Learning how to play your favorite musical instrument is one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself. Many get the chance to play as young children in the form of vocal or piano lessons their parents made them go to, but not all people had that luxury. Thankfully, it is never too late to get started on your quest to master a musical instrument.
While it is harder to learn something new as an adult, you can still do it with great success if you put the right effort into it. One issue adults come across when undertaking a new hobby is the lack of time they have to work on it, especially if they have kids. Don’t let all this deter you, though. Here a few things that can help any person teach themselves how to play music. You may not become a world-class virtuoso, but it will still be rewarding.
1. Lessons – When people refer to teaching themselves, they usually mean they didn’t receive any formal training along the way. You might be avoiding private lessons because you are nervous to play in front of another person. You could also be shying away from them because of the cost. Luckily, there is a solution for both of these issues, online lessons.
There is a myriad of different musicians online that offer private lessons, most of them for free. Hop on YouTube and type in a description of what you are looking to learn and a litany of different videos will pop up immediately for you to take advantage of. Other teachers offer more specific lessons through their website or even in real-time on Skype.
2. Books – There are music workbooks for teaching available on just about any topic as well. This is especially true for beginners. A teacher can help guide you towards the book that best fits your learning style and ability level.
3. Time – Just like everything else in life, the more time you dedicate to music the better you will get. Try to take some time each day to play your instrument or sing. Even if it’s just twenty minutes, it will help you in the long run towards your quest to be a musician.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions about your instrument when you are trying to learn. Musicians love to talk about their instrument and will be more than happy to help you in most cases. The key to getting good at anything is to practice as much as possible.
Music is universal. All children should be exposed to it and given the opportunity to explore all its possibilities.
I think all children should be given the chance to learn how to play at least one instrument. In addition to the enjoyment of the music itself, the discipline learned can help them through the rest of their lives. I hate that so many school systems have cut programs like art and music. They honestly are as important as the academic subjects when it comes to a child’s development.
I need to check out youtube for lessons. Always wanted to learn how to play the piano and guitar
Thank you for sharing. I have always wanted to play the piano.