Interview With Actress/Executive Producer Lacey Chabert, “All Of My Heart: The Wedding” & “The Crossword Mystery”

By Ruth on September 29, 2018 in Interview, movie, television

For the past few years, Lacey Chabert has become a genuine family favorite in our household. Her Hallmark movies are requisite family viewing, and she is one of the few actresses my father actually recognizes by name and by sight. Moreover, her partnership with Brennan Elliott has propelled her to the pinnacle of my list of perennial favorites, not to mention her commitment to her faith and quality entertainment. I have been attempting to interview this illustrious and talented woman for quite some time, and at last, my dreams were realized as she agreed to answer a few questions for me in anticipation of her upcoming Hallmark Channel premiere tonight (September 29th), All Of My Heart: The Wedding.

Photo: Lacey Chabert Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

RH; What do you enjoy most about playing Jenny on All of My Heart? How is Jenny like you and how is she different?

LC: My favorite part about Jenny is her outlook on the world. The glass is always half full. No matter the circumstance, she always has faith that the best outcome is possible. She leads with her heart and her heart is one that is full of goodness. She may not always be right, but she acts from a place of love and I appreciate that about her.

What can viewers expect from this third installment, All of My Heart: The Wedding? Do you have a favorite moment or scene?

Photo: Lacey Chabert, Brennan Elliott Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

This wedding has been a long time coming so I’m thrilled to have been able to tell this part of the story! The opportunity to do a third movie was a privilege and I cannot wait to share it with the audience. I hope they enjoy watching as much as we enjoyed making it. I’m very proud of the wedding scene itself. We all worked very hard on set and in post-production to make sure it was the best it could be. Both our director Terry Ingram and wonderful producer Beth Grossbard were very protective of the story.

Photo: Lacey Chabert, Brennan Elliott Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

There are many scenes I enjoyed! Brennan has some beautiful scenes with his dad that are very touching. I also love a particular scene in the bridal store when Jenny tries on her dress. She is upset because she’s worried about losing the house. But, even in the midst of feeling devastated over the potential loss of the house that brought them together, she chooses to focus on the strength of their love. It speaks so much about the authenticity of their relationship. Of course, I also love any scene with the goats because they are simply adorable! Filming a scene with the baby goats is unpredictable and hilarious.

You have teamed up with co-star Brennan Elliott many times at this point. How do you account for the incredible on-screen chemistry that you project?

Brennan Elliott, Lacey Chabert Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Sven Boecker

Our real-life friendship, along with the respect we have for one another, creates a great environment for being creative. Because we trust each other, it makes us free to be in the moment and discover the nuances of a scene. Brennan is very funny and loves to improvise. I always tease him that he just has to have the last word 😉 It’s so much fun because every take is always different with us. It doesn’t always work, but when it does it’s a whole lot of fun.

We’ve done five movies together now. He’s a wonderful scene partner and friend of not just mine, but of my whole family.

Do you believe another sequel and/or series for All of My Heart will happen? What would be your hopes if it did? 

I hope there will be another movie in this series. I would be sad if this were the last we saw of these characters. No pun intended, but these movies have an incredibly special place in my heart. I would love to see what happens next for Jenny and Brian, and I think there are so many beautiful chapters left in their story. I hope we have the opportunity. I’m thankful that Hallmark listened to the fan’s requests to see more and that we’ve had the chance to do three movies.

Lacey Chabert Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Sven Boecker

You also have a Christmas movie and a new mystery series coming up early next year. Please tell us a little bit about those projects.

I’m about to begin filming Pride, Prejudice and Mistletoe for Countdown to Christmas. I’m very excited because I truly love Christmas!

We just completed the first movie in the Crossword Mysteries. Playing such a different character along with Brennan was very interesting. It took a few days for us to get used to it! I think the mystery is fantastic and I hope the audience enjoys trying to solve it along with us. I also hope they enjoy seeing us in a new light as these different characters.

Lacey Chabert Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

You essentially grew up in the entertainment industry. How have you managed to remain positive and grounded over all these years?

I appreciate you saying that. I’ve been in the business since I was seven years old and I have certainly seen a lot. I always remain grateful for every experience. Even the experiences that weren’t my all-time favorite served a purpose. Yes, there have been disappointments and stressful times, but overall it’s been a very positive journey. I consider it a tremendous blessing that I’ve seen so many dreams of mine come to fruition. There isn’t a day that I’m not grateful for it all, and there is so much more that I hope to do! I’m very thankful that my family has always been so protective and continues to remind me of what’s most important. Now I have my own family. My daughter Julia is my number one priority. She brings immeasurable joy to our lives. I hope to show her that by following her passion, along with hard work and God‘s grace, all her dreams can come true!

You are sometimes referred to as one of the queens of Hallmark. What do you enjoy the most about the network?

Now more than ever, I appreciate how uplifting the stories are. To be a part of something that brings a little joy into someone’s home is an honor.

Lacey Chabert Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

To say that Lacey is a precious, priceless gem and a sincere inspiration is a vast understatement as one reviews her passion and drive to remain a beacon of joy, kindness, love, and hope in a world that is often becoming murkier by the day. Lacey is one of those singular individuals who transmits an inextinguishable brilliance that cannot help but encourage, motivate, and embolden anyone with whom she comes in contact, whether on or off screen. The Spirit of God inhabits the very essence of this woman, and that is evidenced daily by the way she chooses to live her life along with her indisputable commitment to her family and to her craft. I’ve regularly asserted that her smile and laugh are so genuinely infectious that I honestly cannot comprehend how anyone can remain dour and morbid when basking in the aura of her presence.

If you have not made plans to watch this upcoming Hallmark film tonight (September 29th), All Of My Heart: The Wedding, I implore you to tune to the Hallmark Channel and luxuriate in this film that will remind you of the lovely and virtuous things still existing within this world. Moreover, if you have not had the opportunity to visit Lacey’s links below, what on earth are you waiting for?! If there’s one actress you most definitely want to embrace, why shouldn’t it be Lacey, who is hailed as one of the reigning queens of Hallmark? After all, she has maintained her humility and sweetness regardless of any success she may have encountered, and her stellar reputation within the industry is a paragon of resplendent virtue. There are genuinely no two people better than Lacey and Brennan when cast in a movie together, and I can hardly wait to see these two tonight in addition to the next thirty years to come, God willing!!






©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Keith W May 3, 2019 Reply

    I always enjoy discovering your interviews after the fact and letting some time pass after seeing the show and how the cast have interacted together. In this case, both Lacey and Brennan are the top of my favorite list and I continue to hope to see them together in more and more!

    Thank you Ruth for asking relevant questions allowing us fans get a glimpse of the person behind the role. Also, I really appreciate you always being authentic in both your literary work and approach to everything you share with us! Well done!

    • Author
      Ruth May 3, 2019 Reply

      Keith, thank you so very much for kind comments. What you state is what I attempt to accomplish and will continue to do so.

  2. denise October 3, 2018 Reply

    I enjoy her as an actress and I know she is such a woman of worth, too.

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