Interview With Actress/Executive Producer Erin Krakow, “When Calls the Heart”

By Ruth on April 26, 2020 in Interview, movie, television

Anyone who has been following the most popular Hallmark show ever–When Calls the Heart–is going to be well aware of the talents and buoyancy of Erin Krakow, the unparalleled star of this hit series. I have had the consummate honor of meeting her several times, and we have done several interviews together over the past few years. As I have witnessed her evolution as an actress, an industry professional, and an exquisite young woman, I am utterly dazzled by the kindness and warmth which emanate from her innermost being, no matter the situation with which she is presented. On more than one occasion, her fellow co-workers have mentioned to me that no one else cares about this show as much as Erin does. Due to scheduling conflicts, it can be quite a feat to organize our “yearly” interview, but thankfully, Erin was gracious enough to agree, and right before the season finale too! I invite all Hearties, Hallmarkies, and anyone else who is interested to peruse our sumptuous interview in anticipation of tonight’s (April 26th) premiere of the season seven finale of When Calls the Heart

Photo Credit: Home & Family

Erin Krakow Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Dolsen

RH: You seem to have such a rapport with the “Taylor Twins.” While it can be challenging at times to work with babies/toddlers, what have you come to appreciate about these little boys and working with them? 

EK: Everything! They are such a breath of fresh air! They put us all in a better mood. Seeing them toddle around Hope Valley in their little suspenders is the cutest. They add so much to every scene they are in – and I don’t mind at all that they’re little scene stealers!

One of the things I appreciate about WCTH is how my character has evolved with every passing season. The Taylor twins have really helped with that development. I love how we’ve seen Elizabeth grow into a more grounded version of herself now that she’s a mother.

Kevin McGarry, Erin Krakow, Chris McNally Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Dolsen

Of course, Elizabeth has an almost impossible choice this season as she chooses which man with whom she may wish to pursue a relationship.  How do you believe Elizabeth will ultimately make a decision? What factors will she take into account as she makes this life-changing decision?

“If she follows her heart, I’m sure she’ll be just fine.”

The Wedding Party

What were a couple of the highlights for you as you filmed this season? Why do those moments stand out?

Fits of laughter with Pascale {Hutton}. Cuddles with the Taylor twins. The satisfaction after filming a scene that I know the Hearties will love. Jesse and Clara’s wedding. Leaning into giant wind gusts with the kids.


There are so many wonderful memories from this season! They all revolve around people. And those moments stand out because of the people.

This season, When Calls the Heart coincidentally had an episode that dealt with an epidemic that aired right as our current crisis was beginning.  What was it like for you and the rest of the cast to watch that show during that time?

Erin Krakow Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Dolsen

Surreal. We never could have predicted the synchronicity of that episode with the current events in our world. Maybe it was helpful for our viewers to see some of their favorite fictional characters navigating the experience of social distancing while they were confronted with this new territory in their day to day lives as well. I hope so.

The cast has become such a family over the years. What do you believe is the “secret” to this camaraderie you always project both on and off the screen?

Kavan Smith, Andrea Brooks, Paul Greene, Pascale Hutton, Chris McNally, Erin Krakow, Kevin McGarry, Jack Wagner Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Alexx Henry/Alexx Henry Studios, LLC

The camaraderie you see on screen is absolutely a byproduct of the friendships we have and maintain off-screen. We’re truly so happy to spend time together. There’s also very little ego to complicate that. Everyone is pretty darn down to earth. I’ve always believed in the importance of kindness, working hard, and being grateful. Those are qualities I try to bring with me to work every day, and they’re qualities I see reflected back in my castmates as well.


While we have no guarantees about a season 8, do you have any hopes for what storylines you might like to see for season 8?

I think it would be interesting to see the WCTH characters in situations where they get to explore a different side of themselves.

Krakow in the Kitchen

Of course, with the film industry currently on hiatus, we know that nothing is being filmed right now. Can you tease anything that might be coming up for you in the near future? 

Well if I listen to the demands I’m seeing on Twitter? More Krakow in the Kitchen!

Erin Krakow Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Dolsen

I do hope that WCTH will be back for Season 8. I anticipate more movies with Hallmark Channel. I’ve also been working on my voiceover game. I’ve made it a goal to become a cartoon character.

We know you’ve been baking brownies during this time of quarantine (and those brownies were NOT a total fail…I promise you!), but what else have you been doing to keep yourself occupied?

I appreciate your support, but those brownies were liquid. I’m not even sure I can call them brownies. I blame the pan…and the amount of batter I poured into it…and the fact that I clearly didn’t bake said batter long enough. And the sun was in my eyes…at midnight. What was the question again?

Oh yes, how I’ve been filling my time. I’ve been doing a lot of reading. Developing some projects for the future. Staring wistfully out the window. Singing along to songs. Doing time steps and jazz squares mid-workouts. Midnight tweeting. Alternating my day sweatsuits and my night sweatsuits. Photoshopping my friends and family into various backgrounds. It’s been a real grab bag of activities over here and I have little to no shame in reporting that.

Photo Credit: Home & Family

Seriously, I wish there was more I could be doing to help our world during this time, but I’m hoping I’m bringing people some joy through WCTH and the ridiculous gifs I’m clearly obsessed with posting.

Your growth as an actress and as an industry professional over the past couple of years has literally blown me away. To see someone of your age embrace the opportunities you’ve been given is truly amazing. What would you say to other young women who are considering and hoping to follow in your footsteps?

Thank you very much. I’m very grateful for the opportunities I have! As far as advice goes, I’d say follow your dreams, work hard, ask lots of questions, study, practice, be kind, be grateful, and don’t forget to have fun!

Erin Krakow Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

In the world of film and TV, one of the most coveted qualities of those who attain a degree of status and stardom is the embracing of the component of duplicity. After all, many see no problem with establishing such a sharp divide between their personal and professional values to a limitless extent that they never permit anyone on the outside to witness authenticity or even brief deficiency. Unfortunately, lives that are lived in two different dimensions often result in gossip and even mental breakdowns because ultimately, no one can live two dissimilar lives, no matter how accomplished an actor they are. Regardless of these potential pitfalls, scores of actors–especially in the film and TV universe–chase fame and fortune no matter what it costs them in the end. Those are the kind of “celebrities” that truly do not impress me.

It is with an abundance of joy that I can attest to the fact that this is the exact opposite of what Erin does and who she intrinsically is in her sphere of influence. I can recall that even her former co-star, Daniel Lissing, never wavered in praising her for caring so much about others that one could easily coin the phrase, “What would Erin do?” Furthermore, the mode in which Erin chooses to live her life in a society frequently plagued by disillusionment and deception reminds me of a quote by speaker/writer Denis Waitley: “A life lived with integrity–even if it lacks the trappings of fame and fortune–is a shining star in whose light others may follow in the years to come.”  

From the inception of the show When Calls the Heart, Erin has been the heart and soul of the series. While no one could foresee the phenomenon that the show has become, Erin has consistently portrayed her character, Elizabeth, with dignity, deftness, grace, and charm. When the opportunity to take the lead as an executive producer was bequeathed to her, she did not shirk it nor accept it lightly. She fully embraced the challenges and the leadership it entailed. Not once did she become the typical celebrity executive who only desired the prestige that accompanies the title. In short, she rolled her sleeves up and jumped in with both feet, willing to solve any issue that arose on the show. Moreover, not only did she undertake all the responsibilities her new role afforded her; she blossomed and flourished both personally and professionally in a fashion that not many in the business could ever hope to attain. She embraced her vulnerabilities as an actress and as a person, and while she has still not peeled back every single layer of Elizabeth nor Erin, we viewers have confidence that her dynamic spirit and benevolent persona will evoke even more love and acceptance amongst the fans and the viewers of this show for many more years to come. To put it succinctly, Erin represents the very epitome of a leading actress who does not seek anything more but to have the opportunity to continue to tell stories that inspire, entertain, and warm the heart in a series that she cherishes in such a steadfast manner that we Hearties would do practically anything Erin asked us to do.

I hope that everyone tunes in for the season seven finale tonight (April 26th) of When Calls the Heart on the Hallmark Channel or Super Channel Heart & Home. While we await even more from Elizabeth and all the exemplary characters we have come to esteem through this unique world that Erin has helped to create over the past few years, be sure that you visit her links below and consider following her via social media. I mean, how could you NOT want to follow Erin, right?? She has single-handedly taught me the value and fun of sharing “gifs!” While we have no assurance concerning the fate of When Calls the Heart as it rests in the Hallmark network’s capable hands nor whether they will ultimately grant us another season, we can rest assured that as the weeks, months, and years advance, Erin is going to continue her rise to unexpected, unassuming prominence within the Hallmark ranks, and I can personally testify to the fact that Erin is amongst the select few Hallmark actresses (and beyond) who take such an active role in thoroughly caring about their characters, their co-workers, their fans, their friends, their family, and so much more. Coming from someone slow to embrace Elizabeth on the show, I can whole-heartedly state that Erin Krakow is one of the foremost actresses in this industry–bar none–and it boggles the mind to even conceive what may be in store for her in the future as long as she clings to her current modus operandi. And in truth, I have no reason to suspect she won’t! She’s the real deal, and I celebrate this series with every ounce and fiber of my being!







Kevin, Erin & Chris


Kayla Wallace, Erin Krakow, Eva Bourne, Pascale Hutton,Gracyn Shinyei, Ava Cooper Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

Interview With Actress Erin Krakow, “A Summer Romance” & “When Calls the Heart”

Photo Credit: @melissacoulier

Interview with Actress Erin Krakow, “When Calls the Heart”

Erin Krakow Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Alexx Henry/Alexx Henry Studios, LLC

Interview With Actress Erin Krakow, “When Calls the Heart”

Erin Krakow Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. denise May 7, 2020 Reply

    Wonderful interview

  2. maria h tsioplakis April 27, 2020 Reply

    I love you all, in “When Calls the Heart”

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