How Can You Teach Your Kids to Love Their Neighbors?

By Ruth on May 23, 2018 in advice, family

If you asked people to mention the most famous teaching of the Bible that’s even known among non-Christians, they’d probably bring up the instances where Jesus Christ commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Scriptures also state that members of society know us by the ways we treat others. So, what does that mean when raising children? How can we as parents instill those values in our impressionable kids?

Set Good Examples


It’s difficult to get children to take you seriously if the things you teach them don’t align with the ways you actually live life. In everything you do, whether driving the kids to school or shopping for groceries, there will inevitably be times when you encounter people who frustrate you.


Instead of giving into the urge to grumble something under your breath or show another reaction that indicates you’re upset, take a deep breath to calm your nerves and try not to demonstrate frustration. Your restraint conveys understanding and a willingness to “take the high road” rather than giving in to the urge to make your displeasure known.

Assist People With Their Transportation Needs


Statistics from 2017 indicate that the average car ownership costs for people who drive their vehicles approximately 15,000 miles per year are more than $8,000. Many individuals have to budget for other things such as food, rent, and utility bills. When there is simply not enough money left over after paying for those things, having a car is out of the question.


Remain aware of the people in your community who do not have cars. Offer to give them lifts to wherever they are going if your schedule allows. Try to do that when your kids are in the vehicle too, so that they will see you naturally doing what you can to help other people in need.


There is one common factor among most people in our society, and it’s that they all require ways to reach their destinations. Many have no choice but to walk. Or, they might pay for taxis when they can afford that option. However, by offering the use of your car, you’re doing something practical that lets neighbors know you care.

Cook Meals for the People in Your Area


When schedules get busy, meal preparation is often the first thing that gets sacrificed. Also, sometimes there are factors in life that make it more difficult to cook meals. If you’re confident enough in the kitchen, it’s easy to make delicious dishes for new parents, people who are sick, or elderly individuals who can no longer manage themselves in the kitchen safely.


As you decide what to make, try to think of choices that people could portion out into individual servings and freeze to eat later. Also, when presenting the meal to the recipient, it’s helpful to provide a recipe card, too. Then, the person can review the ingredients to check for any allergens, plus know how to make the meal again in the future if they like it.


One great thing about this way to show kindness to neighbors is that it lets your children directly take part, making it an excellent teaching experience. Kids are curious by nature, so they’ll probably ask you why you’re making the meal and whether they could help.


Besides letting them pitch in, take the time to explain that you’re making the meal to help someone who cannot easily cook for themselves. Tie that in with how the Bible teaches us to show kindness to others.

Assist With Outreach at Your Church


If you are part of a religious organization, there are undoubtedly countless ways to become part of a larger effort to spread the good news of Jesus to people who may not have attended church in a while — or at all. For example, you might ask to work on your church’s welcome team and greet people as they walk in the door, plus provide directions to the restroom.


Provided you feel your scriptural maturity level is adequate, you may also want to help lead weekly Bible studies held at the church. Free online resources such as the magazine published by The Way International offer helpful guidance and topic suggestions to help you strengthen your faith and help others do the same.


Encourage your kids to help with church activities, too. Emphasize that when people know about Jesus, they are helping future generations learn about how Christ influenced his followers and continued to do so thousands of years later.

Show How Loving Your Neighbor Is an Extension of Everyday Life


The suggestions above are useful starting points. Together, they prove that you don’t have to devote a gigantic effort to loving your neighbor. Ideally, your kids will see that being considerate of others is something they can do within every facet of their lives. When that happens, they live out Biblical teachings without consciously realizing it, deepening their faith as a result.

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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.

1 Comment

  1. denise May 24, 2018 Reply

    I feel I’ve done a good job in instilling values and volunteerism with my children.

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