redd

To be honest, I don’t know which energizes me more: Kyla’s pragmatic comprehension of what is a rather complex industry or her diverse body of works at her tender age. It would appear that she is as enlightened as one could ever hope for, while still tackling every role entrusted to her with exuberance as well as staggering talent. As a forever Postable, she has a devoted fan base that will follow her from Signed, Sealed, Delivered and beyond, and with season two on the horizon for Anne, there is no doubt that her star is on its steady rise. Her candor concerning school and friendship is refreshing and intelligent, and knowing that she is a pleasure and delight on-screen as well as off-screen is an attribute that causes the heart of this mother to sing for joy! There is not much that inspires me more than a young person like Kyla who has a stable support system, a willingness to embody each role with distinction, and an outlook that ensures she will gel with every cast and crew with whom she is honored to work.

Therefore, if you have not looked up the first season of Anne With An E on Netflix and/or not relished her role in Signed, Sealed, Delivered Home Again, I would invite all of my readers to move both of these works to the top of their “to-be-watched” lists as soon as possible. Additionally, if you could find it in your heart to check out her links below and consider following her where applicable, I would certainly advise you to do so at once. It boggles the imagination to observe a young person like Kyla on the very cusp of thrilling success, and I believe as long as she continues in her humbly artistic fashion, there is no end to the heights to which her burning passion will lead!






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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Malcolm Hicks March 25, 2019 Reply

    Saw Kyla in signed sealed delivered very impressed with her performance,
    i believe she has a great future ahead of herself..
    Look forward to her future programmes..

  2. Linda Manns Linneman May 11, 2018 Reply

    She is such a beautiful young lady. It seems like she is going with the flow which is great for her. Very talented young lady. Thank you so much for sharing this interview

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