Interview With Actress Debbie Sherman

By Ruth on May 28, 2018 in Interview, movie, television

Earlier this year, I happened upon an up-and-coming actress whose works were unfamiliar to me–Debbie Sherman. After discovering that she had a significant film releasing soon, I knew I wanted to reach out to her for a quick interview. Even though it was last-minute and we had only just connected, she agreed to chat that very day. While time has gotten away from me and I only now have the time to post our conversation, all three of her films that she mentions are available on Amazon and at most other online retailers. Even if you have never heard of her, it is my pleasure to feature Debbie on my site today.

RH: Debbie, it’s great to get to talk with you today.

DS: Ruth, thank you so much for your interest.

What caught my attention was this movie Forgiven that was recently out in theaters and now available on DVD and digitally. 

That’s great, Ruth, thanks for reaching out. The film was out in select theaters, and the premiere was amazing, but now everyone can look it up and watch it for themselves if they didn’t see it in the theater.

How did you get started in acting?

With Forest Whitaker

I’ve only been a part of the film scene for about two years. The Forgiven was my third film. I had two films before this where I had small parts, and they were my way to kind of get my foot in the door. But The Forgiven is my biggest part to date. I have some great scenes with Forest Whitaker, which was just amazing. It was such a great experience getting to work with  Roland Joffé, an Oscar-nominated director. So I feel super-blessed that I got to have that opportunity.

As for my story, I’ve always been an entertainer. I used to be a singer, and I love doing that. I took a hiatus. I got married, had my two girls, and then I got into acting. A friend of mine is actually an actor, and he was working on a film. That’s how I got the intro and got to audition for and get a part in my first film called The Vault starring James Franco. That released at the end of last year. Then I did Day Of the Dead, which was like a zombie thriller. That released at the beginning of this year. Again, a super small role, but that’s how I got my foot in the door.

The Forgiven Premiere

Then I was able to audition and get this role of Linda in The Forgiven, which is a super dramatic portrayal of real-life events. It is based on the Apartheid, which is an event in history that sometimes get glazed over because we are in the United States and it was in South Africa. But I’m so glad that this movie was able to be made, and it’s exceptional to have an actor like Forest Whitaker in it who portrays Desmond Tutu. It’s a chance for people in America and all over the world to see what really went on during that time.

I was unable to see The Forgiven in the theater. In fact, it didn’t even play anywhere near me which just goes to show how much things have changed with films. It used to be that every film went to the theater and came out about the same time, but now, that’s not the case.

Very true. Sometimes films don’t even go to the theaters.

What I love about your story, Debbie, is that you got married, had kids, and now you’re coming back to the entertainment industry and pursuing a career in acting. I think that’s really cool.

Well, thank you. It’s a huge blessing. I know that opportunities come at different points and times in your life. And just because you’re a mom or a wife, if you have this career that you love at whatever point you are in your life, it doesn’t mean that you can’t pursue your passions and things that you love. And it doesn’t mean that you only have to wear one hat. I don’t only have to be an actor. I get to be a mom, a wife, a businessperson. a gym owner, an actor. And I can do all these things as long as I’m careful in how I juggle them.

I noticed that you also do lots of charity work. That is something that really impressed me. I’m assuming that charity work is something you’ve done basically most of your life.

Yes, definitely all my adult life. It’s been something that I’ve wanted to do. I’ve been lucky enough to have met people and been involved with organizations that I really have a passion for. There are so many beautiful charities and organizations for people to get involved with.  I think everyone should advocate for something that’s close to your heart and really speaks to you. I think we all have those things we love and that we’re passionate about. Whether it’s for orphan children or bringing water to places that don’t have it or the homeless population or animals…you know everyone has a special place in their heart for something and that’s what makes it so beautiful. As a human race, we are all so different, but that’s how we can take care of everyone in general. If we all loved the same cause, a lot of people would get left out.

I agree completely. I just love to see people, especially people in the arts, take an interest in giving back. I think it’s so important. It’s something I feel strongly about, so it’s wonderful to see so many entertainers use that platform to give back. I commend you for doing that.

It’s great because film has taken me to places that I haven’t been before. It’s given me the opportunity to travel to different countries and cities that I haven’t been to. The Forgiven was filmed in Cape Town in South Africa. I hadn’t been there before. One of the organizations that I work with now is an orphanage in Langa which is outside of Cape Town. When I was filming, I had the opportunity to visit there. I was able to find this organization and make a personal connection with the children and with the people who are running the organization. It gives you a different sense of what people are going through and what their needs are so that when we go out and advocate for the cause, you have a whole-picture view instead of one from far away.

In addition to The Forgiven and these other films you mentioned, is there anything else upcoming that you can mention?

I am working on another film that will be filmed later this year with Antonio Banderas. I’m really excited about that project. I believe it will be an even bigger part for me. Luckily, things have been increasing in volume, and I’m excited for that to continue.

I am excited for you too, Debbie, as these opportunities just keep coming your way and they get bigger and bigger. And you keep taking advantage of those opportunities. I think it’s great.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.

I doubt you have much free time, but when you do, what do you like to do?

Travel. I love to travel. {laughs} That’s definitely my favorite thing. Currently, I’m pregnant with my third child, but my family and I still love traveling. We’ve had the chance to do a lot of it. Every summer, we go somewhere new. We’ve gone to places like Prague and Rome. We just love Hawaii and Thailand. We travel the world and try to make this big world seem smaller. And getting to learn about different cultures, food, people, architecture, and experiences is just fantastic. It’s really been a cool thing. My girls actually speak a couple of different languages, so it’s really great when we get to immerse them in cultures that speak other languages. So any free time that we get, that’s what we do. For spring break this year, we headed to Australia. That was our first time on that continent.

It sounds like you have an amazing family. You must have an amazing husband.

Yes, I’m blessed and we definitely relish every experience and moment because we know that anything could change at any time. So we take the time that we have now with our girls and enjoy the fact that we’re healthy, happy, and have the time and opportunity to travel. We grab the bull by the horns and dive into every opportunity to travel that we can.

Debbie, it was just so great getting to chat and find out a little more about you. And I will definitely find some time to watch The Forgiven. I’m a big history person, so this movie sounds like something I would enjoy.

I’m so glad, Ruth, me too. Thank you again for taking the time, and I hope everyone enjoys The Forgiven when they get a chance to see it.

with the family in Australia

I am invariably inspired by women like Debbie who demonstrate the simple fact that there are truly no barriers to pursuing your dreams at any point in your life. In the past, there were all sorts of restrictions, including age, gender, societal expectations, financial obligations, and more. While there will always be impediments that one must overcome to fulfill one’s aspirations, Debbie has shown in every stage of her life that dedication and persistence combined with support and love can eradicate any perceived obstacles to pursuing one’s passions. Her story is one of blessing, gratitude, determination, and fearlessness. And I salute her for making life happen rather than letting life pass her by.

If you have not had the opportunity to watch any of the movies in which she has been featured, all three mentioned earlier are available (here’s the link to The Forgiven), and if you are so inclined, I would invite you to support this woman in her endeavors. In addition to that, feel free to connect with Debbie at all her links below. No matter your taste in media, I have a feeling that all my readers can find something about Debbie that will motivate them to reach for the stars and follow their true passions in whatever way they are able. I have no doubt that as Debbie persists in following her heart and living life to the fullest, the opportunities for her career augmentation and exploration will only increase in manifold greatness!











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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. denise May 29, 2018 Reply

    so great she’s able to return to her career

    • Author
      Ruth May 29, 2018 Reply

      I think so too, Denise.

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