The Best Book Ever Giveaway Hop (ends 6/10) WW

By Ruth on June 3, 2013 in blog hop, book, giveaway

I can’t even tell you how happy I am to be participating in the Best Book Ever Hop hosted by the Best Books Ever and I am a Reader Not a Writer.  I love book blog hops almost as much as I like reading books.  I invite you to check out the Best Book Ever site as you will find plenty of categories that feature some of the best book that were ever written. 
One of the categories that stood out to me was Dystopian.  This is a genre that was quite foreign to me a few years ago.  I am not a huge science fan, and a lot of thrillers are really too graphic for me.  But on a whim, I chose The Hunger Games when I won a book during Banned Book Week back in 2011.  I left the book on my shelf until early 2012.  I had been against the book from the beginning because it sounded so gruesome.  Kids killing kids for sport? 
For some reason, I began to decide that I had to stop and read this book.  And when I saw a movie was coming out, I had no choice.  I read the book–no, I devoured it.  I searched for my review of the book, but I guess I never got around to reviewing it.  Pretty sad, eh?  I love Katniss, and Peeta was the guy I preferred.  I won’t spoil it for those of you who haven’t read it.  I recently sent the entire series to a friend of mine in England, and it sounds like he has devoured the first two books and the movie.  I somehow knew he would enjoy it!
So enough talk–on to the giveaway.  I will be giving away a book of the winner’s choice (not to exceed $15) from a random category on the Best Book Ever site.  What that means is that I will let pick about 2-3 categories for the winner, and he/she will pick from that category.  You will not have to pick a book from the site, but you will need to find something that fits into the category.  For example, if it was villains, you would need to pick a book with a good villain.  Don’t worry if you don’t understand my meager description–you will.
Enter the rafflecopter below by 9 P.M. June 10.  As long as Fishpond and/or Book Depository ships to you, the giveaway is open worldwide.  After entering my giveaway, he sure to hop on for the chance to win more books!

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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Stephanie Verhaegen June 4, 2013 Reply

    I love Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi!
    Stephanie Verhaegen recently posted…Teaser Tuesdays: Eversea by Natasha BoydMy Profile

  2. Anne Consolacion June 4, 2013 Reply

    I’d love to read Sandwich With a Side of Romance. 🙂

  3. Melinda Dartmann June 4, 2013 Reply

    My clean romance is still a classic! It’s “Gone With The Wind”, love it!

  4. Salyna June 4, 2013 Reply

    I absolutely loved Torrent by Lisa Bergren:)
    Salyna recently posted…A Heart RevealedMy Profile

  5. miki June 4, 2013 Reply

    one clean romance i loved was a fantasy book the hob bargain by Patrica briggs

    thank you a lot
    miki recently posted…JUNE RAK sign upMy Profile

  6. Patricia June 4, 2013 Reply

    My favourite will always be Pride and Prejudice!

  7. Kate F. June 4, 2013 Reply

    I like Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

  8. Nicole Hewitt June 4, 2013 Reply

    There are so many romances to choose from! I’m just going to go with my favorite romance in a book that I’ve read recently – Zeke and Allie in The Blood of Eden trilogy. I love them!
    Nicole Hewitt recently posted…The Best Book Ever Giveaway HopMy Profile

  9. Lynda Thomas June 4, 2013 Reply

    I haven’t read Hunger Games yet, but I did see the movie. Now, I really want to read it! 🙂

  10. Zara June 4, 2013 Reply

    Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake:)

  11. Dorothy Teel June 4, 2013 Reply

    I would love to read “Last” by Edith Patton

  12. Anubha June 4, 2013 Reply

    Fav.: Pride and Prejudice

  13. SHELLEY S June 4, 2013 Reply


  14. Darklittle June 4, 2013 Reply

    My favorite clean romance is “Gone With The Wind” 🙂

    Thanks for doing this giveaway!
    Darklittle recently posted…Movie – The Great GatsbyMy Profile

  15. shelley schmidt June 4, 2013 Reply

    read so many, not one just stands out in my mind as there are so many good ones

  16. sally guenterberg June 4, 2013 Reply

    best book ever hop sounds great

  17. nurmawati djuhawan June 4, 2013 Reply

    i want to read Chantress by Amy Butler Greenfield..
    thx u for the giveaway 🙂

  18. Aimee June 4, 2013 Reply

    I’m not sure if they’re clean, but I would like to read Bittersweet and Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler. 🙂
    Aimee recently posted…The Book of Broken Hearts by Sarah OcklerMy Profile

  19. Kristia June 4, 2013 Reply

    My favorite clean romance is Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson! I love it!
    Thank you for the giveaway 🙂

  20. Christina R. June 4, 2013 Reply

    LOVE anything by Sarah Dessen. They’re clean but the characters have real issues and you get to know them:)

    Thank you:)

  21. Allie L June 4, 2013 Reply

    Lola and the boy next door by stehenie Perkins 😀

  22. c.lani June 4, 2013 Reply

    Harry Potter or Percy Jackson series. Love it.

  23. Cassie June 4, 2013 Reply

    I LOVED Scarlet by A. C. Gaughen.
    It’s so clean they don’t even kiss, but you barely even notice 🙂

  24. Mystica June 3, 2013 Reply

    One of my favourite romances will always be Pride and Prejudice but I’d like something from Susanna Kearsley!
    Mystica recently posted…MAILBOX MONDAY/IT’S MONDAY! WHAT ARE YOU READING?My Profile

  25. Cali W. June 3, 2013 Reply

    One of my favorite romances is Die For Me by Amy Plum. <3

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