Interview With Actress Brittany Bristow, “Love On Safari”

By Ruth on July 27, 2018 in Interview, movie, television

Once in a while, I have the honor of interviewing and featuring an industry professional who may have been “flying under the radar” for some time, but continuing to make his/her magic by steadily concentrating on his/her work with resolute determination and dynamic stamina that few possess in this world. Then “suddenly,” this creative persona is thrust into the veritable spotlight, and people begin to celebrate the limitless ability and indisputable prowess with which this person has been endowed. And in the case of Brittany Bristow, I believe we have all this I’ve affirmed and more. She and Hallmark unquestionably have a sort of mutual admiration society, and I am especially privileged to present to my readers today a chat I had with this gifted beauty a couple of months ago.

Photo by Kristina Ruddick Photography © Kristina Ruddick Photography

RH: Brittany, it is so nice to speak with you today. Thank you for your time.

BB: My pleasure, Ruth, I’m happy to chat with you.

As I looked over your list of credits, I realized I have seen you in many things, more than I even realized. 

Oh really? That’s so exciting!

I hadn’t realized that you made a guest appearance on Murdoch Mysteries. I know I’ve seen the episode, but I must confess, I don’t remember your character.

Oh, that’s okay. I was a very small character on that one.

I had a feeling that was the case. But my family and I watch that show together. In fact, we watch a lot of TV together.

I love that. My parents and I always end up watching American Idol together.

I do remember you from Love Blossoms

Amazing! I loved doing that movie.

That was your first Hallmark movie, right?

Yes, it was. My very first Hallmark movie.

Photo by Kristina Ruddick Photography © Kristina Ruddick Photography

So do I understand this correctly that you are based in Toronto?

Yes, that is correct. A lot of things have been filmed in Vancouver, but they are expanding to places like Toronto. And a lot of stuff is actually filmed up in North Bay, which is just north of Toronto. I think they have a lot of film programs up there. I know there’s a good group of people available for work up there, and there is also a Northern Ontario Heritage Fund that provides funding for films if they bring the work up there to the northern part of Ontario.

Brittany, how did you get started in acting?

I got started when I was six years old. I was a little ballerina, and there was someone who came into my ballerina studio to ask if anyone wanted to audition for a commercial. They were looking to cast a bunch of little kids that did ballet just standing at the ballet bar doing some exercises for a commercial for a bank in Canada, and I begged my parents to let me go. I was so excited when they came in and told us. My parents agreed to let me go, and…you have to remember I was six. It seems like there were thousands of people there–it probably wasn’t that many because I don’t think that many people could have fit in the casting office, but it felt like a thousand people were there. I was one of the little girls that got cast in the commercial, and my parents agreed to let me do it. I was so excited! I spent the whole day beaming. I was so proud of myself! I had my head held up so high, and I felt magical.

When we got home, I was still so excited. And I said to my parents, “Mom, Dad, I want to be an actress.” I think their first reaction was, “Oh gosh no!” But they were incredibly supportive and agreed to be the parents that would wake up at four in the morning if I got a commercial or had to be somewhere. They took time out of their day to drive me to all of my auditions. They basically said, “As long as this is something you want to do and it makes you happy, we’ll support it. Whenever the time comes that you don’t want to do this, all you have to do is tell us. We’re not pushing you; we’re doing this because it’s something you want to do.” And I just continued to love it.

I didn’t realize you had such an early start to your career.

Sophie & Sheba

Yeah, I did. But I also took eight years off. When I turned twelve, it was time for me to switch schools. I am not sure how it all works in the States, but in Canada, most schools go from grades one through six. Then there’s middle school, which is grades seven and eight. And then you switch schools again for grades nine through twelve. When I had to switch schools for grade seven, I had already talked with my parents about auditioning for some schools. I didn’t fit in a lot as a kid, and I really didn’t want to continue with the students I had been going to elementary with.

So we went to the Nutcracker. There were these little girls running around dressed as sheep handing out pamphlets for the National Ballet School of Canada. Because I had been dancing so long, I looked at my parents and said,” Could I audition for this please?” My parents said, “If you’d like to, sure.” As I said, my parents have always been incredibly supportive of me and what I want to do. So I went to the audition. I don’t know how exactly I got into the school. I mean, I ran into a ballet bar in the middle of the audition. I ripped my tights; my bodysuit broke. Everything went wrong, but I got in. So I spent six years at Canada’s National Ballet School studying and becoming a professionally-trained ballerina.

When I graduated, I realized I missed acting so much that I couldn’t not give it a try. And it just kind of blossomed for me. I feel very lucky.

I would venture to say that all that ballet worked has helped you in your acting career.

It definitely has. And also, I wasn’t brought down by rejection. I think part of that was starting at the age of six and just having the mindset that sometimes I would get the role and sometimes I wouldn’t. Then when I went to ballet school, I was never fazed whether I got a part or didn’t. But it also has given me that discipline of continuing to work hard whether I get the part or not. I also think when you’re between the ages of about five to twelve, if somebody tells you that you didn’t get something, it’s not as heartbreaking as when you’re a teenager. As a teen, it affects you a little bit more because you tend to take it personally. But because I had to continuously deal with that issue, it instilled something good in me. I have a lot of determination, and I don’t quit easily. I think I got that from being at the ballet school as well.

When you made the decision to return to acting, did you go back for additional training?

Photo by Kristina Ruddick Photography © Kristina Ruddick Photography

I did, but when I first went back in, I was going with the wind and just started auditioning again. I thought I’d give it a try, and I didn’t really know what was gonna happen. But then I realized that though I had been at ballet school and most of the roles that I got while there were more character-based. I mean, I was doing story ballets which meant there was a lot more performance in terms of acting that was necessary, but I was so out of practice when it came to speaking. So I did go back.

I went to a couple of different schools here in Toronto, where I went to weekly classes. Then at some point, I was sitting down with my mom and dad talking about how I really wanted to find somebody who would help me break through the barriers I was finding I was coming up against. I was feeling like I had a good connection to my body, but when I had to say my words, my body and words weren’t really connecting because I was so out of practice of speaking in my acting that it was hard for me.

My mom and dad worked really hard to do some research with me and they came across the name Larry Moss. So I went to New York and began working with him in around 2011 or 2012. I did a bunch of intensives with him. I did a one-week intensive in Long Island, where we had to sing, do a monologue, and do a scene. I’ve done a lot of scene study work with him. I felt like that was really where I needed to be–working with someone of that caliber.

I did also go to the American Academy of Dramatic Arts for an intensive program. It was a month-long program where I did Shakespeare studies. I read a lot of plays too. And I think that’s also in part of how Larry teaches. He stresses how at the end of the day, you can’t act if you don’t understand the writing. And the best way to understand the script is to understand good writing. The best writing is available when you look at the work of talented playwrights because everything they put in their script is there for a reason, whether it’s a clue or a repeated word that is there for an effect. So if you really dive in and study plays, it gives you a better idea of how to study scripts.

I am certainly well-acquainted with the work of Larry Moss. 

Honestly, he is just so talented. He’s a brilliant teacher and actor. When he gets up in front of the class and he’s helping you with your stuff, it becomes clear to you what a phenomenal brain he has. I wish I could just get inside his brain one day and watch it work because he sees things that no one else sees. It’s such a gift to be able to work with him.

Well, it seems like it surely has paid off. You’ve been in some incredible things. In fact, I noticed you have even done a couple of Biblical things. I am not sure if I have seen both of them, but I am very much aware of them.

Yes, The Apostle Peter: Redemption is on Netflix.  The other one, Saul: The Journey to Damascus is available to stream elsewhere.

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Peter. But it must be something to have the opportunity to work on a project that takes place during that time period. 

The Apostle Peter: Redemption

Absolutely. Especially because you don’t really have any reference for how people would have behaved. There’s history books and there’s research and there’s the Bible, but in terms of actually understanding people, there’s no one who can tell you exactly how they acted back then. There’s no one living who can give you an account of these people from so far back in history. Instead, you have to perform as you believe someone would have behaved back during that time period. You have to create an entirely different history for yourself and be really brave with the choices you make. Especially for women, I think. There’s even less information about women from back during that time.

Even though these are both Biblical films with little information about women, I made certain to find the strength in the women I am playing. I understand that based on different time periods, women had different roles in society, but I don’t think there’s ever been a time where a woman hasn’t been strong. It’s more a matter of how they’ve been permitted to show that strength. Both of my characters have absolute strength and a fearlessness because they’re such strong believers. Love is what governs both of them, and the most important message I tried to get across with my characters is that at the end of the day, if you have love and faith, nothing can make you weak. And I really tried to play into that because I have a thing against playing weak women, unless they’re weak because there’s a reason that makes sense.

I agree with you one hundred percent. I think that even if you look at today’s Jewish culture and even how it was in years past, it seems like the women always were the strongest ones in the family. They had to be. Maybe the man was out doing the work and earning a living, but the women had to keep the household running. The work expected of them was unbelievable! And they were the ones who kept the entire family together.

Absolutely! My heritage is Icelandic, Irish and English. I am incredibly proud of my Icelandic heritage, and I think in part it’s because the women are so strong in Iceland, and they historically always have been. The women created government. The women ran the household. But a lot of women were actually Vikings, which is something that is not talked about very often. And the women were the strong ones. If the men did anything wrong, the women were the ones who chose how to handle it. If a person had killed someone and they were standing in front of the government, it was the women who would decide the punishment. They were the rocks of the culture. I think that is something that sometimes we overlook, and I feel like it is so important nowadays to give–especially these young women–these strong figures in films and television. We have the ability to be strong. Now, that doesn’t mean we can’t be a stay-at-home mom. There’s so much strength in a stay-at-home mom. There’s also nothing wrong with being a woman that wants a career and one who has an opinion. I think it’s so important that we remind ourselves of that sometimes lest it falls to the wayside in our thoughts.

I’m with you one hundred percent. I’m a proponent of strong women, and that’s why I’m always amazed that people will dismiss Hallmark movies as “cheesy.” I think they should instead look at the fact that the women are usually the strong ones in those films. In fact, they’re the ones who are driving the entire story. The story is written entirely around these women. Also, the women are involved in directing, producing and writing. 

Yes, and every Hallmark film has a female lead. Literally every single one. And that’s huge.

And they’ve been doing this all this time. They’ve been way ahead of the other networks, but they don’t always find themselves in the news because of that. I tend to think that Hallmark doesn’t find it necessary to flaunt themselves in front of the media. They just do the work and let the work speak for itself. 

Now it’s my turn to say that I agree with you one hundred percent, Ruth.

Back to Love Blossoms, since it was your first Hallmark film, is there any story about how you got cast in this production?

Love Blossoms

Generally, the way Hallmark tends to get their top people for their films, they look at different actors who would fit the roles, and they tend to watch reels of these actors. So my reel was submitted, and they chose me from a pile of people. It was so exciting, and I was overjoyed to get this role.

Now, I was a little nervous initially because with Hallmark, there doesn’t tend to be a lot of accents featured on their network. Because I was playing a French Belgian woman, I really wanted to do an accent. My thought was that my accent attempt would go one of two ways. Either they were going to love it and go, “Wow, she did such a great job!” Or they were going to hate it. {laughs} I was so terrified! But I sat down with the director and said I really wanted to go for an accent. I promised I would do it right, but my character is from Belgium. I couldn’t have her speaking regular English.

That particular movie is quite memorable because it is so different. Oftentimes, Hallmark movies can come off as being quite predictable. While I adore them, I love when the storylines are just a bit different, and this one is the only one I know of on their network that deals with making perfumes. 

It’s kind of crazy, I know. And what some people may not know is that Love Blossoms was filmed on location in Liège in Belgium.

Oh, wow, I don’t think I realized it wasn’t filmed in Canada!

I think it’s part of what made this movie so exciting. It made it seem like that older, Audrey Hepburn style romance vibe. You know those films where everyone fell in love with Rome…Roman Holiday. All of the movies that Audrey Hepburn did were so romantic because the city played such a big part in the story. And I think in a lot of ways what made Love Blossoms so memorable was that it actually took place in Belgium.

Love Blossoms

Was that your first time visiting Belgium?

It actually wasn’t, which I know may seem kinda crazy. My dad was in Up With People back in around 1972, I think. One of the places where he spent a lot of time was in Belgium. At some point, he had a business trip when I was in high school, or I had just finished high school, and he decided to take my mom and I with him. He wanted us to see all the places he had toured when he was in Up With People. We went to Bruges and Liège and Brussels, of course. All these different places and it was absolutely incredible. But I hadn’t been back in a really long time. So it was very exciting to be there.

I hadn’t realized this was one of Hallmark’s first “location” films. 

Yeah, I think it’s becoming more and more popular too. Royal Matchmaker, we shot in Romania. And then Love On Safari, we shot in South Africa. So yeah, I’ve been very lucky! {laughs} Three out of the four Hallmark movies I’ve done have been in fancy places!

And you also were in Good Witch: Spellbound this past fall. While you didn’t show up again in season five of Good Witch, the question is, might we see your character in Middleton again?

I do hope my character shows up again! I had such a blast working on Good Witch! Everyone on that show was so nice. It would be nice to go back. I think with Hallmark, especially with a show like Good Witch, anything can happen. I don’t know what their plans are. But I would never say no if they wanted to bring me back!

I always hear how wonderful it is on the set of that show. I mean, Catherine Bell! I can’t imagine how amazing it is to work with her!

Exactly. And the thing is that it’s always kind of terrifying when you’re walking onto the set as a day player or a guest star because they’d been working on that show for three seasons by the time I got there. Plus the movies. They’re really a family. And with me, it is like being the new kid in school and having to walk in and trying to figure out where to sit and who to talk to. It can be really intimidating. But my first experience was going in for a table read and Bailee {Madison} came over to me and gave me a huge hug and said, “We’re so happy you’re here! We can’t wait to see what you’re going to bring!” And it was nice because so often you walk in, and everyone’s got their little way of behaving, and then they realize that “Oh there’s a new person! Hey, how are ya?” And you’re like, “I’m good.” But you’re really kind of nervous. And it’s not like these people are intentionally trying to make you feel nervous or anything. People are just used to behaving in their certain way and with each other. But Good Witch was one of the most welcoming sets I’ve ever been on. Everyone was wonderful, and together we had so much fun!

So good to hear. I mean, I hear that consistently with Hallmark, but it’s nice to continue to hear that sentiment expressed.

You know, once you get to know the people that you work with, it’s an even more incredible place to work. And the executives of the network also make an effort to get to know you. Everyone is so amazing, and they are really genuine and kind people–every single person. Every person who works there, who I’ve interacted with and met. Whatever role they have at Hallmark, they are all wonderful, kind, honest people, and I can’t say enough about how lovely they really are!

We also got to see you this past Christmas on Christmas Next Door. That was honestly one of our families’ favorite Christmas movies this past season. I will admit that I wasn’t sure what I was going to think of it at first. Don’t get me wrong. I love Jesse Metcalfe, but by the time this one premiered, we had seen so many Christmas movies. And this one was a refreshing surprise. And how cool for this one to be your first Hallmark Christmas movie!

Christmas Next Door

Yes, it was so much fun! I’m obsessed with Christmas! So it was really special! I just love doing Christmas and watching Christmas movies.

My family and I love watching Christmas movies too. 

On December 1st, my mom and I went to the video store back in the day when you could still rent movies and we went in and picked out like forty Christmas VHS movies. We took them home, and we told the people at the store that we were going to be paying late fees on some of these, but we wanted to make sure we had Christmas movies! So my mom and I went home and sat down and watched a Christmas movie every single day! We had so much fun! {laughs}

Oh wow, that is so cool! Speaking of Christmas Next Door, the cast of that movie was incredible! Jesse and Fiona {Gubelmann} as the leads along with you…it was such a fun story!

How could it not be fun? I loved it!

And I think it was a fan favorite. Even people who typically put down Christmas movies seemed to like this one. 

Yes, I noticed it was a very popular one.

Recently, we got to see you in Royal Matchmaker. And that was another fun one. It’s been so neat to see these royal movies.

Royal Matchmaker

Yeah, they’re fun. Especially for me since I grew up loving Disney movies and watching all the princess movies. And now it’s so much fun to be a part of it and live in that fantasy world of princes and princesses.

I think the only thing that disappointed a lot of people is that we thought your character was going to have a love interest!

{laughs} I noticed that! I don’t fully understand Twitter, but I’m trying to get on and interact with the fans. In fact, I decided to sign up for Twitter so I could live tweet with Royal Matchmaker. I actually drove across the border and found a hotel that had the movie so I could tweet live. And it was so funny because part of the way through the movie, everybody was like, “Ooh, Britney and Victor are gonna get together! We’re so excited!” And when it didn’t happen, everyone was like, “Wait! Who’s this Loraine girl? How did that happen?” People started writing #TeamBritney and #HeartbreakValet and “How come Britney doesn’t have a love interest?” It was really funny! {laughs} I was laughing so hard! People were solidly upset!

Royal Matchmaker

Yes, I was part of that group. My mom and I assumed that your character and Victor would get together, and everyone seemed like they were on the same page. Then this Loraine shows up, and that was a bit of a surprise. 

Well, maybe this means that there might be a sequel, right?

Hey, why not? It would give you an excuse to go back to Romania! Now, was this your first time in Romania?

Yes, it was. I had never set foot in Romania before.

Did you have any time to take in any of the sights around?

Royal Matchmaker

I didn’t have a ton of time. I did do a little walk around the area one day. It is beautiful. Some of the structures there are absolutely stunning. But we actually spent a lot of time in a mountain village, Sinaia. It’s a beautiful, old town, and we had so much fun staying at these gorgeous, old hotels. And we had snowball fights. We felt like we were five years old again. To pass the time, we did walk around the village a lot. It is a small town, so there wasn’t a huge amount to see. But I did get a little chance to explore. I stopped at some little coffee shops along the way. And there was this beautiful Christmas market that was in a church where they had all these handmade gifts, and it was very interesting. It was really cool, and I would love to go back one day and see more of it.

Dracula’s Castle

Oh, and I also went to Bran Castle, known better as Dracula’s castle. That was super cool. I was really excited, and when we got to the little town that it was in, it was just so strange. There were these little tiny houses that literally looked like they came out of Dracula. Those houses were lining the streets, and then there was this giant castle! It was really overcast that day, so it was really dark and gloomy and snowing. It was really like Dracula lived up there. There was a whole group of us that went to see it. It was myself, Joy {Lenz}, Joy’s daughter came with us and Joe {Thompson}. We four went together, and then there were a couple people from the production that went as well. We had so much fun!

It sounds like the entire experience was incredible!

Yes, and I would love to go back! Also in part, it was so great because the crew there was out of this world! Those people were so wonderful, so nice, and so hard-working.

I know you’re also in the upcoming Hallmark movie Love On Safari. That had to be a surreal experience. I can’t imagine going to Africa and getting to film. 

Yeah, it was kind of crazy. It was actually my third time to South Africa. In fact, there is something a lot of people probably don’t know about me. I actually host a wildlife show for National Geographic that I do with my parents. I am more familiar with wildlife than the rest of the cast. Jon {Cor} had actually filmed in South Africa before as well. But it was very surreal going to work on a film.

The people of South Africa are…I mean…I think they might be the kindest people I’ve ever met on earth. It was such a beautiful experience. We had such an exceptional time. We got to see so many cool things. We saw elephants, lions, zebras, giraffes, and monkeys everywhere. We got to see these amazing choirs singing. We just had the most incredible time.

I got to play a ranger. I had to learn how to drive a stick shift vehicle with the steering wheel on the right side of the car on the left side of the road. So I was fearful and very confused. I’m amazed they trusted me! {laughs} I guess I did a good job. It was a little nerve-wracking. Every time it came time for me to drive, I got really embarrassed and thought, “What if I stall it?!” {laughs} You know, little problems.

Of course, Lacey Chabert is in that movie as well. Was that your first time to work with her?

Yes, that is correct. I had never worked with her, and I’d never met her. And she is now absolutely one of my favorite people on earth. She and I spent twenty-two hours in the air, but I think our flight in total was around thirty hours with stopovers and everything. We traveled together, so we had a long time on the plane to bond, and by the end of that plane ride, we were inseparable. We had our rooms beside each other. We’d get up and go for breakfast and for lunch and the gym together. We just did everything together. We had so much fun.

That is just so great to hear! Many people say the same kinds of things about Lacey. They say how amazing she is and how she’s always thinking of everyone else first. 

With Lacey Chabert

I really feel like Lacey is a combination of all the nicest things everyone on earth could say about her. There’s not a mean bone in her body, and I don’t think there’s a negative thing anyone could say about her. She’s the best person ever.

So her baby wasn’t able to travel with her, right?

That’s right. It was such a long trip and with logistics in terms of vaccinations…I mean we had to get yellow fever vaccines. So she thought it was smart to leave her daughter at home.

I would agree under the circumstances. And since her daughter is getting a little bit older, while I’m sure it wasn’t easy, but…

No, it definitely wasn’t easy for her to leave her daughter behind; Lacey just loves that little girl like nothing else on earth. But Lacey was brave, and she did it, and she had an incredible time. She was so proud to be able to go home and show her daughter pictures of everything.

I’m sure looking forward to seeing the film. In fact, I interviewed one of the local actors, Xabiso Ngqabe.

Oh yeah, I remember Xabiso!

I know this will be a different kind of Hallmark film since it was filmed in South Africa, but I just know it’s gonna be good.

Love On Safari

Oh yeah. I mean I’m nervous, but I’m always nervous to watch what I’ve done. But I’m really excited too. Because of where we were, there were moments where all of us were looking around and going, “Are people gonna believe we were here, or are they going to think it is a green screen?” It was just so beautiful! It’s almost hard to make it look real, even though it was.

So tell us about this wildlife show of yours.

Wildlife Quest
with her dad

It’s called Wildlife Quest. Earlier this year, we finished shooting the second season. We shot the second season in the Masai Mara in Kenya, which is incredible. It was shot back to back with Love On Safari actually. So that was interesting. I was away from home for a very long time. It was absolutely incredible, and it’s been a unique experience being able to do that and work as a host. It’s something that’s a little bit different for me. You constantly have to be ready for a camera in your face. Which is kind of intimidating and a little overwhelming at times.

Wildlife Quest

But I love the work because I do all the research myself and it’s such an interesting experience. It can be terrifying at times. This season, I actually had a hippo jump out of the water about a foot if not closer from me. It was a little terrifying. I think I saw my life flash before my eyes. But it’s incredible to be able to be there and look around you and see the world untouched in so many ways. This is what the world was when it was first here when these animals first arrived, and it’s still the exact same. It’s so fascinating to be able to see and experience that and to be kind of a visitor in the animal world. The show airs on National Geographic and Netflix. I think it’s available to most of the world.

I’m glad you told me about it because I wasn’t even aware of it. I’m gonna have to look the show up because I just love those kinds of shows. 

Me too. We actually shot the first season seven years ago, which is kind of insane. We shot it, and then we thought nothing was gonna happen with it. We created this as a family to see what we could do with it, and out of nowhere, Nat Geo picked it up! And that’s cool! One of the biggest nature channels in the whole world! We got really excited, and then they ordered a second season.

It certainly sounds like you keep yourself busy, but I just want to make sure. Do you have anything else upcoming that you would like to mention?

I’m actually working with a director from Iceland right now. There’s kind of like a suspense film that I’m working on with him. We’re in the final stages of getting all the funding together. We had hoped to start shooting before the summer, but you know how these things go. We’ll get to shooting it hopefully soon. We’ll be shooting in Iceland, which is exciting because I love it there.

Rising Suns

I’m also working on a TV series. The series is called Rising Suns. It hasn’t aired yet, but it hopefully will be airing on some level. Maybe even in the next few months. Maybe Netflix or Amazon or someone will pick it up. Our fingers are crossed. And hopefully, we’ll be shooting some more episodes of it soon.

Killer High

{Also, Killer High is scheduled to be out sometime this fall. Projected date is October 20th as of now.}

Hopefully, within the next few months, I’ll get to work with Hallmark again. It would be fantastic!

Yeah, we definitely need to see you in another Christmas movie.

I agree! {laughs}

And we need to make sure this time that Hallmark really gives you a love interest that you actually get by the end of the film so that we’re not disappointed again. 

Yeah, I think you’re right. We need to talk to them about that. But let me say this about Hallmark and its fans. The network is a success because of the people who support it. The wonderful Hallmark fans are the best we could ask for.

I want to be sure to tell you that the thing that impresses me about you today, Brittany, is that you are so well-spoken. 

Thank you! I’m always worried I’m not.

Well, you would never know it! You answered my questions so completely and shared lots of stories that I found entertaining. You seem to be pretty used to doing interviews.

I’ve done my share over the years. But back in 2012, I had a movie premiere in which I had a lead role.  I did a lot of interviews as a result of that. But I’m still like this shy, kind of awkward, don’t know what I’m doing person. But thank you for saying that though. It makes me feel so much better. I’m confident in front of a camera when it comes to my work, but interviews can sometimes be a bit daunting. But it’s always nice to talk with people, especially when they appreciate the work that you do.

Well, thank you so much for your time, Brittany. I’m very excited to see you in Love On Safari.

Thank you, Ruth, for reaching out. And I’m excited for the movie too and to see what the fans think of it!

To say that I am impressed with Brittany is a massive understatement. Not only is she a tremendously gifted actor (and more), but she possesses an uncanny intellect, a positive and benevolent spirit, and she is one of the most beautiful and accomplished young ladies with whom I have had the opportunity to connect. She has been content to be the supporting lead in a variety of projects, and her affinity for Hallmark is one of the most steadfast that I have encountered in quite some time. She is unapologetically strong and has no problem demonstrating her stalwart character and voicing her personal opinion, but she maintains her professional manner no matter the circumstances. Furthermore, she understands and respects her place within the production of any project, whether guest star, supporting lead, or producer. I understand why she has become such a favorite, especially within the last year, and I actually have a prediction to make (something I do not typically do). It is my firm desire and belief that within the next year, as Hallmark searches for new leading ladies to feature within their comprehensive array of projects, they are going to come knocking on Brittany’s door. It would appear that the natural progression of the situation is to highlight her obvious prowess, beauty, enthusiasm, poise, and talent in a role that would not only resonate with the fans but would give her the opportunity to demonstrate the profundity of her expertise. I realize my prediction may be incorrect, and if it is, I will humbly step back and make my apologies, but it just doesn’t seem impossible to my way of thinking. While I don’t make these kinds of decisions for the network, I will simply petition the network to consider this modest request when pondering future movies and shows. 

I do hope that all my readers in the U.S. make a point to tune into the Hallmark Channel tomorrow (7/28) for the first ever Hallmark film shot on location in South Africa, Love On Safari, featuring the exceptional talents of Lacey Chabert, Jon Cor, and of course, our very own Brittany Bristow, the new network queen of supporting ladies! Additionally, please make it a point to check out all of her links and follow her where applicable. Her Instagram feed is one of the most informative I’ve seen, and she keeps very current with her projects. Here’s to continued success for this sweet and kind young woman, and I sincerely hope and pray that next year at this time (or even before), we can celebrate the wonder that is Brittany as we witness her sustained achievement as one of the most dazzling lights in the entertainment industry today!






Love On Safari


Love On Safari


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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. bill grant November 2, 2020 Reply

    Brittany is a beautiful person inside and out and a wonderful example for my daughters and granddaughters. I have never been embarrassed to tell any of my family to watch her regardless of the role she plays. She is one of a handful of actresses that I can say that about.

  2. Kathy Helms July 30, 2018 Reply

    Wonderful Article Ruth…. a great job as always! Brittany is such a versatile lady, I knew when I watched the movie last night, that I had seen her before! ❤️

    • Author
      Ruth July 30, 2018 Reply

      Thanks Kathy, yes Brittany is quickly becoming a Hallmark staple!

  3. denise July 28, 2018 Reply

    Looking forward to this movie tonight, and I”m delighted to see she’ll be in it.

    I was one of the disappointed ones that she didn’t get a love interest in Royal Matchmaker.

    • Author
      Ruth July 28, 2018 Reply

      You & Me both Denise. Glad to see she had a great part in this film.

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