A Tribute to the Actor Rick Ravanello

By Ruth on July 31, 2017 in movie, television

If you have been following me for any length of time, you will probably recognize the name Rick Ravanello. Thanks to some wonderful friends and Sebastian Spence, I discovered this actor’s fine body of work after seeing him in Driven Underground. But interestingly enough, I actually first saw him in the first Garage Sale Mystery film on Hallmark. Yes, he played Lori Loughlin’s husband, and like the majority of the cast and for reasons I do not know, he was replaced in the second installment and following by the veteran actor Steve Bacic.

Some of you may be aware of the collages, reviews, and more that I have done to promote Rick’s work. My reviews of his are listed here.

Love To Kill

Dose of Reality

The Hunt

Swivel Shot

The Christmas Clause

Sole Custody

Dangerous Company

Driven Underground

Trust me, I have plenty more of his works to review!

Some might wonder why I am so devoted to Rick and his career. Well, in some ways, it might be hard to put into words. How is is that from the moment I contacted him, I felt an instant connection? Why does that happen with some actors, and with others, it doesn’t? In order to answer, I ask you, my readers, the following. Why do you connect really well with some people in your life and not as closely with others in your life? Remember that actors ARE people too!

There are several things I consider when choosing to connect with someone in my life, and when it comes to actors, it’s truly no different. I look for someone who espouses and embodies the qualities of integrity, humility, and benevolence. I appreciate someone who treats everyone with respect and doesn’t always just takes, but gives as well. When a person will support me as fiercely as I support him/her (not that he/she can keep up with me–I’m a bit of a crazy one when it comes to posting my ideas), I typically sense a strong connection and it makes it easy to continue to support that person.

In case you’re wondering, Rick is all these things and more. At least, in my opinion. And he has added one more vital thing to the mix–a sense of humor. All too often, people meet me and quickly make up their minds that I am serious, quiet and do not ever find the humor in situations (I cannot tell you how difficult that assumption has been for me to escape). The thing is, I have always found a sense of humor compulsory in this life, and I love the fact that Rick always seems to find the humor in every situation he encounters. Some might think he’s never serious, but I know better. (I tell you, why does everyone have to make up their minds about people so quickly and classify them as this or that? We’re very complex, and it is a wise thing to keep an open mind when it comes to people, especially ones we don’t know well.)

For me, Rick is a friend, advisor, confidante, and more. His acting is always top-notch, though some may disparage his lack of classical training or unorthodox methods. Interesting to note that there is not one right way in the world of acting, and as a teacher who didn’t take the traditional route to the classroom (that’s a whole other story), I never have a problem with people taking the non-traditional route towards their dreams. And it would seem that Rick is doing well since he seems to be in demand more as the years go by. Furthermore, he sometimes trounces those who rest on their classically-trained laurels. Ironic, isn’t it? (By the way, what I mean by “classical training” is traditional film or theater school–some claim those are the only paths to acting.)

Oh, and I almost forgot. I know I didn’t focus on the charitable work that Rick does, but he is very much involved in police officer charities, St. Jude’s, and more. I didn’t mean to neglect that part, but it is something you will discover once you examine this man. He loves playing golf, and he is often a “celebrity” (their word, not mine nor his) at these charity golf tournaments all over the U.S.

In order to celebrate the man who has inspired so many of my friends and me, I asked the Facebook group entitled “Friends of Rick Ravanello” (notice, he refuses to call them “fans”) to help me out in a project, and I promised to do it over six months ago. I wanted to have it done by the time he came back from filming Medinah in Qatar, but that didn’t happen. However, I now have it completed, and I cannot thank my friends for their invaluable help! You’ll notice when you watch this tribute just how involved they were, and I couldn’t have done it without them. While this is not comprehensive by any means, you will get an overview of the man whom I consider a dear and close friend (whom I hope one day to meet!).

So please enjoy the fruits of our labors, and then maybe after you watch the tribute, you might consider following Rick on social media (those links will be listed below). Also, feel free to join our Facebook group as we’re always looking for more wonderful friends!

Without further ado, Rick, this video is for you, and I am honored to be able to share this with you. It is but a meager attempt at attempting to encapsulate the phenomenal person and actor that you are, but I hope you will enjoy it!




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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Carol February 6, 2024 Reply

    I really liked Rick as Jen’s husband on The Garage Sale Mysteries. I thought he was a good fit. I wish he had stayed. Curious as to why he only did one episode.

  2. denise low August 6, 2017 Reply

    I haven’t seen any of these movies. He sound great. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Carol Spierdowis July 31, 2017 Reply

    I love the Garage Sale Mysteries. He is a great actor, I agree.

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