Interview With Writer/Associate Producer Kirsten Hansen, “Chesapeake Shores”

By Ruth on September 16, 2018 in Interview, movie, television

As we enter the home stretch of the third season of the popular Hallmark Channel show Chesapeake Shores, I am immensely honored to again have the opportunity to highlight the captivating, vivacious (not to mention insanely talented!) Kirsten Hansen. In season one, I introduced you to her prowess, and then in season two, her initiative and skillset were proven and diversified. And now in season three, in countless ways, she has become a pillar of vitality and a fount of creativity as well as an incessant waterfall of inspiration. What an amazing woman to have the pleasure of presenting to my readers today!

With Michael Berns

RH: How many episodes did you write this season on Chesapeake Shores and what episodes are they?

On set with director Mike Rohl and Co-EP/writer Brian Ross

KH: So great to connect with you again, Ruth… three seasons in a row! As an Associate Producer and part of the writing room, I have a hand in every episode, i.e., helping to break the story, writing storylines and scenes, and polishing dialogue as needed. But the two episodes I wrote specifically are 3008… and 3009, which I co-wrote with showrunner Michael Berns. For 3009, we each wrote half the script, splitting storylines, and then polished it together, which was a lot of fun.

With Oliver Rice and Emilie Ullerup (S2)

You always mention that Bree is your “spirit animal.” Has that remained true this season? Please elaborate if you would like.

I do feel a connection to Bree being that we are both middle daughters (of three sisters), who love yoga, and can be neurotic and talk a mile a minute… and we are both writers… but she’s also a character, one created beautifully by Sherryl Woods. And her voice has been found, thanks in huge part to the brilliance of Emilie Ullerup. This season, Bree faces a new challenge in publishing her manuscript while needing to stay true to herself and her writing. I think writers (and people) can all relate to that in some way, putting ourselves out there and facing criticism, and yet still needing to have the confidence to share our words, no matter the outcome…

With Jesse Metcalfe, Brittany Willacy, Jessica Sipos, and writer Brian Ross

How was the atmosphere on set even better this season since it was the third season of the show?

This season there was a shift that happened between cast and crew. Working away from home for four months (in a beautiful place, but far from our families, etc.), you become a family with those around you. That was true for us in the writing room, and with the cast, crew, and producers. I heard a lot of people say how much something clicked this year. Maybe it was a familiarity now that we are in season three, but we all found this groove, and I think it shows on screen. The storytelling and performances go to another level.

Some Chesapeake Shores cast and crew

One of the things I have mentioned to some of the supporting cast is that the writers of Chesapeake Shores do an amazing job of retaining the characters from season to season. How are you able to do that and still maintain the continuity that you have throughout the show? 

It is definitely challenging since we have nine lead cast members and a huge supporting cast, and every character has a complex history. I like to re-watch old seasons prior to the start of the next to remember what ended up on screen, since we write, shoot, and edit the episodes so quickly and sometimes things are changed last-minute for various reasons. We can be developing a character one way, with a certain arc for a whole month, and then at the eleventh hour, we have to change something– sometimes it’s for creative reasons, sometimes logistical, and sometimes just because we can’t clear a name… That can be tricky. We do our best to maintain continuity (that is one of my specialties, being a retired script supervisor), but when you’re writing/rewriting six episodes at one time, things fall through the cracks.

With Carlo Marks and Oliver Rice

I will tell you one flub that no one noticed until it was too late if you promise to forgive us. Douglas Peterson’s son’s name changed from season two to three. We discovered it just after it was shot, and then decided to leave it… hoping only the devoted fans would notice, and then maybe feel proud of themselves for being so on it! If you did notice, you may just be a script supervisor in the making!

The biggest questions on everyone’s minds–will there be a season four and will there be a holiday movie? How can we as fans ensure that both of these will happen?

With Andrew Francis and Brendan Penny

At this point, I don’t have a definitive answer for either, but I wish I did! The fanbase is large and keeps growing so I feel hopeful. And trust me, when I say that the cast, crew, writers, producers, and directors want a season four (AND A HOLIDAY MOVIE!) as badly as the fans. We know we have a great show, and it would be our dream to continue telling the stories of the O’Briens, but I know cost always comes into place. It needs to be financially feasible, so as long as Hallmark knows how badly fans want it, whether through petitions, twitter, facebook, or support blogs, every little bit of love helps!

Cast of Love Under the Rainbow

I know Love Under the Rainbow has been in post-production for some time. First of all, what was special about filming this one? Also, since we now know it’s a Hallmark movie, is there any status update on when this might premiere? (I have a definite interest in this film because the lead actor and I are friends.)

With Director Tony Dean Smith (Love Under The Rainbow)

That’s so cool! David Haydn-Jones is a really nice guy. Love Under the Rainbow was filmed earlier this year in Vancouver. A friend of mine, Tony Dean Smith, directed it and it was so great collaborating with him in this capacity. We met in 2001 when we were in the same Canadian Producer Mentorship program and just starting our careers professionally… fast forward seventeen years and I’m writing and he’s directing a movie together. It was pretty awesome. He’s super talented and I was fortunate to visit set… we have a fantastic cast (Jodie Sweetin, David Haydn-Jones, Peter Benson, and Dakota Guppy amongst others), and all the reviews I’ve been hearing from Tony, producers, and Hallmark are very positive. I can’t wait to see it, but I don’t know the premiere date yet… hopefully soon!

Behind the scenes – Love Under The Rainbow

And to answer your other question, this movie was super special for me because it has such a hopeful message which I think we can all relate to on some level. We all have moments in our lives where we see things in shades of gray (a loss of hope) and forget to see the magic (and rainbows) all around us. But it’s in these moments, when we have to trust that everything happens for a reason, all will be okay, and to have faith that our dreams are manifesting… because they usually do come true just not always when and how we think they will… but always in a way that is for our highest good.

I understand you have a Christmas film that will be airing this year as well. Please tell us what you can about that film.

The cast of Return to Christmas Creek

Oh yes… I’m so excited for this movie! It’s Return to Christmas Creek starring Tori Anderson, Steven Weber, Stephen Huszar, and Kari Matchett, and it will be airing on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries as it’s a heartwarming family drama, and a tearjerker, but it also has a lot of romance! This movie was such a labor of love, but it couldn’t have been a better experience collaborating with the producers, director, and the executives at Hallmark. The heart of the movie is about second chances and I’m so grateful to write a movie that will hopefully remind people about what is most important in life: Love and Family.

With the cast of A Family for the Holidays

Your directing début was last year–A Family For the Holidays. What was so special about this short film? Any plans to do any other directing in the future?

I loved making A Family for the Holidays last year! I’m so grateful to Tim Johnson and Lifetime TV for giving me the opportunity and the perfect story for my directorial debut. I loved our cast and crew and I’m really proud of what we accomplished in such a short amount of time. We filmed for 1.5 days and everyone gave it their all to make the most special movie possible, and I think you feel that when you watch it on screen.

On set directing A Family for the Holidays

I’ve been very busy writing the past few years, but I definitely plan to direct more in the future. I will keep you all posted when I have something to announce.

Throughout the years that I have known you, you continue to maintain your positive outlook and inspirational attitude. What is your “secret?”

My secret? Hmmm. Then it wouldn’t be a secret. Just kidding. LOL. I’ve been blessed to have spiritual parents and a strong family foundation. We can all get caught up in the day to day life and stress that ultimately doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. My family helps to keep me grounded and remind me of the bigger picture.

The “new” Trace Riley Band

When I keep my focus on why I am here, and my greater purpose to serve the planet and humanity… it keeps me centered in my heart, and when we come from that place—it’s natural to feel love, hope and those higher vibrational energies. It’s only when we are stuck in stress, fear, doubt, anxiety, that we are stuck in the lower vibrations. It can be hard to pull yourself out when we’re in that place… I know because I’m human like everyone else. But to shift my vibration to a higher frequency, I exercise, use crystals, write, journal, meditate, do yoga, clear the energy of my home, and find things I’m grateful for… There is so much more I could go into on this topic… Being positive is a choice. Being hopeful is a choice. But I find that when we are in a place of gratitude, we are in a higher vibration/frequency which allows what we dream about to find its way to us. It’s win-win.

Just before picture wrap on Season 3, outside “The Bridge”

What is a subject/issue in today’s world that you feel film/TV tend to overlook but needs to be told? How would you like to see that change?

Oh, great question and a complicated one! Some of my personal projects will shine light on this… as I feel that film and TV can play it safe, and not tackle real issues for various reasons. But I think the main thing is to remember who we are and why we are here. We all have gifts and talents that we came in with and are here to share with the world, and there is room for everyone to succeed.

On set with Jesse Metcalfe (choreographing the line dance sequence) with director Terry Ingram

We need to believe in ourselves and focus on what’s important. I think there is a lot of distraction out there in the media, film and TV—showing us (whether we are consciously aware of it or not), what we think we should be focusing our energy on, and a lot of it isn’t helpful or positive. I think the most important thing is to stay informed, seek your own answers, and don’t take everything at face value. When you read or see something, look deeper. What is the message behind the message? Trust your own judgment and intuition rather than repeating the facts you read somewhere. And most importantly, ask yourself if the information you are receiving — does it comes from love or fear? It’s a choice what kind of energy we want to promote and put out there. High or low vibrations. I believe we are all more alike than we are different. And the one thing that we all have in common is our hearts all beat for the same thing: LOVE.

Thanks again, Ruth! It always great to connect with you… let’s cross our fingers to do it all again in season four!

There has been a special connection between Kirsten and me almost from the first time we exchanged thoughts via social media. Undoubtedly, our genuine passion for writing has made us kindred spirits, and I must maintain that whenever I read her name in the credits of a film or show, I make a particular effort to watch. I have never found myself disappointed with any of her projects, and it seems that the more she continues to ascertain her muse and share her ensuing inspiration through her chosen medium, the more accomplished she becomes at recounting a story, creating relatable characters, and implementing the broad assortment of essential attributes that cause a tale to resonate with the viewer on a profound level. She is forever honing her craft and infusing her writings with authenticity, realism, but most of all, love. The writing of romance and stimulating works for today’s television is a bit of a lost art at times for some screenwriters, but there is no doubt in my mind that Kirsten is well on her way to excelling at this art form in a way that transcends the abilities of many within the world of entertainment. The fact that she also is a director who has more projects within her tool belt for the future is astounding to me, and I can hardly wait to see what innovative writings and more lie in store for this remarkable woman.

As we conclude the final four episodes of Chesapeake Shores season three, be sure that you don’t miss a moment of the riveting tales of life, love, and family drama that appear on the Hallmark Channel every Sunday night in the U.S. and concurrently run on the Super Channel Heart & Home in Canada. Additionally, I strongly encourage everyone to follow Kirsten at all the links below so that you may have your regular dose of inspiration, motivation, and of course frequent updates on her current and future works. I appreciate the fact that Kirsten has demonstrated that by “sticking to your guns” and waiting for the proper timing, anything is possible in this world, including that of perennial success (which she is definitely well on her way to attaining). I hope that all the fans support the show with heart and action while keeping an eye out for Kirsten’s upcoming projects as well (I’m extremely enthusiastic to watch Love Under the Rainbow as well as her new Christmas movie!). In a world where women don’t always support other women in a sincere fashion, I am grateful for the admiration, consideration, and sustenance that Kirsten consistently sends my way, and I have no doubt she inspires others in much the same tone!







Clowning around on set. A picture wrap on Treat Williams with Andrew, Brendan, and Gregory Harrison – over Dan Paulson (EP)

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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Becca Carroll Guido September 17, 2018 Reply

    Kudos Ruth, for capturing Kirsten’s talents as well as her spirit! She is a true one & only! I can only hope we get a S4 & (if I’m not too greedy) a Christmas Movie from Chesapeake Shores in 2019!! Fingers Crossed! Bravo for another spot on interview!! 🙂 xoxo

  2. denise September 17, 2018 Reply

    I really admire her and her writing. Kirsten seems very down to earth. She’s so kind in interacting with us on Twitter, too. She gave me a wonderful compliment in acknowledging me as a writer.

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