Interview With Actor Oliver Rice

By Ruth on June 29, 2018 in Interview, movie, television

I suppose it’s safe to say that due to a very personal connection, Simon Atwater from Chesapeake Shores is an extremely important character to me. I interviewed Oliver Rice, the actor who portrayed this fascinating character last season, and with the impending arrival of season three to Hallmark Channel in August, I reached out to Oliver for an updated interview. However, what I discovered may not be the news for which some Chessies are hoping. Nevertheless, reconnecting with Oliver was a veritable treat as we discussed what he has been doing since his appearance last year on the popular Hallmark show.

Photo by Alexander Michaelis

RH: Hey, Oliver, so nice to get to chat with you today!

OR: Ruth, thank you, always a pleasure to catch up with you.

BTS With Jerry Trimble season 2 Chesapeake Shores

So let me ask first…are you in Chesapeake Shores this season? I haven’t seen anything posted about your character Simon.

Well, everyone probably remembers Simon from season two, and his character arc ended rather indefinitely. And all I can say is that the fans will have to watch season three to see if Simon comes back or not.

Oh, wow, that is really something. I’m not used to Hallmark shrouding everything in secrecy, but that’s fine with me. I like to be surprised.

Me too. I think people reveal way too much these days with social media and everything else. I try to hide from spoilers myself.

I will say this that the fans–me included–will be bitterly disappointed if Simon does not return for season three, and I can promise you that we will be watching.

The fans are so lovely, and no matter whether Simon is there or not, I hope that fans tune in.

I do notice you do have a couple things coming up though.

Yes, I am actually a guest star on the series Take Two. My episode airs on Thursday, June 28th.

I saw that! I just watched the first episode last week, and I really enjoyed it. But of course, what I love is all the Vancouver talent featured in the show. 

Yeah, that’s really nice. It’s a good show and really fun. Rachel {Bilson} and Eddie {Cibrian} are the leads, and they have a lovely chemistry between them.

Yes, they do. Now, what can you tell us about your role?

Well, it’s quite an interesting role for me. I play an all-American guy, which is nice. I’m hoping that my accent stands up to scrutiny. And I also have a really nice scene with Rachel and Eddie.

That’s good to know, Oliver, I will definitely be watching for your character.

And you can give me some honest feedback.

I definitely will. I’m always kind but honest as well.

That’s good. That’s the best way to be.

{Update: I did watch last night, and Oliver’s character was definitely spot on in every possible way. In fact, his entrance practically made me jump out of my skin! (I’m not kidding on that point.)

On set with his son

I noticed you are also in the upcoming Lifetime Christmas movie Poinsettias For Christmas

Yes, I’ve been wanting to work with the director Christie Will for some time, but we had not been able to work out the scheduling until this film. I really respect her as a director, and I like her as a person. It was awesome. I actually knew a lot of the crew. A few years ago, I did some work with one of the technicians on the film, and I’ve worked with a lot of the crew before. It was so nice to come on set and see so many friends and faces I have seen before. Also, my son came to set for a day. It was amazing, so lovely. He’s just three, and it was the first time he had been on set. The crew was really lovely and accommodating. He got to sit next to Christie at one point, and they gave him some headphones so he could listen. He was so cute, and it was very nice. I turned my head around to see if he was okay, and he gave me a massive thumbs up! {laughs} Oh my gosh, it was just wonderful!

Oh, that’s great! I’ve been excited about that film because it features so many Hallmark favorites. Even though it’s Lifetime, I know a lot of Hallmark fans will be tuning in.

That’s good to know.

While I know this goes back some time, only last year on PixL, Undercover Angel premiered at the end of last year. I haven’t seen it yet because I don’t get that network, but it is out there.

Oh, yeah, I was in that one too. That was a long time ago.

That network tends to hold onto movies for awhile, and eventually, they make their way to Hallmark sometimes. But the movie is out there and available to watch if people are interested.

Yes, that one starred Clayton Chitty and Britt Irvin, if I remember right.

Yes, along with Lilah Fitzgerald and Matthew MacCaull…lots of Hallmark favorites. And you also were on an episode of The Flash this past season, right?

The Flash

Yes, I really enjoyed that. I got to play a supervillain. It is such a great show, and while I know that my son is only three and he shouldn’t be watching The Flash, I let him watch the bit that I was in. And so now he comes to me and asks me to make the fire come out of my hands. {laughs}

{laughs} I can imagine. The Flash is one of those shows I haven’t actually started watching. I need to because I’ve interviewed so many people who have been on the show. 

Yeah, it’s one of those that if you get sucked into The Flash, you also have to watch Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow and Arrow. There’s a whole world these shows have created.

I just haven’t had time to watch everything that I want to, but it’s good to know that you’re in The Flash since I know there is such a massive fanbase. It’s always nice to get that kind of exposure.

Yes, my next hope is that I get to play a good guy in one of those shows.

Oliver and son

Yeah, that would be nice. Because as the good guy, you might get to stay around longer than the bad guy. I know some people make a career of being the guy that always gets killed.

Yes, the one who dies spectacularly.

But others do thrive on being the bad guy.

Yes, especially us Brits. We seem to have a habit of being cast as the bad guy.

I also noticed that you have a role in another film that is in select theaters, but also available to stream, called Distorted

Yes, that’s correct. One of the things I’m really excited about with that film is that at the same time we were filming the movie, they made a ten-minute version–maybe you might call is an extended trailer–in virtual reality. So I’m super excited to check that out. This is just the kind of thing I’d want to check out. I know it might seem a bit egotistical to think about being able to confront myself, but I think it would be quite interesting and a bit of a trip. I remember once years ago I was at the Champion Football League Final at Wembley, and they had a big 3D TV and a 3D video camera next to the TV. So you put on the glasses and you’re looking at the TV and you’re seeing a 3D image of yourself. It blew my mind. If you think about it, every single time you’ve seen yourself, it’s been in 2D. If you look at your reflection in the mirror or a photograph, it’s a 2D image. But to see yourself in 3D is kind of how other people see you. It was really weird. I remember watching myself dance in 3D. So being able to see myself in virtual reality would be weird but cool.

As Simon Atwater
Chesapeake Shores Season 2

Wow, that really does sound cool. Well, I know the movie is at least available in the States. So, is your role relatively small?

Yeah, there is definitely the three main characters: Christina Ricci, John Cusack, and Brendan Fletcher. It’s very much their story. My character, Lance Geyer, is significant, and I did spend a good four or five days on set. I went in and auditioned American, but they had me try it with my own accent. And that’s how they had me do it.

Oliver, it really does sound like things have picked up for you since last year.

Yes, I’m having a really great year actually. I’m getting quite a bit of work, and 2018 has been really awesome.

I couldn’t be happier for you, Oliver. And thank you for chatting with me today. Fingers crossed that we see Simon in season three of Chesapeake Shores, and I can hardly wait to see everything else.

Me too, Ruth. And thank you and all the fans for all the support. It means so very much to me.

So the most prominent question of the day is–Will Chesapeake Shores fans get to witness the return of Simon Atwater for season three? I cannot think of anything I would rather see on my favorite Hallmark episodic series. After all, just being reminded of Oliver’s marvelous accent (sure, I’m a typical American with an unbridled affinity for the delightful British accent) was enough to cause shivers through my soul as I considered the possibility of his return. While Hallmark fans will not know until season three officially drops on the network, I am anticipating a glimpse (at minimum) of this attractive fellow at some point during the season. 

For those who are anxiously waiting (as I), be sure that you track down Oliver’s episode of the new show Take Two (he appears on episode two, and I promise he will NOT be overlooked) as well as Distorted (which appears to be available on practically every streaming service imaginable…at least in the U.S.) in order to feast your eyes on the wonder and marvel that is Oliver Rice. Additionally, Lifetime will be featuring the highly-anticipated Poinsettias For Christmas in a few months when Christmas mania captivates the movie networks, and we are confident of witnessing yet another charming performance from our beloved Oliver. Moreover, please visit Oliver’s links below and consider following him where applicable so that you don’t miss a moment of his prominence and prowess on your TV and movie screens. As Oliver’s career seems to be taking a decisive uptick since last year, I can only imagine that as he perseveres in the pursuits of the passions of his soul, there will be no stopping this charming, gifted, and benevolent cavalier, who is the epitome of the classic English gentleman. Now if only Hallmark will cast him as a lead in one of their romantic comedies…








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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Denise Low July 7, 2018 Reply

    Thank you for sharing. This was a great interview.

  2. denise June 30, 2018 Reply

    I can’t believe I missed that episode the other night–family crisis.

    I do enjoy his acting and look forward to his future work–with or without the UK accent.

  3. Trisha McKee June 29, 2018 Reply

    Great interview! I am glad he is having a great year and I love his work.

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