Interview With Actor Sebastian Gacki, “Morning Show Mysteries: Murder In Mind”

By Ruth on April 14, 2019 in Interview, movie, television

I am ecstatic to see the return of Morning Show Mysteries on the Hallmark Movies & Mystery Network. The first one of a mesmerizing trio of new episodes in this signature mystery series, Murder In Mind, will feature a familiar face (with a perhaps unfamiliar name), Sebastian Gacki. No doubt, Hallmark fans have seen him more than once, but this upcoming role is purported to be his first truly substantial role with the network. Therefore, in light of that, I am thrilled that he agreed to chat with me about his journey within the entertainment business thus far, and I am extremely pleased to present him to my readers today!

Photo by Brandon Hart

RH: Sebastian, it is great to get to chat with you. I’ve been following your work for some time now.

SG: Ruth, it is a joy to get to chat with you. I’ve heard many people talk about you over the past few years, so when my agent said you wanted to interview me, I was thrilled.

So how did you get started in acting, Sebastian?

Well, I was kind of late to acting, I’d say. I didn’t start pursuing it until I was around eighteen or so. I was really into playing baseball, and there wasn’t much time for acting. I did play a part in Oliver Twist back when I was in school, but then baseball took over, and that became my focus.

How did you decide to pursue a career in acting full-time?

Well, I was playing baseball, but then I suffered an injury that kept me from continuing with baseball. That’s when I remembered just how much I enjoyed acting, and so I started in with it again.

I am always amazed at how many actors have these kinds of stories where they started out with acting only to come to a point where they can’t continue to pursue a career as an athlete, and they switch over to becoming an actor. I know of many actors who have followed that particular path.

It is interesting and very true. I’m glad I was able to find acting when I couldn’t play baseball anymore. It is such an incredible career for me.

What was your first professional job in the business?

It was a small role in a movie called Killer Bash. That’s where it all started.


That’s great! Now, I know Smallville was one of the first big shows that you were on, but I have to admit it is one I have not had the chance to see as of yet. I’ve talked to many who have guest-starred on the show, and I know it was a pretty big show.

Yeah, that was a great show to be a part of, and it went on for quite a while. I got to play two roles over the course of the series, and I had a great time with both of them. Kind has the same status Supernatural has now.

It’s hard to believe that show is finally coming to an end after next season. I mean that show probably could have gone on as long as they wanted to.

That is so true. Supernatural is an incredible show.

Of course, I found you through your work with Hallmark. I believe I have seen all of your Hallmark works. In fact, I believe your first Hallmark movie was the original Garage Sale Mystery film. Unfortunately, those won’t be seen on the network anymore, but that was your introduction to the network.

Yes, it was, and everyone was just wonderful to work with on that movie. It is a shame about what happened, but it was an honor to be a part of that movie. The crew, the cast, everyone was just great.

Was that your introduction to the Hallmark network?

Honestly, I only knew about Hallmark from my girlfriend at the time. She worked for Hallmark cards. I knew about all the beautiful cards the company made and all that, but I really didn’t know about all the movies they made.

Your next movie was Surprised By Love, right? 

Yes, with Paul Campbell and Hilarie Burton. Such a great cast yet again, and a wonderful on-set experience.

Oh, yes, and that was the one with Tim Conway too!

Yes, I introduced myself to Tim Conway and said, “Oh, I’m Sebastian, by the way.” And he said, “Oh, that’s an unusual name.” And there was my introduction to Tim Conway! {laughs}

{laughs} Oh, my goodness, that’s hilarious! Sounds just like what I’ve always heard from others about working with Tim Conway.

When you’re on set with Tim Conway, I mean you try really hard not to laugh, but he is so funny that it’s really hard not to break character.

That movie was sure a memorable one for me. I mean, I’m sure part of it was that Tim Conway made it memorable. But everything else in that movie was really cute too. I see that you were also a part of one episode of Cedar Cove.

Yes, I had the opportunity to be in one episode of season three.

Yes, episode nine of season three, I see that. So can you remind us of your character?

First of all, Andie MacDowell was in one of my mom’s favorite movies, and so it was special to book this role on Cedar Cove. But I played part of a couple who was having some trouble, and so my character and my wife on the show went to Andie’s character for some help.

Oh, yeah, now I remember!

It was a real treat to get to work with Andie on that show.

I have heard that from everybody I’ve ever talked to who has worked with her, and I know she is just incredible. 

It is really great to work with someone like her who has been in the business for so long and is still so down-to-earth and really nice and not like the typical celebrity.

I noticed you also worked with Candace Cameron Bure in one of the Aurora Teagarden movies.

Yes, I was the one who got killed in that movie.

Oh, yes, I remember it well. It was the one called A Bundle of Trouble. I really liked it, and I remember the story was exceptional.

That’s good to know. I haven’t seen it yet.

I see that we’re going to see you very soon in one of the Morning Show Mysteries movies.

That is correct. I’m very excited for everyone to see it. It’s entitled A Murder In Mind.

Rick Fox, Holly Robinson Peete, Teryl Rothery, Sebastian Gacki, Taylor St. Pierre Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ryan Plummer

Now, I’m curious. Had you seen any of the others in the series before booking this one?

No, I had not. In fact, I have to admit I was really out of the loop. I didn’t even know who Rick Fox was. Of course, I’m into baseball, and at the time we were shooting, it was baseball playoffs. I had no idea Rick had been a basketball player. I knew he was really tall, like six foot six, six foot seven. I looked him up to see what other movies or shows he had done, and I noticed there weren’t as many as I thought there would be. But I didn’t know about his basketball career!

Sebastian, you’re not alone. I didn’t know who he was before I started watching the series either.

Right! I had no idea about the basketball thing, but when I realized it, I was like, “Oh my gosh!” {laughs}

Were you aware of who Holly Robinson Peete was?

A little bit. I think I knew her from 21 Jumpstreet. At least a little bit. But I got to meet her and she was just awesome to work with. She and Rick both were.

I knew the name before seeing her on Hallmark, but I wasn’t sure who she was until I made the connection between her and her dad, who had been on Sesame Street. And I think I knew about her from her first reality show before the current one on Hallmark. I do know that when it comes to mysteries, the tough thing is you can’t share too much about your role without spoiling the story.

Sebastian Gacki Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ryan Plummer

Yeah, and that’s how this movie is. I don’t want to ruin the story for anyone. But I do hope that everyone tunes in to see it and to see me in my first lead role with Hallmark.

Wow! This is your first lead role with Hallmark? Oh, that’s exciting, Sebastian! This means we might get to see you for a little bit more time on screen than we have in the past.

Yeah, you’ll at least be able to see me in a little more of significant role. I’m very excited to see what everyone thinks. It was an amazing experience for me.

Now, what about Al Roker? Did you get to meet him?

Unfortunately, he was not on set the days I was. Which is too bad because I would have loved to have had the chance to meet the writer. It’s always great to have that experience.

Al Roker was the one I really did know about. He was a legend as I was growing up. I knew him from the morning shows here in the U.S. and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. But until this series came along, I didn’t know he had written a mystery series. 

Oh, that’s cool. I wasn’t too familiar with him, but I have to say this series is pretty good.

I think the other great thing about this series is that it is so diverse. I know that’s something that is a current issue, and it’s one that Hallmark has been working on for a while to implement. And this series has been great for doing just that.

I definitely agree with that.  Thankfully, Hallmark is really using it as an opportunity to get together a diverse cast while telling a great story.

It seems to be a very popular Hallmark series. I’m a fan, and I can hardly wait to see it.

My character’s name is Derek, and I hope that everyone keeps an eye out for my character.

I’m sure the “Sleuthers” will be watching out for you. I hope you get to see this one.

Yes, I am going to see this one. To be honest, the fact that it is my first lead with the network makes it one I really want to see. I hope everyone enjoys watching it as much as we did making it.

I love the fact that Hallmark is very loyal to their cast members, and the fact that they keep bringing you back is a good sign. And it’s fun for the viewers too. Also, I can help the viewers realize why they recognize you.

Honestly, if someone wants to become an actor, I would say that Vancouver is the best place in the world to pursue a career as an actor. There’s a great film and television community up here, and there is a lot of great work and opportunities for those who want to pursue a career in the business. Hallmark is part of that, and it is an honor to continue to work in their movies.

I agree with you there. It used to be that you had to go to LA to become an actor, but a lot more opportunities are available today. And Vancouver is a great place to be.

You know, I’ve gone down to LA before, and I’ll probably go again. It’s great for pilot season and to make valuable connections with casting directors and all that. But I’m glad things have changed in that area too, because it’s nice to be a part of the community up here in Vancouver.

So anything else that you have coming up that you can mention?

Not right now, but keep watching for announcements. There are things in the work, but it’s not at a point where I can announce them.

So do you still play baseball?

Not really. But what I do like to do is restore old, classic cars. That is something I really enjoy doing when I’m not acting. It’s a chance for me to work with my hands and really get in and do something a little bit different.

That’s really interesting, Sebastian. Is there one favorite restoration that you’ve done?

I am currently rebuilding a BMW from the 1980s. And I’m hoping to enter a car show at some point. Maybe later on this year.

Sebastian, that is just fantastic! I am so glad you and I got to chat before the premiere of Morning Show Mysteries. And thanks for taking the time to share with my readers and with me.

My pleasure, Ruth, and thank you for reaching out to me. I truly appreciate it, and I hope all the fans enjoy the movie!

Even though Sebastian and I chatted rather briefly, we found plenty of common ground and took an active interest in each other’s lives and careers. The fact that we were somewhat familiar with each other’s works made our dialogue a genuine conversation in which we were able to begin to lay the groundwork for a reciprocal friendship filled with respect and encouragement. Interestingly enough, while I know nothing about cars, the fact that my dad is an old car buff gave us an instant connection, while providing talking points that enabled us to enjoy a relaxed conversation brimming with inspiration. I am consistently blown away by the amount of talent young people like Sebastian possess, and it is such a thrill to highlight them just as they are beginning to book more prominent roles and to watch them as they continue to press on towards the more extensive, distinct roles that demonstrate their artistry and work ethic. It’s always refreshing to chat with a young actor in the business who recognizes the fact that true success is not gauged by fame nor fortune, but instead it is forged in the fire of investing time, fortitude, and persistence as the journey of an artist’s career goes through the typical peaks and valleys that visit all actors at some point in their respective careers. Sebastian is well aware of the fact that he is blessed to be able to do what he loves for a living, and I know he never takes any opportunity for granted, big or small.

I hope that everyone who is able to in the U.S. will watch Morning Show Mysteries: Murder In Mind today (April 14th) on the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Network (I’m not sure when it will air in Canada). Additionally, I hope that my readers will visit all of Sebastian’s links below and follow him where applicable. I wish him every success in his multitudinous future endeavors–Hallmark and otherwise–and I can hardly wait to see him in this current Hallmark movie and more. While I have not ever met Sebastian, what I can say is that he is an exemplary, gifted young man with a charming persona, a winning smile, and undeniable talent that he consistently displays on-screen in whatever role he is cast. While I do not know what the future holds for this promising young professional, I can only say that as long as he remains on his current path, there is nothing that can keep him from accomplishing each and every dream within his heart, mind, and soul. Moreover, I hope that the majority of my readers will support him on every level of his artistic quest!

















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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


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