Interview With Hallmark Publishing Author Alexis Stanton, “Like Cats and Dogs” (Book Review Too!)

By Ruth on May 16, 2018 in author, author interview, book, Interview, movie, review, television

I remember watching the premiere of the Hallmark movie Like Cats and Dogs, and while the movie was cute and the actors made it fun, I rated it a little above average (which for Hallmark is pretty high praise). However, yet again, an author who is now writing for Hallmark Publishing, Alexis Stanton, has reimagined the tale through a novelization that caused me to fall head-over-heels in love with this story! I am extremely grateful that Alexis was willing to answer a few questions about her career and her writings, and I am happy to feature both her as well as a review of her stellar novel!

RH: What inspired you to become a writer? Did you have any training to prepare you?

AS: I’ve actually been writing for most of my life. Even when I was a little kid, I wrote. I went through different career path ideas in my teens and early twenties, including book illustrator, costume designer, and literature professor. But then I entered and won a short story contest, and started to think more seriously about being a writer. Eventually, I went to graduate school to get a degree in Fiction—which was probably the most formal education I ever had for writing.

What was the first thing you published? Please tell us a little about it. 

When I was working on a Ph.D. in English Literature, I entered a literary magazine’s short story contest and won. It was pretty amazing, and I started fielding calls from agents. That’s when I decided I wanted to really pursue writing as my profession.

How did you get connected with Hallmark publishing? How was Like Cats and Dogs chosen for you to novelize?

I know the head of Hallmark Publishing through various internet connections. She and I became friends over the years, and she asked if I would be interested in adapting a Hallmark movie into a book. It sounded like fun, and since I have two cats, it seemed like a good fit. Novelizing Like Cats and Dogs was a lot of fun, plus I got to add a few scenes that weren’t in the movie to enrich and deepen the connection between Spencer and Laura. I briefly thought about writing sections from the cat or dog’s perspectives, but I decided not to go in that direction!

Had you seen the movie before you wrote it? What was the process of adapting the movie into a novel? About how long did the process take?

I hadn’t seen it, so it was new to me. I received a copy of the film plus the script, and watched the movie with the script on my desk, making changes to the words to ensure that the dialogue in the movie matched the dialogue in the book. Then I would write the book, pausing often to watch a scene multiple times before writing the scene. It took me about a month to write the whole book. The process was super fun, although I *did* get a little burnt out on watching the same scenes over and over again.

Is there a character with whom you identify the least? The most? Elaborate if you would like.

I actually identify with Spencer, the uptight graduate student who also has a cat. I was an academic, too, and I have a cat, and…well…I can get pretty wrapped up in planning and making sure everything is perfect. Laura’s freewheeling attitude is not quite how I go about life, plus if I ate nothing but s’mores, I’d be pretty unhealthy!

Any other upcoming works you can mention?

Yes! I’m currently writing an original novel for Hallmark called A TIMELESS CHRISTMAS, which is a time-travel holiday novel. It should be out in November of this year. I was given a synopsis of an idea that Hallmark wanted to expand into a full-length novel, and so I worked with it, making it more expansive and detailed, and I am writing it right now!

Do you do any other writing besides Hallmark books?

I actually write romance under a couple other pen names, including historical romance, but those books are pretty spicy, so you should definitely know that before picking up a copy!

Before working for Hallmark publishing, what was your level of familiarity with the network? How has that changed?

I wasn’t super familiar with the Hallmark Channel since it’s not part of my cable package, but since I started writing for Hallmark Publishing, I’ve watched more Hallmark movies and think that they’re fun and comforting and the perfect antidote to the hectic pace of everyday life.

Do you prefer cats or dogs? Why?

I currently have two cats, which were both adopted from foster homes, and before them, I had a wonderful cat I got from a shelter. While I absolutely adore cats, I also really enjoy dogs and their joy in being alive. Dogs take a lot of work, though, so I’m kind of like a dog aunt—I love to play with them and be around them, and then I go home to my quiet, independent cats.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go, who would you take with you, and why?

Oh, there are so many places I want to go! Trekking in the Scottish Highlands, exploring Japan, discovering Australia and New Zealand…too many to pick! Naturally, I’d want to go with my best friend and writing compatriot, who also happens to be my husband. (He writes romance, too!) We’re kind of culinary tourists, always thinking about what we’re going to eat. So, Spencer’s all raw diet wouldn’t be something I’d want to get involved with. I think there’s a middle ground between Spencer’s strict diet and Laura’s “what the heck” attitude toward food.

Like Cats and Dogs: Based on the Hallmark Channel Original MovieLike Cats and Dogs: Based on the Hallmark Channel Original Movie by Alexis Stanton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I was not financially compensated, and all opinions are 100 percent mine.

Again, Hallmark authors have raised the bar, and I am thoroughly excited to continue to review these books. When this book first premiered on the Hallmark Channel, at the best, it was a little bit above average, in my opinion. Fun story, good actors, but I wasn’t particularly overwhelmed with the story. Picking up this book to read didn’t excite me all that much in the beginning.

However, the minute I began reading, this novelization captivated me! I felt as though I understood the motivation behind the characters’ actions, and the banter between the main couple was even better on paper than it was in the film. The characters who were sweet in the film, but may have only been two-dimensional became three-dimensional with the dynamic descriptions and inner dialogue.

By in large, the absolute best part of the book was the cat and dog! Yes, I adored reading about these pets who truly propelled the story forward and continued to draw their prospective masters together in sometimes unexpected ways. In truth, I can hardly wait to see this movie again and watch it through the author lens and perspective that Alexis Stanton shared.

View all my reviews

For me, the fact that Alexis was able to enrich my enjoyment of this story to the point that I desire viewing the movie again…that in of itself is enough to revere this talented author. Additionally, the fact that she is writing a “time travel Christmas” book?! I mean, can it possibly get any more amazing than that? Oh, she’s a cat person who loves dogs. She has a master’s degree in fiction. Wow, this woman is skilled, competent, and educated, to say the least! I am forever grateful to Hallmark for bringing Alexis on as a writer, and I hope and pray that we will be relishing her stories for multiple years to come. If you have not had the opportunity to read the fun-loving, expertly-written book Like Cats and Dogs, well, what are you waiting for?? Purchase the book at the link below, and while you’re doing that, go ahead and give Alexis a follow on social media (after all, you don’t want to miss any of her updates, do you?) And by the way, Alexis, next time a dog and/or cat is featured in the book, PLEASE consider writing from their perspective. Truth be told, I almost expected that at some moments in the story, but maybe next time. After all, if anyone could masterfully capture the persona of a cat and/or dog, it is definitely you!!






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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.

1 Comment

  1. denise May 22, 2018 Reply

    loved the interview

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