6 Things to Consider in Choosing the Right Industrial Mixer Machine

By Ruth on September 25, 2019 in technology

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For some manufacturing industries, one of the key considerations is the need to mix and blend powder ingredients. Mixing and blending is the most important step of the process to increase the product’s value. Thus, some of the company owners invest in mixer machines to have a secure solution and get a strong return from the investment.

Now, here’s the catch. When we are looking for the right industrial mixer machine, we sometimes get overwhelmed by the several options to choose from. The question is, what are the key considerations in choosing the right industrial mixer?

An Introduction to Mixer Machine

Mixer machines are an essential tool for product manufacturers that needs to produce their final product through mixing and blending ingredients. Thus, the best way to guarantee that you will get the right mixer machine is to have the right industrial mixer and blender manufacturer.

We recommend you to find a reputable mixer machine supplier in China.They offer different types of mixing tanks for manufacturers of pharmaceutical, chemical, cosmetic, and chemical industries.

Humans are most likely unreliable in their actions which sometimes become the cause of a problem. However, with the automation mixer machines offer, human error is reduced. As the mixer machines reduce human errors, it creates a high-quality final product that consistently meets the satisfaction of the consumers. 

It shows that the industrial mixer machine is efficient in making high-quality final products. Thus, it is best to know the key considerations in choosing a mixer machine.

6 Key Considerations in Choosing a Mixer Machine

Powder Characteristics

You have to know the texture and consistency of the powder you use for your products. Different powder characteristics need different types of mixer machines. Some powders have thin particles that only need gentle blending. However, it is a different story when you use cohesive and sticky powders.

Cohesive and sticky powders can be a problem if you blend it in the wrong mixer machine. Most likely, this kind of powder may dislodge on the interior walls of the mixer machine. To avoid this situation high shear mixers are the right mixer to choose from. It has the capability to properly blend the articles. Moreover, mixers with faster torques can remove the dislodged particles.

Powder characteristic is a key factor in choosing the right mixer. When this is overlooked, the mixture is prone to particle degradation and unwanted heat.

Type of Liquid Viscosity

Considering the type of liquid viscosity is as important as taking consideration of the powder characteristics. You need to understand that some liquids have a unique characteristic when applied to a mixer. Moreover, the type of liquid depends on the product you produce.

Most common types of liquid viscosity are:

  • Dilatant liquids
  • Newtonian liquids
  • Pseudoplastic liquids
  • Thixotropic liquids

Vessel Capacity

Industrial mixer machines may have large vessels. However, there is a need to calculate the size of your product and the capacity of the vessel. Considering the vessel capacity means you are considering the time spent on loading, emptying, and cleaning which leads to a large downtime.

You have to think through the volume, height of the batch and vessel, and the diameter of the vessel. These factors will help you identify a suitable mixer machine for your product.

Mixing Time

Some are confused with the “4-minute” blend time suggestion. You have to remember that the blending process includes a number of stages from loading to packing and cleaning. Thus, it is best that you should know the true mixing time of the mixer.

The average true mixing time is 6 hours or more. The estimation for loading time is 2 hours while the packing time is 3 hours. It undoubtedly takes a long time to complete the full cycle of the process.

Risk of Cross-Contamination

Mixing and blending ingredients for the products have the potential to create allergens. Mixer machines with high risk for cross-contamination are those used for various recipes. Thus, experts suggest having separate mixers for different products. Some products have allergens. More so, there are requirements and guidance to avoid cross-contamination.

Ease of Cleaning

There are mixers that have multiple moving parts that lead to product dislodges. These products stick on the paddle, bearings, and walls of the mixer. You may see it as a waste, but the truth is it is a large amount of product loss and a potential carrier for cross-contamination.

Thus, you need to consider the amount of time in cleaning and drying the mixer parts. It takes time to remove and return the parts. You need to be patient and careful in putting it back. Our number one concern in choosing the right mixer machine is to maintain and create an efficient process in product manufacturing. Thus, it needs to be done carefully.


So, how do you choose the right mixer from its wide selection? Simple, give importance to the key considerations in choosing the right industrial mixer machine. When you consider the factors, you are creating a safe solution in manufacturing a high-quality product. Moreover, it is a good and economical practice to have the right machine. 

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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


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