Interview With Director Richard Gabai, “A Gingerbread Romance”

By Ruth on December 16, 2018 in Christmas, Holidays, Interview, movie, television

I am always pleased to welcome a director to the Hallmark network by highlighting them in an informative interview, and because of my friendship with Giles and Jocelyn Panton, I discovered that Richard Gabai had come on board to direct his first Hallmark Channel movie, A Gingerbread Romance. Thankfully, he was agreeable to being featured in a brief article, and as we anticipate the U.S. premiere tonight (12/16) and the Canadian premiere next weekend (W Network, December 22nd), I am honored to present Richard to my readers today.

On set A Gingerbread Romance

RH: Why did you decide to pursue a career in the entertainment industry? What kind of training have you had?

RG: When I was a kid, my parents introduced my brother David and I to classic films of all types, and we loved them. Everything from Musicals like Showboat and Holiday Inn to Westerns, and old Universal Horror movies like The Mummy. David and I made our own movies on Super 8 in Chatsworth, California where we grew up, and I developed a keen interest in acting and movie making. A neighbor recommended a summer program for me called The Teenage Drama Workshop at Cal State Northridge, and I went for several years. Had a blast learning the craft of stage acting and appearing in musical theater productions. So, since I was twelve or so, I kind of knew what I hoped to spend my life doing. I studied film and telecommunications for two years at San Diego State University before getting my degree in Journalifromorm USC.

You have been involved with a variety of roles in the film/TV industry, but what was your first professional job in the business and what are your memories of it?

My first professional job was acting in a film called The Whitmores Are Having Company, which ironically enough was a Christmas film! It was shot in Sharon, Pennsylvania – so I concurrently got my first real gig and headed out on location for the first time all at once. It was an adventure. Made many great friendships that I maintain to this day. Working on a film, especially on location, is always so special, but this being my first one was even more so. One day the boom operator, the person that holds the microphone, was sick and I volunteered to fill in as I wasn’t in that day’s scenes; so it was also my first professional “behind-the-scenes” experience. I loved the feeling of being behind the camera just as much as taking on an acting role.

Your most well-known works appear to be InSight, Call of the Wild, Justice, and The Wrong Woman. Please tell us a little about each and why they were so special/significant.

with Natalie Zea on the Set of InSight

InSight came from a script that my longtime friend, cinematographer, and collaborator Scott Peck brought to me. It was the first time I’d ever read a script that I couldn’t put down. It’s a psychological thriller with great plot twists and fantastic characters. I had a feeling that it would attract a great cast and it did! Natalie Zea, Sean Patrick Flanery, Adam Baldwin, Veronica Cartwright, and the great Christopher Lloyd all delivered big time.

with Christopher Lloyd on Call of The Wild 3D

We shot Call of the Wild 3D the year before InSight on location in Montana. It’s a modern-day adaptation of the Jack London Classic – and we shot it in Digital 3D in fifteen days on a shoestring budget. Honestly, we were crazy to do it, but thankfully everything worked out and the film did very well. Felt so good to make a family film that people could enjoy together and that I could share with my children. It’s on Call of The Wild I met so many now very good friends and colleagues – including the wonderful actors Chris Lloyd, Veronica Cartwright, and Wes Studi.

with Jamie Lynn Sigler on Justice

Justice was a bucket list opportunity for sure. I’ve always loved Westerns and of course, hoped to make my own one day – so I jumped at the chance when I was offered Justice. We shot at the historic Bonanza Creek Ranch in Sante Fe, New Mexico where great Westerns like John Wayne’s The Cowboys, Sliverado and 3:10 to Yuma were shot. It was an awesome experience and made even better by our stellar cast, which included Stephen Lang, Jamie Lynn Sigler, Jackson Rathbone, Nathan Parsons, Ellen Hollman, and Robert Carradine, who incidentally starred in The Cowboys with John Wayne!

with Danica on The Wrong Woman

The Wrong Woman, was the film I met my great friend Danica McKellar on, and when the movie was first on TV the ratings were through the roof!!! Written by my pal Leland Douglas, the movie is a kind of a twist on Hitchcock’s The Wrong Man. Danica, who the world fell in love with on The Wonder Years has rightfully become one of America’s sweethearts through all of her great Hallmark movies!

I believe we will be seeing your first Hallmark film this Christmas–A Gingerbread Romance. What was so special about this film? Why do you think the viewers will enjoy it?

Yes!!! This film is VERY special!! It is a beautiful love story filled with Christmas cheer, and Giant Gingerbread Houses!!! If you ever wondered how Santa manages to land his sleigh in inclement weather you will find that out too in our scene about “Santa’s Landing!” Tia Mowry and Duane Henry, our two stars have such great on-screen chemistry, especially in their little dance sequence, and it’s fun to watch their relationship develop! Also, we have an amazingly adorable little girl in our cast, Melody Niemann, who had her eighth birthday on day one of our shoot, that I’m sure everyone will fall in love with!

Tia and Duane!

For me, A Gingerbread Romance is extra special because it’s the first of what I hope will be many Hallmark films!!! I’m very grateful to everyone at Hallmark and the fantastic production team I worked with for the opportunity and I’m so excited to be able to share this film with everyone!

I understand you are also a musician and even can be seen in front of the camera. Both of those things are somewhat unusual amongst the directors I know. What do you enjoy about each of these areas?

I’ve been playing guitar and acting since I was a kid, and I still enjoy both.

Back in the day, I played all the clubs on The Sunset Strip, Stone Temple Pilots (then known as Mighty Joe Young) even opened for my band several times. Had some opportunities to play music as a career, but I always ended up getting a movie! Playing original music live in front of a crowd is an amazing feeling. Last year I had the chance to record a new album, produced by Cal Campbell, the son of the late great Glen Campbell in the family’s studio. That album “Double Life” is streaming on all the services like iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, etc… Check it out if you have a minute.

Acting is fun, at least it is for me, and the acting experience I’ve had has certainly influenced my directing style. I understand actors and their process, so hopefully, that helps me get the best performances. Now that I primarily produce and direct, when an acting opportunity is offered to me I enjoy it more than ever.

Do you have any holiday traditions that you and your family enjoy each year?

Family time is always special – and even more so during the holidays. My Dad was always the one to put Christmas movies on the TV and play his favorite Christmas music, but we lost him a few months ago; so it is especially meaningful this year to have a Christmas movie that I directed on The Hallmark Channel. Hopefully, this will be the start of a new holiday tradition – a new Christmas Movie to watch with my family in “The Countdown to Christmas” every year!!!

A Gingerbread Romance

Indeed, in my humble opinion, Richard is an ideal fit with this phenomenal network, and now that I know his backstory, it prompts me to appreciate his work even more. I absolutely loved The Wrong Woman with Danica, and how exciting it is for me to anticipate his first movie with the Hallmark network. A Gingerbread Romance is quickly becoming an extra special holiday treat for me as I continue to connect with more industry professionals who are associated with this production. Moreover, since Richard is now a part of this incredible group, I am ready to dive into all of his previous works while anticipating this and all of his future works. There is no doubt in my mind that the network wisely chose this man to direct such a fun, light-hearted movie for the network, and like him, I hope it is the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship with Hallmark.

Be sure that you tune in tonight (12/16) in the U.S. for the premiere of A Gingerbread Romance (Canadians will see it on the W Network December 22nd), and don’t forget to check out all of Richard’s links below. I am always honored when directors take the time to dispense behind-the-scenes tidbits for the viewers, and since Richard was quite forthcoming and made my task so very easy, I have no doubt that I will go to extra lengths to seek out his works in the future. And if my fellow Hallmarkies are so inclined,  I sincerely hope you will join me in this worthwhile venture!





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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


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