Interview With Actress Karis Cameron

By Ruth on June 21, 2018 in Interview, movie, television

I regularly follow a significant number of accounts on social media who identify themselves as actors, but all too often, I don’t even know how I “discovered” them. Invariably, there is a Hallmark connection in some way, and in the cast of Karis Cameron, that is absolutely true. I spotted her through my Vancouver friends and my Signed, Sealed, Delivered passion, and I am thrilled to be able to share our recent Q & A session.

RH: Why did you decide to become an actress? What kind of training have you had?

KC: I’ve always really liked to tell stories and to be a part of something so much bigger than just myself. I get that with acting; being a part of the production of this grand story is really something I will never get enough of. I love the process and bringing these characters to life. It really does take a full team to bring these stories to life. As far as training, I’m almost always in class and trying to keep busy in-between roles.

I think your first official professional role was on The Haunting Hour. How did that role come about and what are your memories of working on it?

That’s right! The Haunting Hour was my very first role. I auditioned for the role just like any other, and after a callback, I got the news that I had booked it! I remember being a little starstruck by Jean-Luc Bilodeau, who played a character named Eric. I had seen his Disney movie 16 Wishes as well as his work on Trick ’r Treat. I’m a big fan of Halloween movies. It was also cold. Very cold. A lot of fun was had though, and despite the cold, I have very fond memories and made some friends who I still occasionally keep in touch with today.

Your first Hallmark work was on Signed, Sealed, Delivered. What was special about that role for you?

Signed, Sealed, Delivered will always be a special role for me. it was my first on-screen kiss and the first role I really had to do any sort of stunt. They dangled me off a cliff from a harness that was hidden under my clothes, and while that was a little nerve-racking I absolutely loved every second of it.

I am not familiar with your series Open Heart. Please tell us about this show, a little about your role and why it was such a significant role for you.

Open Heart is so incredibly dear to my heart. it is the biggest project I ever worked on and I made some really incredible friends there.

Open Heart was a show about a family mystery…

“In the wake of her father’s disappearance, 16-year-old Dylan Blake falls in with the wrong crowd, gets arrested, and earns court-ordered community service volunteering at Open Heart Memorial, the hospital where her mother and sister are doctors, where her grandparents are board members and benefactors – and where her father was last seen the day he vanished.”

I played Dylan Blake and I loved every second of it. {Note: This originally aired on Teen Nick and should be available on NetFlix.}

You made a film called Witness Protection which stars one of my good friends, Sebastian Spence. What can you tell us about your role, that movie, and what was enjoyable about that shoot? Do you have any idea when it might air?

Witness Protection was a lot of fun!! And Sebastian is such a nice guy. I didn’t work that closely with him, but we did have a day on set together. I’m really not sure how much I can say about Witness Protection other than I am so so excited for it to come out! as far as I know, we don’t have a release date yet, but if you keep an eye on my Instagram account @KarisCameron {link below this post} I will be posting about it as soon as I can!

You also recently filmed The Whistler. Can you tell us a little about your role in that film?

In The Whistler, I play Lindsey, who is your typical older sister who is forced to babysit her little sister and isn’t all that happy about it. After innocently falling asleep, she wakes up to find her sister gone. Someone may have taken Becky and could be after her as well…

Any other upcoming works you can mention?

I have an independent movie coming out soon hopefully, that will be called Day to Night. You can also see me in the premier of UnReal Season 4.

As a young, working actress in the business, what is your advice to those considering a career as an actor?

Honestly just don’t give up. It’s hard, really hard and it takes a long time to start regularly booking roles. I’m not even booking regularly yet, but I’m sticking with it and working hard. My advice would be to get into some acting classes in your local town or city and just work really hard and give it everything you have.

If you could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would you go and who would you want to go with you?

Oh man, this might just be the hardest question yet… I just got back from a trip to Europe where I checked off a lot of bucket list destinations so right now I would have to say, Greece, Scotland and New Zealand are at the top of my list.

Can I only bring one person? or a few? I would love to bring my family to Scotland as we are primarily of Scottish heritage and I would love to bring my best friend and boyfriend to Greece.

As a young working actress in the business, Karis is one who is not only committed to her craft and pursuing her dreams, but she is one who recognizes the limitless patience and dogged determination required to attempt any kind of career in the arts. Amidst all the glitz and glamor commonly promoted in the popular media, all too often young people enter the business with visions of fame and an appetite for fortune. In their quests, they frequently relinquish the drive when they realize that being an actor is not as easy as they thought it would be. Fortunately, Karis recognizes that a long-suffering nature is requisite for ultimate success. She takes advantage of every opportunity afforded her, and nevertheless, she manages to live her life to the fullest in spite of the fact that she is still not a working actor who books roles regularly, but her will is steadfast and her outlook eternally optimistic. She is persevering in the pursuance of her passion in the classroom and in each audition sent her way because as they say, she’s only one job away from success and/or stardom. 

If you have not had the opportunity to see Karis in Signed, Sealed, Delivered (the episode entitled “Soulmates”), I would advise you to seek out that first season and watch for her character. Additionally, I would encourage you to check out Open Hearts (on my to-be-watched list now) and steadily anticipate the fourth season of UnREAL as well as the eventual release of Witness Protection (which is STILL not posting a premiere date after waiting nearly a year and a half!). I would also suggest that all my readers visit Karis’ links below and consider following where applicable. While Karis may not as yet be on the majority of people’s radars, in this business, things can shift so quickly, and tomorrow she could be hailed as an “overnight success” (a misnomer that truly does a disservice to the intensive labor one must invest in the world of entertainment). There is nothing I would enjoy more than being there the moment that Karis books that job that catapults her to international recognition, as I adore being able to say, “And to think that I knew her when…” Regardless, as I am impressed with this young woman in all areas, I plan on being her avid supporter as she continues on the journey that I sincerely hope will bring to fruition every dream and goal within her mind, heart, and soul!








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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.

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