My daughter is an outdoors girl all the way, and so when I got the chance to review Tipz Helmet Accessories, I jumped at the chance. All they asked was that I provided my honest review in exchange for the free products.
Do you have a child that doesn’t like to wear his/her helmet? My daughter is fine with wearing one, but we all know they aren’t that cute. As my daughter has grown older, she does like to look fashionable. Tipz Helmet Accessories is a company that understands this need. And these don’t just add something like a sticker (that probably won’t last very long). These add 3-dimensional decorations to the helmets, and their designs are extremely varied. They work with all helmets (they are magnetic), and there is no danger of injury. If you or your child gets hit on the head, the accessories will snap off. And then you can snap them back on with ease.
As you can see in my first picture above, my daughter loved the accessories she got! (She insisted on posing as she did). I let her decorate with the accessories in the way she wanted, and she truly enjoyed wearing them! She is actually using her stilts in that picture, and I don’t think I’ll ever have trouble getting her to wear her helmet again. She wears her helmet with her bike, her unicycle, her pogo sticks, and her stilts. I’m sure she looks forward to taking this special helmet to school when they have their spring “circus arts” time in P.E.
So if you are looking to dress up those drab helmets with some helmet bling or helmet spikes, I invite you to check out the company and be sure to follow them on facebook and twiter for the latest deals and news. Oh, and by the way, as an added bonus, you will receive 10% off your purchase on their facebook store if you like it first, and you will receive a 10% coupon for following them on twitter. Being a loyal customer does indeed have its perks!
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.