Interview With Executive Producer Josh Sabarra, “Hailey Dean Mystery”

By Ruth on June 10, 2018 in Interview, movie, television

I don’t always have the opportunity to interact on social media with the executive producers of various projects, but in the case of the Hailey Dean Mystery series on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, Josh Sabarra has quite an online presence. I saw him posting about this much-anticipated upcoming limited series for the month of June, and I reached out to him for an interview. Almost immediately, he responded, and within a relatively short period of time, he had answered all my questions. With the second of the movies premiering tonight (June 10th) entitled A Marriage Made For Murder, I am quite pleased to share my interview with the executive producer of this acclaimed series.

RH: What inspired your interest in pursuing a career in the entertainment world?

JS: As a child, I was fascinated by movies, theater, books, and music; I read every entertainment magazine I could get my hands on. I dreamed of having a Hollywood career, which prompted me to search through the Motion Picture Almanac and send cover letters and resumes to every name and address I could find in Hollywood. Ultimately, I got an offer from the Walt Disney Company, working in the feature film division. That led to executive jobs at Warner Bros., Miramax Films, New Line Cinema and A&E Networks.

I understand you received a dual degree. Please tell us how those degrees have helped you in your career.

I have a degree in entertainment marketing and a degree in psychology. The marketing background is extremely useful when it comes to presenting my projects to the public, and the psychology education is extremely handy when navigating the, um, interesting personalities that are all over Hollywood!

Your experience is incredibly varied within the industry. What are some of your past highlights and why do those stand out? 

For me, the most satisfying parts of my studio career involved small film projects that found their audiences specifically because of marketing and publicity. The impact of my work felt more evident on indie-type films such as The Station Agent and Rushmore as opposed to huge juggernauts, like The Lord of the Rings. Although, I did have a lot of fun with the Harry Potter franchise during my Warner Bros. days.

With Nancy Grace

Hallmark viewers know your work with Hailey Dean Mystery that is currently in a special limited series event. How did you get involved in this project?

Believe it or not, Nancy Grace and I have been friends since 1997! We lived across the hall from each other in New York just after I graduated from college. When she began writing fiction, I saw the potential for a series based on Hailey Dean; she’s such a rich character. Nancy and I developed the material and then found the perfect partner in Hallmark Movies & Mysteries.

What is your specific role/responsibilities with this series?

As executive producer, I work on every aspect of the Hailey Dean Mysteries — from story ideas, to script notes, to casting and, ultimately, publicity.

With Nancy Grace & Kellie Martin

Why do you believe the Hailey Dean series has been so popular?

I think the Hailey Dean Mysteries have found a wide audience because they’re smart, compelling and have a lot of heart. The characters are so appealing, and the stories are edge-of-your-seat engaging — the perfect combination!

Any other upcoming projects that you can mention?

Nancy and I are working on another movie that we hope to be able to announce very soon as well as a new slate of Hailey Dean Mysteries for 2019.

I notice you are also an author. How did that come about? Please tell us about your book (s) and how they have been received. Any more planned?

I’ve always been a writer at heart, and in 2014, it became my new career. My first novel — ENEMIES CLOSER — just recently hit shelves, and it’s been doing really well. I worked very hard to create a lovably ordinary heroine and an unfiltered, truthful peek into the dangerous allure of the Hollywood community. It’s a twisty and dishy book that, hopefully, keeps people laughing. I’ve just started to outline a new novel, which is due out in 2020.

What is one job in the industry that you haven’t done that you would like to? Why?

I’d love to write a screenplay or episodic television. Having written only books until now, I think it would be a challenge (the good kind!) to tell a story in a different medium. Maybe I should write one of the Hailey Dean Mysteries?! (Hint, hint, Bill Abbott and Michelle Vicary.)

How have you seen the industry change over the time you have been involved with it?

Working in marketing and PR – especially in the entertainment business, which runs on them – is beyond stressful. Trying to control the uncontrollable can be flat-out maddening. Not to mention, the evolution of public relations has not exactly made things easier for publicity practitioners. It used to be to that there was a 24-hour news cycle, and the delivery of information could be more strategic. Now, it all happens in real time; a press release can consist of 240 characters on Twitter – which will lose its shine the moment something more sparkly is posted, perhaps only seconds later.

Hallmark is one of the fastest-growing cable networks. In your opinion, why do you think that is?

I think Hallmark is so successful because they have figured the perfect entertainment recipe — substantial, quality projects that families can watch together. The programming is relatable and well-executed, and the company really cares about its audience. Even my working relationship with the Hallmark executives feels warm and familial. They’re a fantastic group of people.


While Josh’s position in the industry has not afforded him the type of publicity that actors and other people in the spotlight generally encounter, his contributions to the success of the projects with which he has been involved over the years are absolutely undeniable. The average viewer may not apprehend the effort involved in making, marketing, and distributing a film. Without Josh’s steadfast promotion and work behind-the-scenes, it can be assumed that certain projects would fail or at least not be as successful as they have been. And in the case of Hailey Dean Mysteries, I am extremely grateful that he is an integral part of this film series. It is honestly my favorite of Hallmark’s mystery series, and I applaud him for his commitment and proficiency in bringing this series to life.

I assuredly hope that all U.S. viewers are going to be tuning in to see the second Hailey Dean Mysteries installment June 10th on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries. I savored last week’s, and I greatly anticipate next week’s as well. In addition to these current projects, I hope that everyone checks out all of Josh’s links below and follows him where applicable. With the diversity of creative skills Josh possesses, hones, and utilizes, Hallmark fans are considerably blessed to be able to benefit from his expertise and dedication as a member of the Hallmark family, and I hope this partnership will continue for many, many years to come!







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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.

1 Comment

  1. denise June 10, 2018 Reply

    How cool he knew Nancy Grace from living across from her and they were able to develop her books to movies.

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