In this day and age, more and more books are being accessed online, and the young people are leading the way. I never thought I would enjoy e-books, but several years ago, I joined the e-book revolution, and I have never looked back. I enjoy the fact that they don’t take up much space, and they can be read anywhere. I also appreciate their almost instantaneous availability for practically any book one can conceive.
Teachers, parents, and kids can rejoice that everyone can find text books online. My daughter has recently purchased an e-reader/tablet, and it has rejuvenated her interest in reading. She loves the fact that she can sit down in the dark and read on a black screen (yes, that is her way to read). Now that text books can be accessed online, her possibilities are practically limitless. I was pleased to discover educational books for any age (including adult) on practically any subject.
One of my favorite parts of e-books is the fact that one can generally read a sample before actually purchasing it, and that is true with text books as well. Virtual samples often help customers make up their minds about whether the book is useful or not. Thankfully, this appears to be an evolving electronic medium, and I greatly anticipate this becoming the default textbook service in the future.
1 Comment
I never thought that I would fall so in love with my ebooks, but picking up a “regular” book now is just not the same. I love the ebooks for all the same reasons as you.
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