Interview With Actor Jaiven Natt, “When Calls the Heart”

By Ruth on April 11, 2020 in Interview, movie, television

From the moment Robert made his first appearance in Hope Valley, fans have been enraptured with his dynamic humor, his irrepressible nature, his sense of adventure, and his generous heart. Jaiven Natt and I have known each other almost since he joined the cast, and I am so glad to see him being featured more as he gets older and more mature. Right before the start of season seven, Jaiven and I had a chance to catch up (fourth interview already–wow!), and I am honored to share our conversation with my readers today.

RH: Jaiven, it is so good to chat with you again. 

JN: Ruth, thank you for reaching out. It is always great to chat with you too.

from the Hearties Family Reunion

I know it’s been a busy time, but that’s a good thing, right?

Yes, that’s right.

And now When Calls the Heart is back, and I am thoroughly enjoying the season. 

I’m glad. Yes, it’s great to be back.

Hope Valley Kids Behind the scenes

I wanted to make sure to tell you that I loved the Christmas movie this past holiday season.

Thank you, Ruth. I think the fans really enjoyed it this Christmas.

So, Jaiven, are you still growing? Are you still getting taller?

I hope so! {laughs} I think so, yes.

height comparison with Pascale Hutton

{laughs} Yeah, it’s nice to see all the kids growing up on the show. We’ve been watching you all these seasons, and now so many of you are becoming teenagers. That’s exciting.

Yeah, it is. I didn’t realize how much we all had grown. I look back now at old pictures of when we all started. We were tiny! I didn’t realize!

Jaiven Natt (Robert) Credit: Copyright 2016 Crown Media United States, LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

It’s so true. I still remember Robert with the skunk. 

Yeah, I think that was my first big trademark thing for Robert.

Thinking back to the Christmas movie, did you have a favorite part of that movie for your character?

Hope Valley Kids

Let me think back. There was a lot of good stuff this season. For season seven, we filmed the Christmas movie in between some episodes. We didn’t film it first. We used to film it first before the other episodes. It was usually our “welcome back, hello.” But it was different this year.

I have talked with enough of the cast to understand how different it was this season. 

It’s hard for me to remember what exactly happened in the Christmas movie and what happened in the episodes.

I totally understand that. So now that we’re into season seven pretty heavily, what would you like to tease or tell us about Robert without giving us any spoilers?

Hope Valley behind the scenes

I can’t really tease much. I know there’s some stuff the fans have already seen. But I can say there is a fun storyline with a lot of kids that was my favorite scene this season and one of my favorite scenes I ever filmed in all the years I’ve been filming When Calls the Heart.

Well, that sounds like something to look forward to. Now, how fun was it having the “Taylor Twins” on set this season?

It was awesome! They are so cute.

with the Taylor Twins

Did you have any scenes with them or scenes where you got to interact with them?

Yeah, there are a lot of little pieces here and there throughout the season. But I’m pretty sure there’s one or two really good scenes where the kids and Baby Jack get to interact some. It was the cutest thing ever. I remember when I was holding them, their facial expressions were just so cute. They have their own personalities.

Joey Awards

Well, that’s good to know. Speaking of Robert, one of his good friends moved on last season–Cody as played by Carter Ryan Evancic. While that was sad because Robert and Cody had such a close bond, have you been able to create any kind of bond like that with the other kids?

Not quite like I had with Cody. From the start, Robert had a strong bond with all the kids. But this season, Robert’s bond with the other Hope Valley kids grew a lot more. But I don’t think I can say that Robert has a specific character like Cody that he gets really close to this season.

Joey Awards

Speaking of Carter, who plays Cody, my mom and I were discussing how the show could bring him and his sister back if they wanted to. I know those things don’t always work out, but I don’t see why he and Becky couldn’t come back since she’s an adult now, and she could take care of him. But I guess we’ll see what happens if a season eight happens. 

That would be such a great idea. Maybe in the future. We’ll see. Robert would be very happy if Cody was able to come back to Hope Valley, even for a visit.

Hope Valley Kids

I know we don’t get to make those kinds of decisions, but I’m just throwing it out there. But that’s good that Robert was able to make some more connections because I was just so sad when Cody left last year. So behind the scenes, do you have any fun stories to tell? 

Oh yes! There’s actually so many. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it, but there’s this app blowing up called TikTok.

Oh yeah.

with Erin

The girls on set all love to do TikTok videos. So they got me and Erin {Krakow} in it. We made a couple of TikToks. Also, since season four, I think, we would do these haunted house things during lunch where the girls would set up their trailer and have this spooky idea ready. We’d have two people waiting outside, and then you’d have to walk in and try not to get scared. We started filming them with iMovie or TikTok, and that was so much fun. There was a lot that happened behind the scenes with lots of fun stuff. But I think the part I remember the most is the TikToks we filmed.

with Kevin

Is there an actor this season that you got to have some scenes with that you hadn’t gotten to much before?

Yes, I got to work with Kevin McGarry, who plays Nathan, the new Mountie. That’s super exciting. Our scenes were super fun to film. If you watched last week, you will know that our scenes were very important for Robert’s character. It shows that he’s maturing a lot. It also gave me a cool perspective on Robert that I hadn’t really seen before. I usually just thought of him as a mischievous, goofy kid. But I guess he’s kind of growing out of that now. And that was cool to see. So I got to film with Kevin, which I really didn’t get to do last year.

Sarah Smyth, Jaiven Natt, Paul Greene Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

Kevin is great. 

Oh, yeah, he’s so funny!

with a couple of lovely Hope Valley ladies

It’s not like I know him super well, but the last time I chatted with him, his sense of humor really started to come out. And he’s so talented. And the women just go crazy over him and think he’s so handsome. He is such a strong part of the cast. 

Yeah, he’s amazing on set.

So I’m curious. Did the kids ever take sides on this whole love triangle? There’s a strong divide amongst many of the fans between Team Nathan and Team Lucas. Did you guys ever take sides and discuss it?

Behind the scenes, yes, we each personally had our own sides. In the show, I know the character Robert didn’t take sides. I’m pretty sure the girls did.

Hope Valley Kids

That I can believe. I know that when the adults get interviewed, they are often asked whether they’re Team Nathan or Team Lucas. So do you want to share what team you are?

It’s kind of hard to decide. I was kind of in the middle for a while. But after filming a lot with Kevin, I think I’m leaning towards Nathan.

Hope Valley Boys

I understand fully. I started out Team Lucas before it was cool to do so. Then I leaned towards Team Nathan. And now I honestly don’t know. I do tend to come from a mother’s perspective which means I still tend to be Team Nathan. I’m all about leaving the decision up to Elizabeth. But regardless, I want whoever doesn’t ultimately get Elizabeth to still stay in Hope Valley and find somebody else. But it’s fun to hear your perspective, Jaiven, so thanks for sharing. Now, please remind me of how old you are.

football season

I’m fifteen.

I couldn’t remember if you were sixteen yet. 

I turn sixteen next year.

I’m sure you’re looking forward to the day when you can drive. 

Oh yeah!! I’m getting my license the day I turn sixteen! {laughs}

With Jaeda Lily Miller

My daughter is almost seventeen, and she’s got everything done, but because of the current crisis, we have to wait to get her license. So in addition to When Calls the Heart, do you have anything else coming up? 

Not really. Before this shutdown, I was auditioning a lot. I hadn’t booked anything yet. But after everything opens up again, I’ll keep going and working hard.

You’re kind of at a tough age. I know I’ve talked with a lot of kids in the business, and you’re right in the middle now. You’re too old for the young parts, but not quite old enough for the older parts. 

Hope Valley behind-the-scenes

Yeah, that’s true.

I noticed you’re keeping up with your dancing. I see those videos once in a while of you dancing or rapping or whatever.

Yeah, I like dancing with my cousin a lot.

And you’re keeping up with school. 

Yes, I’m still working hard.

With Callum Seagram Airlie

Assuming we have a season eight of When Calls the Heart, what are your hopes for Robert? What kind of job would you like him to do when he’s an adult?

Well, right now, I don’t think he knows what he wants to do for sure. As you saw last week, he has some interest in being a Mountie. I think once he fully matures and understands things, I think he will be ready to become a Mountie. Or at least do something in that range of things.

I think that’s cool. I could see Robert doing that as a job. Robert likes all that adventure stuff, and he doesn’t care if it’s dangerous. I’m glad he’s waiting a bit. 

Yeah, Robert is in love with that sense of danger.

getting fitted for Robert

Has Robert gotten to ride a horse yet in the show?

No, he has not. I didn’t even think about that till now.

Well, that’s another thing we need to have happen. If Robert’s really thinking about becoming a Mountie, someone’s got to teach him to ride a horse. Maybe Nathan could teach him in an episode of season eight.

I think that would be really fun!

Maybe Nathan could teach all the boys to ride horses, and Elizabeth could teach all the girls to ride horses. And then you all could have a race. 

Hope Valley Kids watching party

That would be very cool! That would be an exciting episode.

You know, Jaiven, whenever I talk to you, I always feel like I get really creative. I find that whenever we’re talking, I just think of all sorts of fun ideas. You seem to inspire that within me. 

Thank you! Same here. Whenever I do these interviews with you, it sparks these ideas in my head.

I’m so glad, Jaiven. I’m all about dreaming big. You only live once, so why not dream big?

Hope Valley Kids

Exactly! I think the same way. Some people don’t understand why kids have these big dreams. No matter how crazy they are…especially nowadays, anything is possible. Literally ANYTHING! Dreaming big is just a step to getting there. At least, that’s what I think. You’re never gonna get there if you don’t believe in yourself.

That’s right. It’s a lot easier to dial it back a bit if you have to make adjustments, but if you don’t dream big enough, you’re never gonna accomplish anything great. At least if you dream big, you’re going in the right direction. Even if you don’t do exactly what you set out to do, you’re going to do more than you would have if you only had small dreams. 

I agree with you completely, Ruth.

Thank you so much for chatting with me again. I’m very excited to see the rest of season seven of When Calls the Heart, and I hope you and your family are doing well.

Thank you, Ruth, I always love getting to chat with you. And I hope all the Hearties will tune in. I thank all of you for your support.

I do believe that Jaiven has made a definite name for himself as Robert in When Calls the Heart, and I tend to think that we are getting an insider’s look at the making of a virtual star, at least in my opinion. While many child actors stop acting or truly struggle to make it in the film and TV world, Jaiven has demonstrated that by never giving up and maintaining a belief in oneself, no dream or hope is outside of anyone’s reach. While we have no idea what the future holds for Jaiven, I am convinced that his natural effervescence, his inexorable determination, and his obvious talents are going to make him a marketable actor and carry him through his teenage years and well into his adult life. Additionally, his buoyant positivity and easygoing nature tend to make him a director’s dream when it comes to being on set.

It is my sincere hope that everyone tunes in for the next few Sundays to the Hallmark Channel/Super Channel Heart & Home for the final few episodes of what has become an exhilarating season eight. Moreover, while you’re luxuriating in all that When Calls the Heart has to offer, be sure that you visit Jaiven’s links below and consider following him where applicable. Throughout Jaiven’s career so far, he has had immense support from his family, his castmates, his crew, and his fans, and I can hardly wait to see what a young man with his disposition, giftedness and extensive network accomplishes in the days, weeks, months, and years to come!









Interview With Actors Jaiven Natt and Carter Ryan Evancic, “When Calls the Heart”

Interview With Actor Jaiven Natt, “When Calls the Heart”



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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


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