“A Crime of Passion” Movie Review

By Ruth on November 29, 2014 in movie, review

Based on the novel from best-selling author Mary Higgins Clark, Frederica Dumay has everything–a gorgeous new husband and half-ownership of a winery. But when her business partner’s wife is murdered, Freddi suspects her partner’s new love. While trying to discover the truth, an old boyfriend suggests looking into her new husband’s background. This leaves Freddi wondering who she can trust.

crime of passionMy review:

I do believe I have had this particular movie in my library for a month or two, and I finally had an evening to sit down and watch it.  Even before I placed this DVD in my machine, I was absolutely convinced that I would utterly enjoy everything about it.  In fact, I would describe this as “my kind of movie.” The very fact that it is a murder mystery based on a novel by an acclaimed novelist already made it a winner in my opinion.   Needless to say, the fact that it stars my favorite actor, Sebastian Spence, guaranteed that it would be a hit–which it was!

First of all, this is your typical murder mystery.  There is violence, but it is nothing gratuitous nor overly disturbing.  There is some very minimal profanity (more about that later, dear reader).  Truly, there is nothing that will be terribly upsetting in this film (unless you don’t figure out “who done it”–I almost did but not quite).

cynthia gibbMoreover, I am about to show just how behind the times I am. These are the two main stars in the movie–Cynthia Gibb and Gordon Currie. They play Frederica Dumay and Alan Leach respectively.  Both have had a fairly illustrious career, but I am not one who watches a lot of current media. Therefore, I remember Cynthia Gibb from The Karen Carpenter Story (my dad is a huge fan and forced me to watch it, but she was honestly very good), and I know Gordon Currie as Nicolae Carpathia from the Left Behind films.  It is possible I have seen them in other things, but that is how I remember them.

These two are absolutely flawless when portraying their characters. We actually see most of the movie through the eyes of Freddi, and I had no trouble distrusting every word that came out of Alan’s mouth. The electricity and chemistry between these two was irrepressible.  There were some fierce fights between them, and much jealousy–especially from Alan.  Gordon played his role so well that I found myself being led down the wrong path on more than one occasion due to his seemingly diabolical persona.  Cynthia saw to it that her character played on the viewer’s fears and suspicions surrounding everything connected to the case. Indeed exceptionally well done.

sebastian crime of passion 2Although it is true that the other actors are  brilliant, I have determined to  jump to Sebastian Spence’s role (yes, big surprise, right?). Firstly, I have to admit I recognized his voice before I even recognized him.  He was younger and looked a bit rougher in this role. And I have to take a moment to  confess that when I realized that essentially he was playing a kind of computer geek, I did have a good laugh over that one.  The reason is that I am cognizant of the fact that he is somewhat technologically challenged.  But he was certainly able to play the role astoundingly well–as he always does for every role he undertakes.

In this film, his role is quite pivotal, and it behooves the audience to pay attention to him carefully (no trouble there to be sure). Because we are often looking from Freddi’s vantage point, suspicion is cast upon him.  Did I believe for one moment that he was guilty? Well, you know me, dear reader.  I cannot even though I should have. Was he guilty? I’m not going to tell you–I make is point to never spoil the story for anyone who has not yet viewed the film.

sebastian crime of passionThere was one point in the film when I shocked even myself.  You may know that I am not one who supports profanity in any sense of the word.  I tolerate it depending on the situation.  But there is one point in the film when Sebastian’s character, Dale, tells off Alan, and he doesn’t get a chance to finish what he was saying, and I wish he had.  I found myself chuckling over that because the name that nearly fell out of his mouth was exactly what the situation called for.  In fact, I do believe that scene is in the trailer above.

In conclusion, this movie will appeal to a myriad of people, in my humble opinion.  It is a fairly suspenseful, action-packed murder mystery, and although a different kind of role for Sebastian, he still manages to be as believable as he always is. His versatility is unmatched (okay, so I’m biased–you know I can’t help that, dear reader).  But I can say that even if I didn’t know this man whom I have come to know over the past few months, his role would still be one that was outstanding.  He makes the character of Dale memorable, intense, and full of heart.  To be perfectly frank, there is no doubt this movie would be far less entertaining without his stimulating presence.

For more information about the movie, click here.

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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. judy maharrey November 29, 2014 Reply

    I think I am going to watch this movie! You convienced me.

    • Author
      Ruth November 29, 2014 Reply

      Glad I did Judy. It’s certainly worth it.

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