8 things you must carry in your business bag

By Ruth on March 29, 2023 in Uncategorized

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Putting all the right things in your work bag is crucial. Regardless of gender, a work bag needs a few things, like stationery or business cards. But check your bag to see if it has these. Or is it home to old, dried-up mascara or recipes from Starbucks? If it is the latter, you need to do a hard reset.

Many people are starting to go back to the office. Thus, putting all the essential things in your work bag is necessary. It is different from what you carry when running errands or meeting friends. The best thing to do is find a sturdy work bag, either a tote, a laptop bag, and more. Something appropriate and unique to your work. Once you have it, ensure it has everything you might need in your office.

Spare stationery

Are you always losing the pen you get from the office? It is a mystery where the pen goes. Thus, it is best to carry multiple pens with you. It is helpful when you or someone else needs dire pens. You can also keep a pencil case in your work bag. It will have a pencil, pens, ruler, and so on. All these things are helpful, especially if you work in design.

Business cards

Every working professional should have a business card. It is through a business card that people learn about you and the work you do. A business card has all the details needed to make an informed decision. It is a smart move to keep your business cards in your work bag. This way, you can exchange them with a potential client when the need arises. Also, get business cards in digital form. It allows you to share contact information without the need for a paper card.

Portable chargers

If you carry a laptop to work, carry a portable charger too. You don’t want to log on to work only to find it. Similarly, have a portable phone charger. Having a charged phone is always crucial. When you are commuting, you need a fully charged phone. Otherwise, commuting can be challenging. Other electronics to carry are headphones to take calls. AirPods to listen to music when commuting.


Does your office provide you with a notepad? If yes, carry it in your bag. It is helpful because maybe you have to go to a meeting elsewhere. Having a notepad with all your notes is helpful in all meetings. Moreover, always have a notepad on you, whether working or taking calls. It should be the first thing you keep in your work bag.

Punch card

Every office requires its employees to have a punch card. This small card can get you entry into the office, let you use the printer, and more. It is an essential tool that you cannot leave home without. Always keep this in your work bag to ensure this doesn’t happen. Never take it out. If you are changing your bag, ensure it is the first thing you put in one of the pockets.


Your work bag should have snacks too. Your tiffin is a separate thing. But when you work long hours, you tend to get hungry. Instead of ordering in or eating junk, carry healthy snacks with you. For instance, you can take granola bars, a piece of fruit, nut butter, and more. You can bring coffee and tea sachets with you if you want to stay energized throughout the day. Lastly, carry a personal water bottle. Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day.

The basics

The following are the essentials that everyone should have in their work bag:

  • Your car, scooter, and house keys.
  • Wallet with credit cards, identity cards, and cash. You must have some loose change on you.

Mask and sanitizer

It is safe to keep the sanitizer on hand at all times. You can disinfect your hands anytime you touch a dirty surface. Keep a mask on, even if you don’t wear it for emergency purposes.

The list goes on and on, from business cards to notebooks to keys and chargers. Of course, a few things will differ according to your job. But you get the gist. Right? Is there something missing from this list? If yes, please comment below.


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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.

1 Comment

  1. denise March 29, 2023 Reply

    wonderful list of must-haves.

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