Interview With Actress Sarah Strange, “Garage Sale Mysteries”

By Ruth on July 30, 2018 in Interview, movie, television

Back in 2013, before I became the valiant Hallmark supporter that I currently am, I remember watching Lori Loughlin in a movie entitled Garage Sale Mystery. At the time, I had no idea that it would become the most popular mystery series on the network, and I would never have imagined this rare and beautiful opportunity to interview one of the original members of the cast but five years later! Sarah Strange is one I “met” through her Hallmark works–principally her work on Garage Sale Mysteries–and I am doubly honored when I realize that there are not a vast amount of interviews in existence that feature this lovely woman and her capabilities. Last year, she and I attempted to set up an interview, but time got away from both of us. Being my tenacious self and Sarah being the remarkable professional that she is, recently, she and I had that much-anticipated interview. In celebration of Garage Sale Mystery month, which kicks off this Sunday, August 5th on the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Network, I am bubbling with euphoric exhilaration as I share this extraordinary interview with the world today!

RH: Why did you decide to become an actress? Since your parents were already established in the business as writers, how did that contribute to your career decision?

SS: To be honest, I don’t ever remember deciding, exactly. I was just always kinda that. Having folks that we’re such bigwigs in the business gave me certain access that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. It also seemed very natural to pursue a career in film. It was the family business! I often reflect on how many truly gifted artists don’t get their moments in life because they don’t have access and/or didn’t have the privileges I had. My folks did a lot of the legwork for me. 💜

From what I can tell, some of your earliest works were voice works. How did those roles come about?

Voice work is so much fun!! I started by reworking foreign language cartoons for the English-speaking market with my first boyfriend. That was our job. We’d watch these zany cartoons and build scripts based on the visuals (because we couldn’t understand what the characters were saying!) and then we would dub the cartoons into English based on our scripts. It was a fun, grueling, caffeine-fuelled banana-pancakes and giggle fits kind of gig. I fell into voice work from that.

What was your first professional on-screen role? What are your memories of it?

My first role was Carol Lemieux on Madison and we ran for six years. That series was so important and launched so many amazing careers! My first on-screen kiss was with Barry Pepper, for example! 😉 It was the most fun I ever had. Madison was a rare gift–generous, funny, creatively risky, supportive… our show was all those things and more from the writers and producers all the way down to the cast and crew. Some days I just smile–I can’t believe I ever had it that good!

Over the years, voiceover has continued to be something you pursue. What are the benefits of voice work? 

I would love to do way more! Voice work is brilliant fun. And you get to go to work in sweats and a ball cap ’cause it doesn’t matter what you look like!

Much of your early work was in sci-fi. Why do you think this TV genre has continued to be so popular and resonate with fans?

Sci-fi is ultimately hopeful, I think. It speaks of futures in which humans have somehow survived and have something noble to fight for. I got to do a lot of sci-fi in my early career because there was so much of it being made. There has never stopped being a big appetite for it. And there is a lot of what was once considered sci-fi that today we just call “news” or even “history”…we can learn a lot from our storytellers…

I think the series in which you had your longest-running role was Da Vinci’s Inquest. How did that role come about and what did you appreciate most about that show?

DaVinci’s Inquest

Ah, Da Vinci’s Inquest! Such an amazing show! Originally I read for Detective Kosmo who, of course, was played by the extraordinary Venus Terzo. I didn’t get that part, but the producers liked me well enough to offer me the role of Helen, who had one line. I was so in love with the script that I would have done anything! I learned the most working with Nicholas Campbell for seven years. He is a powerhouse! One of the best experiences of my life. Proud to have been a part of it.

A lot of viewers probably saw you in Murdoch Mysteries as Annie Oakley. You honestly did a phenomenal job of playing her. Did you do any special preparation for that role?

as Annie Oakley

I loved playing Annie Oakley! I learned how to shoot a rifle and some pistol tricks…she was a hero of my Dad’s! Also, Nick Campbell played Buffalo Bill Cody! That was a fun reunion💜

With the exception of Lori Loughlin, I believe you are the only other original cast member of the Garage Sale Mystery films. When you first made that film, could you have imagined how popular this series would be? Why do you think it has become and remained so popular?

Connor Stanhope; Steve Bacic; Lori Loughlin; Kevin O’Grady; Eva Bourne; Sarah Strange Credit: Copyright 2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ryan Plummer

While we were shooting the first one, our producer said they intended to make a bunch of them–like Columbo! I couldn’t have fathomed it at the time. I think what makes Garage Sale special really, is that feeling of family. It’s old-fashioned, compelling, but not too scary; you can watch with your kids and your Nana…all those things are true, but I really think it’s the people–Jen and her family, Dani and her antics, the Lynwoods..over fifteen movies we’ve really created a world.

Garage Sale Mystery was also your first experience with Hallmark. What do you appreciate about the network?

I am so happy to be a part of the Hallmark family. It’s refreshing these days to see so many mature women starring in series. It makes me proud to be a part of such a progressive trend.

With the character of Dani, how much have you contributed to the development of her character? 

Sarah Strange Credit: Copyright 2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ryan Plummer

The first Garage Sale Mystery was my first job back after having my son. I was a good deal heavier and worked with our first designer to create Dani’s look–structured tops with a full skirt, taking inspiration from the 1950’s pin-up style. The look is very important to the character–Dani’s style is so specific and labour-intensive! Just ask the village of experts who I need to get me ready for work in the morning! But it speaks to who she is as a person–exacting, glamorous, fun, but also modest and old-fashioned…….romantic and a bit eccentric. Dani wears her heart right there on the sleeve of her cashmere cardi.

I am also very blessed to have two masters who continue to work behind-the-scenes to create Dani’s signature look–Jaralin Detienne and Emily Gray. They are simply brilliant, and I couldn’t do it without them!

How are you like Dani and how are you different?

I like a good green smoothie and I’m loyal as a dog to my friends and family, but Dani is an innocent where I am quite cynical…and I NEVER wear dresses in real life.

The on-screen dynamics between you and Lori are phenomenal. Why do you think that on-screen friendship works so well?

Oh, Lori Loughlin. An actual angel masquerading as a regular human. I think we’re good on screen cause we genuinely love and enjoy each other in real life. From the very first movie we just clicked. We laugh A LOT.

Do you think Dani will ever find love? She seems to struggle with finding true love, but the last film hinted that might be changing.

Tune in this August to find out! 😉

Gabrielle Miller Credit: Copyright 2017 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ryan Plummer

While I’m sure all the Garage Sale Mystery films are wonderful for various reasons, do you have a favorite film? If so, why?

When Gabe {Gabrielle} Miller played my sister!! We’ve been close for a hundred years since we were teenagers, and it was such a gift to work with her. She’s amazing.

With these four films coming up in August, can you tease anything we can expect for Dani? 

Sarah Strange; Matthew Harrison Credit: Copyright 2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ryan Plummer

Please see my response a couple questions ago! *wink*

Viewers still remember you from A Christmas Detour. Any chance we may see you in another Hallmark film that is not connected to Garage Sale Mystery?

A Christmas Detour was a blast! I’d love to do another Christmas movie…preferably with Lori!

A Christmas Detour

Do you have any aspirations to write or direct?

I love writing, actually. I might write that Christmas movie for me and Lori!

When you’re not working, what do you like to do for fun?

When I’m not working, I’m with my boy. My son is my favourite. We build a lot of LEGO.

Sarah Strange; Lori Loughlin Credit: Copyright 2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Sven Boecker

In today’s world of paparazzi and celebrity obsession, the term “legend” is often used rather loosely. In my opinion, very few industry professionals genuinely qualify to bear the term screen legend, but I believe it is safe to state that Sarah embodies everything one would expect from that moniker while still retaining her innate abilities to enjoy a normal life, which includes spending time with friends and family. Her body of work is vast and hailed by critics and viewers alike as important, entertaining, and brilliantly executed. Over the years, in spite of her successes and amazing opportunities, Sarah has maintained her humble nature and devout dedication to the work at hand. She continues to challenge herself professionally, and her crackerjack depiction of Jen Shannon’s best friend in the most successful mystery series in Hallmark’s history is a true testament to her as a woman and as a veritable professional. Sarah’s characterization of Dani is something with which I connected way back in 2013, and whenever she appears on-screen, viewers know that we are in for zany, entertaining ride. 

If you have not ever watched one of the many Garage Sale Mysteries films, I would invite you to do so at your earliest convenience. Furthermore, it is my sincere desire that all of my readers will make plans to tune in to Hallmark Movies & Mysteries beginning this Sunday (August 5th) for the first of a quartet of movies that are bound to engender much entertainment, crime-solving, and good, old-fashioned fun! Additionally, if you have not checked out Sarah’s works previously and/or you want to keep up with all of her news (both professionally and personally), I would invite you to visit both links below and consider following her on Instagram (honestly, you NEVER know what she will post on Instagram, but it is always guaranteed to be intriguing). While I absolutely adore Lori and the myriads of others involved within this series, Sarah will always hold a distinctive place in my heart. It is true that the film series can replace other cast members with equally acceptable actors (and they have with unmitigated success), but I am grateful to Sarah and all the powers that be to witness that fact that Dani has NEVER been recast! Sarah is indubitably irreplaceable in her roles, and I am honored to have a new “friend” (that is how she has addressed me from our first interaction online) to support in all her current and future endeavors. 





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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Martin Gray January 17, 2021 Reply

    Thanks for a lovely interview, Sarah is a delight in Garage Sale Mysteries. I do hope the series can return – if Hallmark isn’t about forgiveness and second chances then we’re all in trouble.

  2. marthalynn August 1, 2018 Reply

    This looks so good! I haven’t heard of this show, but now I’ll go find it and catch up. DaVinci’s Inquest sounds like a great watch, too. Thanks for sharing this info!

    • Author
      Ruth August 1, 2018 Reply

      Marthalynn, I hope you do! I haven’t watched Da Vinci’s Inquest either. You’ll have to let us know how it is!

  3. denise July 31, 2018 Reply

    I enjoyed her in Christmas Detour. Unfortunately, my cable plan no longer has Garage Sale Mysteries, so I can’t watch her there.

    • Author
      Ruth August 1, 2018 Reply

      Denise, I’m so very sorry! I hope you can order them when they become available on DVD or streaming.

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