Recently, it seems that I have been conducting follow-up interviews with several of my friends in the business, and Cindy Busby is certainly no exception to that rule. While I didn’t follow her during her Heartland days, I am a Cedar Cove fan who absolutely adored her (though not necessarily her character) from the moment her brunette locks waltzed onto the series and began creating havoc! Furthermore, Unleashing Mr. Darcy will perpetually hold a special place in my heart, and witnessing Cindy’s current successes in a market that sometimes prefers to typecast blonde Canadians in a particular leading lady light that allows limited room for variety, Cindy continues to impress and connect with audiences on an authentic level. She can do it all–from uproarious comedy to calculated psycho to endearing ingenue to shrewd businesswoman–Hallmark is blessed to have the caliber of talent Cindy invariably delivers to the screen. And interviewing her this fourth time is a moment I will long treasure!
RH: Cindy, I can’t begin to tell you how lovely it is to catch up with you today!
CB: Thank you, Ruth. And even though it’s a bit belated, happy new year!
Same to you, Cindy.
Can you believe it’s already 2018? Where has the time gone?
I know what you mean. And in three and a half years, my daughter will be an adult! That is just so crazy for me to comprehend. And my parents are both in their seventies, but still pretty active.
Well, that’s good. Glad to hear you’re all doing so well.
When we first all moved in together a few years back, it wasn’t the thing to do. But now it seems like it has become the trend for families to move in together.
You know, that’s what they have been doing in Europe for hundreds and hundreds of years. And that’s where most of our ancestors come from, so I think it’s a good thing.
It’s not the easiest transition always, but if you can make it work, it really is mutually beneficial. {pause} Well, Cindy, you sure have been busy!
Yes, last year was a pretty great one, that’s for sure. You never know what each year what is gonna be like. You always hope for the best and that great things will come your way. Last year was one of those years where I consciously had to take some breaths in order to realize and appreciate all the experiences and things I was doing. It’s so easy to get caught up in the moment and not appreciate everything that comes your way. It just happens so quickly. I would like to say that last year was an amazing year where I was able to embrace everything that came along. I really enjoyed everything, and it was just a dream come true.
When I asked for fan questions, I couldn’t believe how many people kept asking and talking about Heartland and how they want your character to come back.
That is the number one comment I get on any Instagram post. And it is so lovely to know that you made that much of an impact on a show. I haven’t even been on the show in probably five years. To have that much impact people still to this day and then hope that you’re going to come back to the show…I mean, that is quite a compliment!
I was surprised–I mean, I probably shouldn’t have been surprised. These are Hallmark fans, and the audience for Hallmark is a similar audience to Heartland. And interestingly enough, several of them didn’t even realize you were in When Calls the Heart last season.
It’s actually quite funny. A lot of people didn’t really seem to recognize me in the role, which I didn’t necessarily expect. After all, this is me. But it is a period piece, and my hair was different. I think sometimes when you’re playing a different character, people just get so caught up in the story that they’re not thinking, “Oh, that’s Cindy Busby.” It’s really a great thing when you can transform yourself like that. I think it’s a great thing because I don’t want people to see me and think I’m always doing the same thing either.
There was a show where I had to search for you, and that was Somewhere Between. You weren’t in that show all that much.
No, it wasn’t very much, but they also cut a lot of my scenes out. I hadn’t had a chance to watch it, and then I was doing some research on some things that had aired that I hadn’t seen…like Runaway Christmas Bride and other things. Sometimes I just don’t have a chance to watch it all when it comes out, and so I had these things backed up on my DVR. I noticed they cut out quite a bit, but either way, it was just a really cool experience to be on such a big show. Your parts are going to get cut out every once in awhile, and I’m okay with it. It’s just the ebbs and flows of the industry.
I did see every moment your character was on-screen. I would be watching, and then I’d yell, “There she is! There she is!”
Aw, that’s so sweet. Thank you.
I don’t know if other people got as excited as I did, but it was great to see you.
I really appreciate that. The place where we shot–the senator’s home–was so massive. It was a huge mansion in Vancouver. The fact that I got to shoot there and wear these nice, fancy clothes, that’s always quite exciting in itself.
Now, of course, everyone is asking about Date My Dad. I don’t think we have a status update on that show, do we?
Honestly, I don’t have any updates or confirmation, so I can’t really say much. All I can say is at this point in time when this much time passes, your heart kind of moves on from it. I honestly had the greatest time shooting on that show. I laughed so hard. Of course, you’d always wish to have another season, but if that is our only season, I know we went out with a bang. I am so proud of it. I had always wanted to do a comedy, and that show was a dream come true.
I agree. It was a great season. It was neat to see how every week, it got progressively got better. Which is what happens with any show. You watch the pilot of these successful shows, and you wonder if it’s going to be any good, but then they take off and find their footing.
Lots of time, it’s right place, right time. With networks nowadays, it’s a lot tougher to make projects; it’s not as easy as it used to be ten or fifteen years ago. There is just so much content everywhere you look, and it’s a lot more complicated, and there’s a lot less money to do it. A lot of networks are finding it difficult. Actors really don’t know all that much about what goes on behind-the-scenes. {laughs} Which is unfortunate, but also fortunate because I’m sure it’s a lot of back-and-forths. I know that everybody wanted the series to go forward. So if it didn’t go forward, there must have been a reason, and I’m sure everybody was disappointed about it.
Maybe if you guys don’t get a season two, it’d be really cool if they brought everybody back for a movie to wrap everything up.
Actually, that would be so fun. That’s a good idea, and I would totally be down for that. I think people got so attached to the series because the characters are so lovable, and the storyline was fun and different. You had the comedy and the drama and the bittersweet and the romance and the mystery of what could happen. It was fun and something the whole family could watch. And there’s just not that much out there that’s like that. It’s sad to see it go, if that’s the case, but either way, I’m just happy I could be a part of it.
It was fun to watch all the characters in the show, but for me, watching you was such a treat. You had wanted to do a comedy, and you had the opportunity to do so much comedy. It was fun to see you in something like that because you don’t always get that opportunity.
Totally, and for me, that was the tip of the iceberg. I was glad I could finally chip away at it.
You also were a part of the Hailey Dean mystery films. I know they recently wrapped on filming the next one. Did you happen to have the chance to be in another one?
Well, I appeared in the first two, but I haven’t been back since then. I know that they really enjoyed my character, as did the audience. And the producers of Hailey Dean are the same producers as Unleashing Mr. Darcy, so I’ve worked with them quite a bit. I know they’re fans of mine, and I’m fans of theirs. If they wanted me to come back, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Sometimes it’s a matter of storyline and how it all fits in. And honestly, Kellie Martin is one of my favorite people. I absolutely love her! We laughed so much on set. Funny enough, she was actually sitting at my table at the Hallmark TCA’s last month. In fact, I was just standing there and happened to turn around and there she was with her arms wide open. We both screamed! We were so excited to see each other! I know that both of us would love to collaborate again together, which would be so much fun either on Hailey Dean or something else. I think that would be hilarious.
I know it’s hard when you have so many great characters, and I’m sure they try to figure out who to bring back and what their focus needs to be.
Exactly. Originally, after I did the first one, I never anticipated being in the second one. When they told me they wanted me in the second Hailey Dean film, I was like, “Really? Oh my gosh! That’s so great!” For me, that was already such a bonus because my character was just a part of the main storyline for the first Hailey Dean. So the fact that they brought me in for the second one was just icing on the cake. And if they want to sprinkle the cake, then bring it on! {laughs} If they want to have me back, I would just love that. I know Nancy Grace is behind that show, and she and I got along really well. She’s a real powerhouse and I enjoyed working with her. So if she would like to have me back on her show, I’d do it very gladly.
Although we didn’t see you in a new Christmas film on Hallmark, we did see you in Runaway Christmas Bride. And that one ended up being fun, I think because the cast was so strong. The cast really made that movie work.
Absolutely. That cast…first of all, our chemistry behind-the-scenes and on-screen was top-notch. We couldn’t get enough of each other. While we were shooting, we would hang out all day together without fail. In between scenes while we were shooting and at night because we were all away from home when we shot that movie. We would all have dinner together. We would have breakfast together. It became a tight-knit family in the three weeks that we were there. And that’s something that doesn’t happen all the time. For you to shoot something and for everyone to really get along…I think that made a huge difference.
I think also the fact that we got to shoot on a real ski hill with actual snow is really special because a lot of times, in the Christmas movies…you know the Christmas movies have to be ready for Christmas. Therefore, these movies are usually shot in the spring or the summer, and you don’t always have that real snow. By the way, they do a great job faking the snow, but there’s always something special about having real snow.
I’m not a skier by any means, so anything that you saw from afar was done by a skilled professional. But even if I had been a skier, as an actor, they don’t really like you doing stunt work where you could potentially hurt yourself. But I am not a skier–I’ll tell you that much!
What I do remember is that when we were shooting it, there was a still a lot of snow on the mountain, but it was melting because it was the month of May. I remember a couple of days it was so hot. We were wearing snowsuits, and in between takes, we would take off those snowsuits, and we were drenched in sweat! It was like being in a sauna. And those are all the behind-the-scenes tidbits that you don’t get to see.
It was fun to watch. I interviewed Karen Kruper before it aired. She spoke so highly of you.
Aw, that’s sweet of her. We’ve actually stayed pretty good friends; she doesn’t live too far from me. We help each other do auditions and we’ll go for cookies or walks. To me, that’s the greatest gift of all besides getting to work and do what I love to do. I get to meet and work with great people and form long-lasting friendships. There’s also Fiona Vroom, who played the hotel manager. She’s also become a really great friend of mine. And then Travis Milne. He and I are just like brother and sister. We laugh so much, and we tease each other. He’s just such a great guy. So that movie gave me the greatest gift, the gift of friendship, and I feel really grateful for that.
Well, it was a fun one to watch, and I’m just glad we got to see you in another Christmas movie.
I agree. I hope to do a Hallmark Christmas movie one day. It just hasn’t come to fruition yet. But I’m not worried. It will happen when it happens.
So you have a new Hallmark film premiering on February 24th called Royal Hearts.

James Brolin, Cindy Busby Credit: Copyright 2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Gabriel Hennessey
Honestly, I am so excited for you to see this movie because first of all, James Brolin plays my dad. He and I are the leads of the movie. He is like a legend, so for me to work with such a legend…and that’s the great thing I love about Hallmark. They really find some of the greatest, well-known actors and find a way to work with them. And Hallmark has such a reputation that people just want to be able to do that. James, by the way, is one of the funniest people I’ve ever met in my life. He is so charismatic, talented, and charming. He was also the director of this movie, which as you can guess is a lot to take on too. He did it really well, and we had a great crew.

Cindy Busby, Andrew Cooper, Lachlan Nieboer Credit: Copyright 2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Gabriel Hennessey
Now, this film was shot in Romania. The story is about my dad, Hank Pavlik. We live on a ranch where I grew up barrel racing. So I guess there’s a lot of Heartland in that regard. I get to go to the big city to go to the university, and so since I leave home, that draws a line between my dad and me. Because of all that, my father and I aren’t as close anymore, especially because my mother passed away. So I’m at the university in the big city, and he’s still at the ranch. He’s upset with me because I left home, and I’m upset with him because he can’t get out of his own way. It’s a nice coming-of-age story of a father and a daughter. You really don’t see those storylines that much anymore that involve a father and a daughter coming together and finding love and growth together. We have to put our differences aside, and the things that deflect us from each other are actually what seems to bring us back together. I thought it was a pretty cool story.
In the movie, we find out that my father has inherited a country called Merania, and Merania is half of an original country. The other half is called Angosia. So King Nikolas of Angosia comes around, and I find myself in a love triangle. And so on and so forth.
In Romania, we got to film at some incredible locations, including Bucharest, in some of the ex-president’s summer homes, and in the mountains of Romania. And I’m obsessed with vampires, so for me to go shoot near Transylvania, I could not be happier! One of our days off, we visited Dracula’s Castle, and I was very excited to see that.
I remember when you were filming it because even though you didn’t say a lot about it, I remember you showed a video or two of where you were filming.
Yes, I did post a couple pictures and some videos, but I really like to keep it hush-hush until the movie comes out.
I understand that. I remember when you were shooting it, and then I forgot about it until they started announcing it and I was like, “That’s the movie Cindy was shooting!”

Cindy Busby, James Brolin Credit: Copyright 2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Gabriel Hennessey
I know this movie is gonna blow everyone away. I have to say, and this isn’t taking away from anything else, this movie is completely different than a lot of Hallmark movies. It has everything you want in a movie. It has everything like a scene with two hundred sheep in it. It has dogs. It’s got horses. It’s got castles. It’s got two very attractive men. It’s got James Brolin and a bunch of hilarious British people. In fact, everyone in the cast was from England except me and James. And then there were also a couple of people from Romania. And I gotta tell you–British people are where it’s at. They are just so funny. Their sense of dry humor is so great. And they are such talented actors. We got along like two peas in a pod. I was so excited to spend all that time with them.
The last Hallmark movie James Brolin did was a Christmas one, and it is a favorite in this household. We are so excited that he’s doing another Hallmark movie.
He has a strong vision of what he wants, and he really fights for that. He has a lot of integrity in what he does, and he really believes in it. He will go to bat for anything that he believes in, and it shows because his work is really incredible.
And he keeps going! It’s not like he has to. He’s not a young man anymore, but as people age, if they continue working, that often keeps them going.
Yes, I think that’s the key to staying alive, especially as an actor. You keep going and following your passions. Sometimes, as people get older or if they retire, they go from being surrounded by people to being completely isolated. And for an actor, that’s like losing a part of you. It’s such a pleasure to do this as a profession if you’re able to make a living off of it. If you can do it and still love it, then why not do it until you no longer can?
Well, I’m definitely excited to see it, and I know this household will be tuning in.
It’s also with the same producers from When Calls the Heart–Brad Krevoy and Jimmy Townsend. We knew of each other a little bit from that show, but getting to know them…we’ve become quite close. I know this isn’t the last time we’ll be working together.
They are phenomenal. Anything that production company does whether Hallmark, Netflix or elsewhere, I know that it will be exceptional. We are fans of that production company.
I also have to say we have some pretty nice costumes in this movie. You know how everyone loved my dress in Unleashing Mr. Darcy? Well, I’ve got two pretty epic dresses in this one. {laughs} Brad kept telling me to slip them in my purse and my suitcase to take home. And I was like, “Brad, how am I going to slip these in my purse and my suitcase? They’re so big and beautiful. When am I ever going to wear them?” They would just collect dust in my closet, but oh, they were so beautiful. And they were handmade for my body!
Oh my goodness! Wow, that’s just amazing!
To me, this movie is definitely a modern-day fairy tale. I think Hallmark has had a couple of these movies, but this one really gives off that feeling of high class/lower class people coming together, no matter what. No matter where they’re from, no matter who they are, it’s all about just being happy and finding common ground. And I think that’s really special.
I promise it will be required viewing in our household! And I am sure that many Hallmark fans will be tuned in for the premiere. Now, I did hear that Unleashing Mr. Darcy is getting a sequel. I think it was announced at the TCA’s, but I’ve been seeing the posts on twitter too.
Well, here’s the thing. There’s been a lot of speculation probably since the movie premiered, which by the way, has been just two years ago. Which is just crazy! Two years ago? Doesn’t it feel just like it was just yesterday?

Ryan Paevey, Elizabeth McLaughlin, Cindy Busby Credit: Copyright 2015 Crown Media United States, LLC/Photographer: Bettina Strauss
But that being said, it’s been talked about so much, and again, kind of like the Hailey Dean movie, the fans have been like, “There’s got to be a second one. They’ve got to get married!” And I hadn’t even thought of that when I did the first one; it just thought it was a one-off. But then everybody started talking about it. Then I was like, “Oh my goodness, is this is a possibility?”
But the thing is, as an actor, you never truly get your hopes up because so many things are said and done and oftentimes, things don’t come to fruition. If you’re always getting your hopes up, you’re going to be disappointed a lot of the time.
But that being said, it’s a tough thing to answer. It was announced at the TCA’s. I can’t lie about that because hundreds of people heard it. As far as when it’s going to be done, when it’s going to air, who’s going to be in it…I have no idea. And that is including myself too. Because, as you know, until things are signed, sealed, and delivered, nothing is guaranteed. I can’t really speak anything more of it except…of course, I want to do it. And that is one million percent I want to do it. I will do everything I can to be a part of the sequel. It’s just that the things out of my hands, I can’t control.
I think that’s a good response. I know that the fans have said that it absolutely has to be with you and Ryan Paevey.
Yeah, I don’t see it going any other way. I mean, that would be really disappointing, I believe. I did see Ryan at the TCA’s, and we hugged. And that’s why I posted those pictures of the two of us because I knew everybody would love that. We’re both really excited about it, and we hope that everything falls into place so that everything will work out. And I know that everyone else connected with the movie wants to do it too. I think it’s just a matter of when and where.
I agree with you completely, and I know that just because it’s announced, doesn’t mean it’s definite. Things fall through for various reasons. But I bet it will be one of those things that if it does happen, it will happen so fast.
Oh yeah, I don’t doubt it!
And before you know it, it will be announced, filmed, and the fans will be ecstatic to see it.

Cindy Busby (Elizabeth Scott), Ryan Paevey (Conovan Darcy) Credit: Copyright 2015 Crown Media United States, LLC/Photographer: Bettina Strauss
Oh, yeah, and I really can’t wait! That movie…you know, in a lot of ways, there are always monumental parts in your life, and that movie was a monumental part. So was Heartland; it was another monumental part of my life as well. I owe the fans so much, and it would mean the world to me to reprise that role. I would love to do it, but again, we’ll see. While we want this project to go through, just like with Date My Dad, there are things that go on behind closed doors that I don’t know about nor have any control over. Sometimes it works out in our favor, and sometimes it doesn’t. I know my part in all of this. I have to take a step back and say that whatever is meant to be will be. And I know that everyone who was a part of Unleashing Mr. Darcy, whether they were in front of the camera or behind the camera, they would love to do another one. They know how positive an outcome the first one was. It’s just a matter of letting the chips fall as they will and hoping that it all works out. The fans should know that I’m on board if it happens, but again, I can’t be sure of anything until it’s all said and done. {laughs} And I know this is just my way of being really politically correct.
And you know, that’s very important. Better to err on the side of caution than to say it the wrong way and be misquoted and it negatively impact your career.
There is no script, and there is no contract as of yet. So it’s better to wait to be sure before announcing anything. And right now, that is all the information I have.
I was looking up a movie in your credits that is listed that I know I have not seen–Betting On the Bride. I’m wondering if I missed it or something.
You know, that’s a weird one. It was an independent TV movie. What often happens with certain independent movies is that they will shoot them and then sell them to Ion or Lifetime or Hallmark or whatever. Or sometimes even the Super Channel. So originally when we were shooting it, we didn’t know which network would pick it up. I know there was talk of maybe Hallmark because that is the genre it is. But then we never heard about it. I don’t really know where it aired. It’s almost like it got swept under the rug or something like that. I know someone told me about it being online. I don’t know if it aired somewhere and I just didn’t hear about it, which is entirely possible. I just know it was a really cute movie. It was with Karissa Lee Staples as the lead, and she’s one of my really good friends now. We had such a good time.
{I promised Cindy I would do some research, and while nothing was absolutely conclusive, it appears that it possibly aired in another country–these films do that sometimes–but from what I can tell, it has not made its way to the U.S. or Canada yet. At least officially. There are some online versions on YouTube that are probably guilty of copyright infringement, and I saw that a site was selling a DVD of it, but it was not official. For the opportunity to see a clip from the film, check out this site here. And if anyone has additional information, please feel free to pass it on to Cindy and/or me.}
I also notice you’re listed as being in an upcoming movie called Love Me Or Else. And it says this is supposed to come out in April.
This is a Lifetime movie I did, and I went for some ADR recently, and I asked them about the April date listed in IMDB for this movie. They said they weren’t sure if the date was exactly right. Sometimes they put a tentative date, so that date is not set in stone.
This movie is pretty cool, and I’m really excited about it. It’s very different from things I’ve done recently. It’s more of a psychological thriller, as a lot of Lifetime movies are. They keep you on the edge of your seat, and you wonder what’s gonna happen next. I play a mom who’s part of a couple who had a daughter and then put her up for adoption. They’re having trouble conceiving themselves, so they decide to look up their long-lost daughter and see where she is. They get a response back, and when they meet her, they find out she’s been in foster care this whole time. So they take her in, and it kinda goes from there. It definitely has some intense moments in this film.

Lachlan Nieboer, Cindy Busby Credit: Copyright 2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Gabriel Hennessey
Well, I think it’s great for some of these actors who I follow closely, like you, Cindy, to have the opportunity to play something a little bit different. I know you like doing a variety of roles as an actress, but I like it too. It’s interesting, and it keeps you from getting typecast. And no actor really wants to be typecast.
It’s nice to explore a wide variety of roles. I always see the various characters that I portray on camera as various aspects of myself. Some parts are the parts that aren’t the most prevalent part of your personality. But everyone’s got all these different parts inside–the victim, the queen bee, girl-next-door and even the bitchy character. For some people, it’s harder to get into those parts, but sometimes it’s just nice to be able to play that part because at the end of the day, it’s about: “What are you letting other people feel about their own lives or things that they’ve gone through?” And that’s what I like about playing various people. And when you’re playing those characters, whether you would agree with them or not, you have to go into it without judgment…which is sometimes the hardest part, but that’s also really hard in life too, and that makes all of this a really great exercise.
Sometimes as a result of watching these characters that are not well-liked, I have learned something or come to understand these characters. Even though it’s fiction, I often find that I know somebody just like the character that is being portrayed. Sometimes they help me understand that character when I may not normally understand them.
And that’s the thing. That’s the beauty of it. If you can take someone who is really nasty and make the audience have some empathy for them…that’s a really difficult thing to do. But if you can do it, I say “do it!” That’s really special. After all, no one is just good or evil; they’re often somewhere in between.
Any other upcoming works you can mention?
Well, of course, watch out for Love Me Or Else. I’m personally excited to see it; I’ve only seen some of it. There is a young actress in it named Sydney Sweeney, and she plays my daughter. And that actress is just blowing up right now and doing so incredibly well. She’s so talented, and her and I are in this movie throughout. Having her as part of the cast along with me was such a gift because she’s just so talented, and she definitely helped carry the movie. She is a star on the rise. She is in a Netflix series called Everything Sucks. It’s about a bunch of kids in the 90s, just living their lives. I’m excited to watch it because I was a teenager in the 90’s.
I also have The Ranch that will be coming out sometime. It’s now called Autumn Stables. It is a movie I did last summer in Ontario, and that one has horses in it as well. I can’t give out much about that one either except that it’s also really great. It involves horses, so the horse people are going to be very excited. I don’t know when that’s coming out, but be sure to follow me on social media. I’m not as big on Twitter; Instagram is my preference. But when I have something coming out, I’m always sharing it on all of my accounts.
Cindy, you are always so good to your fans about letting us know about your works. Thank you for being here today and for being so fan-friendly.
My pleasure, Ruth. I can’t thank you and the Hallmark fans enough for their continued support. I am very excited to see Royal Hearts just like all of you!
After a chat with Cindy, it honestly seems as though the world sparkles a bit more, the sun shines a bit brighter, and life seems to be as roseate as can be. Her genuine perkiness, radiant personality, and infectious joie de vivre are things that resonate with me on a heartfelt level, and her inner light is a beacon to all of her fans. Her humility endures eternally, whether she is discussing her numerous projects, highlighting the grandeur of her fellow co-workers, or whether she is relating a tale that is a bit self-deprecating and encouraging us to laugh along with her. As an actress, she has a sensible, accurate outlook and never grows weary of living with an attitude of gratitude. Her star continues its steadfast ascent, and one of these days, she may be classified amongst the A-listers in Hollywood. Notwithstanding, I have no doubt that even once that pinnacle is attained, she will still be the same pragmatic, unspoiled, artistic soul that we are honored to know.
I invite everyone to tune into the Hallmark Channel on Saturday, February 24th for the premiere of what is destined to be one of the most original and delightful romances of this calendar year thus far, and I hope that the rest of the world (Canada included) will be able to view this film very soon as well. Additionally, it is my sincere desire that everyone makes a mad dash to click on all of Cindy’s links below and perhaps even follow her on social media, thus saturating her connections with incredible positivity and support. When it comes to actresses in today’s film and TV world, there are very few with whom I regularly interact and come to know on a sincere level. But Cindy is one with whom I could easily spend a significant amount of time and never grow tired of her hospitable nature, her jovial sense of humor, her faultless professionalism, and her companionable relatability. I count all of us Hallmark fans decidedly blessed indeed to be able to connect on such an amicable level with an actress and person like Cindy, and she is unquestionably included in my top favorite actress list! (And of course, it goes without saying–she’s in the top five!)
Past Interviews with Cindy:
Interview With Actress Cindy Busby, “A Hailey Dean Mystery: Murder With Love”
1 Comment
Cindy, I would love to see you on heartland again. I know how much you care for your fans and you answer them on Instagram which is great. I am so glad that you are doing other projects. I did know that was you on when calls the heart. I recognized you right away. I have seen Wanda (Val) on quite a few shows also. Of course Gabe (Peter), Chris (Tim) and Jessica (Lisa) have been on many other shows. Its great to see all doing good