“Stolen From the Womb” Lifetime Movie Review

By Ruth on October 14, 2014 in movie, review

Welcome to another installment of “I am trying to watch and review every possible Sebastian Spence film I can. ” There might be more truth in that statement that you realize, dear reader. But I would have to say that this particular movie holds an incredibly special honor. Feel free to read either of the other reviews I have written about his movies (Obsession and Crash Site). Those reviews will update you on how I discovered this actor as well as many other pertinent details.  But this movie is the first movie I ever watched with this particular actor. Before this, my only frame of reference was Cowboy Cliff  Harting of Cedar Cove.  This movie could be called the door that opened me to a world of enchantment.

My journey to this movie may aid you in fully comprehending my review. There is a group of ladies I have come to know and love on twitter whom I would never have met had I not begun following Sebastian and his amazing career. One of these ladies was the first to alert me to the fact that Sebastian did other things besides Cedar Cove. Honestly, I had no clue. That may sound strange. After all, why would an actor not have other projects going, but the thought never crossed my mind, at least in relation to him. My friend was a virtual wellspring of information on Sebastian and his films, but I will admit that I veered on the frugal side. I don’t like to buy movies unless I am certain I will like them. And after all–what if I only enjoyed Sebastian in the role of Cowboy Cliff? (I read that statement now and wonder how I could have ever thought something like that, but I do try to only tell my readers the truth, unpleasant or nonsensical as it may be.)

When I was told that Stolen from the Womb was going to be airing, I figured this would be a safe way to see one of his films without spending any money.  My problem was that I wasn’t certain my parents would want to watch the film, so I was not able to “virtually” watch it with my friends. I did follow their tweets as I watched (yes, they tweeted during the entire film), but it was all I could do to wait until my parents were in bed. (Interestingly enough, my mother did get back up and watched and enjoyed the film with me.)

Stolen from the Womb was the first of a massive list of movies that I have watched or plan to watch featuring my favorite actor, and it is indeed my privilege to be able to share my review of this intriguing, suspenseful film.

stolen from the womb



Inspired by true events…
Diane and Rob Woodley are thrilled over the news of Diane’s pregnancy. Chelsey, a woman desperate to have a baby, discovers that she’s unable to have one of her own, and stalks the unsuspecting Diane with the intentions of stealing her baby. When Diane’s due date approaches, Chelsey kidnaps her and gives her a labor-inducing drug, forcing Diane to deliver the baby. Chelsey takes the baby and Diane is found alive. Now Diane and Rob must do everything they can to find their newborn, who has a rare congenital condition that needs to be treated immediately, before it is too late.

I have now had the pleasure of watching this film twice, and I believe that the second viewing even surpassed the first. This was possibly the first Lifetime Movie film I watched that was not a Christmas film. I am not typically a fan of the movies on that network, but I was certainly willing to give it a try because of Sebastian.  And I must admit–I was pleasantly surprised.

stolen from the womb 2The two female leads Chelsey (Laura Mennel) and Diane (Larisa Oleynik) honestly steal the limelight from both of the men. I was entirely immersed in their compelling story line. I will warn you–the story is a bit intense at times. My 11-year-old daughter watched the film with me. She has seen more intense films than this. She was fine until the last scene–no spoilers from me!  Even without my favorite actor in the movie, the acting from these ladies is incredible and sometimes all too eerily realistic.

stolen from the womb coreyBefore I go on about my reason for watching the film, let me also mention one other notable performance. Jesse, the husband of the nuttier-than-a-fruitcake Chelsey is played brilliantly by Corey Sevier.  I only knew him from Cedar Cove in the role of Seth, Justine’s fisherman boyfriend. But I never felt he got much of a chance to act in that show.  In fact, I didn’t consider him much of an actor until I saw him in this film.   Frankly, the depth of his acting was a surprise to me.  I would be open to seeing more of him in the future.

stolen from the womb aSince the preliminaries are out of the way, I can now get to the heart of the review–Sebastian Spence.  As a friend of mine just pointed out, if you have not noticed that this particular actor is a major topic of conversation on my twitter and even here on my blog, it is possible you’ve been hiding under a rock.   This was the first time I saw Sebastian in anything outside of Cedar Cove, and although I selfishly would have preferred for him to have had more airtime (that is always my complaint when it comes to my favorite actor), he played the part of Rob King exceptionally well. (If you’re looking for an objective review, you may have to search elsewhere.) I connected with his character instantly due to the fact that his character is a professor, and I am a teacher.

Some of my readers may wonder why I am so drawn to the acting of Sebastian. Let me put this very simply. When I watch a film or show, I look for actors and actresses who are believable.  No matter the role, I am looking for those actors who completely thrust their hearts into the role and never give me a moment to doubt their sincerity. I have seen so many “fake” and “phony” actors in my time, and I grow weary of actors who are only doing a part for notoriety or an astronomical amount of money.   Granted, those are important in this very public career, but that should not be the driving force behind any acting career.  Versatility is also a generally compulsory component.

stolen from the womb bAlthough I have not seen an innumerable amount of Sebastian’s films, in each one, it is evident that he has flung every ounce of energy, heart, and soul into every role. The scene I have featured above is one that undoubtedly moves me in the film. I know male actors can do emotional scenes, but there is something so convincing when he does one.  On-screen genuine emotions do tend to affect me. You might be interested to know that I do not cry at the drop of a hat, but his sensitive acting can bring forth the floodgates.  And I must admit that it definitely helps that he is easy on the eyes.

In addition to this, his chemistry and interaction with the other actors in the film is always flawless.  Again I will say that just as with every other role he does, everything the viewer sees on the screen appears to be wholly authentic. Never once did I question whether he was the character he portrayed.

In conclusion, while this may not be my all-time favorite Sebastian Spence film, it is certainly one that is worth watching.   For more, check out the film here. And, of course, you can always follow Sebastian Spence on twitter here. (Goodness, I could type that twitter address in my sleep. Even my computer remembers it.)

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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Tammy October 14, 2015 Reply

    Nice review Ruth When I saw Sebastian on Cedar Cove it had not been my first time seeing his performance. I will have to check this movie out now Thank You for steering us to it 🙂

    • Author
      Ruth October 14, 2015 Reply

      You won’t be sorry! My pleasure to steer anyone towards great entertainment!

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