Xpresso Book Tours: “After She Fell” by Amber Laura Blog Tour/Giveaway

By Ruth on August 26, 2019 in blog tour, book, giveaway, guest post

After She Fell
Amber Laura
Publication date: July 30th 2019
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

She’s tried for years to convince herself that she isn’t in love with him. If it hasn’t worked, at least she’s managed to convince him of it, anyway.

A tragic love affair from her past had shattered Christina’s illusions of romance—it’d shattered her entire world, left her utterly broken and blamed. She’s fallen once before. She isn’t about to make the same mistake twice!

Jason Gordman is off-limits. Charming, playful, confident—he’s everything dangerous to her defenses. Worse yet, he’s the boss’s son. Hiding behind antagonism and indifference, Christina manages to keep him at a careful distance. That is, until one fateful night when she finds herself snowbound with him in a blizzard and she slips, allows herself one, forbidden kiss…

Struggling to reconcile her feelings, Christina is entirely unprepared for where that one stolen moment will lead her.

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I don’t write perfect characters. As a romance author (and reader), I tend to get a little frustrated with the expectation that these are the only types of characters that deserve love. Certainly, it’s common in this genre­­: the heroine who doesn’t need to be forgiven for anything; the hero who never has to pick themselves up, brush themselves off, apologize; the archetype who never makes a wrong move.

Ugh. Boring. Unbelievable.

In all three of the novels I’ve written, I’ve striven to create protagonists that have the dimensional, elemental human quality of being both blessed and cursed. I like them to make mistakes because mistakes are relatable, they’re real. I want readers to truly engage and react––to become so emotionally invested that they’re laughing or crying or hurting right alongside the characters on the page.

This deliberation was never stronger, or more challenging, than with the heroine of my latest novel, After She Fell (published July 30th, 2019). Without giving away spoilers­­—read the book!— the main character, Christina, harbors a very secret and destructive heartbreak owing to a previous romantic relationship. The fallout from this event was broader, the consequences more far-reaching, than a simple breakup might imply. Unable to talk about it, to face what happened, she pushes the hurt deep down inside herself. To compound matters, she’s not without fault from what transpired and that causes her to wrap those wounds around her like a shield, to hide behind them in an effort to guard herself, to keep herself safe from ever getting hurt again.

As such, Christina doesn’t always say the right thing, the nice thing. She hides her vulnerabilities behind antagonism and indifference. She’s not always easy to love…or even like. But then again, who is always easy to like and love? Who can always perfectly compartmentalize their health and well-being? Who doesn’t sometimes lash out at the wrong person? Christina is hurting. Her emotional scars are blistered and ugly and unresolved. Because of that, she can’t always reconcile the differences of her past from her present.

And that’s an important point of distinction. Because that’s often true to real life.

Take me and my friend, for example. A few weeks ago, sitting outside on a gorgeous summer evening, we somehow got to talking about our own past relationships, and in particular, those wounds that remain in the aftermath of a tough breakup––the pain of what you’d hoped for, what actually happened, what you lost, and what you gained. These wounds, while invisible, are incredibly powerful. Worse yet, they have a way of inserting themselves into situations where they don’t belong; have you ever been talking to someone and they make what should be a totally innocuous statement and — snap! — just like that, you find yourself mentally tunneling back in time to that prior relationship, to the last time something of that nature was said, and the meaning becomes twisted, distorted, dissonant?

Certainly, it’s happened to me.

It’s like the brain splits in two: one part realizes it’s overreacting, that this person is not the same person as from the past, that it doesn’t mean the same thing…and still, the other half is hurting, confused, angry even. While some of these wounds never completely leave us (admittedly a bummer, but then again, our life experiences shape and change us as we go), usually with a little time and mending they do fade––frequently to a place of being all but forgotten. The brain stops shifting back in time and even if an old memory does rear, it’s easy/ier to discern and discard.

Here’s my somewhat rambling point: we have all been wounded and we’ve all carried (or are still carrying) those hurts around inside us. We all sometimes say things we regret, do things we regret. If we’re paying attention, we learn and grow. If we’re lucky, we are offered forgiveness and love. Humility balanced by grace.

My characters aren’t perfect. Christina is flawed. She’s a bit broken. But she still deserves love. In all its myriad forms. This story isn’t just about her falling in love with the hero and being loved in return. It’s about her falling in love with herself, it’s about her letting go of the past, moving forward, moving on. It’s about tumbling, fumbling but also rising and healing. And being brave enough to try again. Scars and all.


Author Bio:

Amber Laura’s biography, also known as “Five Fun Facts about the Author”:

  1. As a writer, Amber Laura does her best daydreaming as a window-gazing passenger on long car rides.
  2. If there’s creamer, she’s drinking coffee. When she edits, there’s always creamer.
  3. A blogger, she also writes web fiction—(free stories updated chapter-by-chapter, week-by-week). Check it out at www.litliber.com.
  4. Psst! Her debut novel, Topaz and Lace, a contemporary romance set in a fictitious Texas town, got its start on that same blog.
  5. While she may physically reside in the beautiful country of Northern Minnesota, in her imagination, Amber Laura lives all over the world. She considers it one of the best perks to being a writer: easy, cheap travel. That and the oddball characters she meets along the way….

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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. NANCY August 30, 2019 Reply

    Entertaining cover

  2. shelly peterson August 27, 2019 Reply

    This sounds great.

  3. Tracie Cooper August 27, 2019 Reply

    I am looking forward to reading this book!

  4. Anita Yancey August 27, 2019 Reply

    The book sounds fantastic, and I love the cover. Can’t wait to read it.

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