The Importance of Family Camping Vacations

By Ruth on April 5, 2018 in family

In a world where hard work is idolized at the workplace, people are spending more time at work and very little of it at home. Some even bring home their office assignments and as such, they may be physically at home but there are still pre-occupied with their office duties and this makes them unavailable.

The result of this is that families hardly get to spend quality time together and this brings about rifts within the family. To prevent this from happening, families should find an activity that brings them together and that is where family camping vacations come in.

There is a lot that is to be gained from spending some time outdoors as a family and we will highlight some of those benefits in this article. I understand that it may be difficult to find the time to go out as a family considering the pressure that most of us face at work but if you really want a healthy and happy family, you will do what it takes to make sure that you are out there camping as a family every once in a while.

The benefits of family camping vacations

Even before we look at the benefits of family camping vacations, it is important that you plan your trip in advance if you want to have a great time out there. I am sure you don’t want to remain stuck in your tent as a result of bad weather and this means that you have to plan your vacation around summer when the weather outside is ideal for outdoor activities.

Plan what you are going to eat when you are out there as well as the clothes that you and your kids will wear so as to make your stay memorable. Some of these things may appear minute but they are very important if you want to have the best outdoor experience. You should also leave for camp early enough so as to have enough time to set up your tent and to get other camping essentials.

With all this information, let us now take a look at the benefits of taking a camping vacation as a family.

Camping helps reduce stress

We are faced with a lot of stressful situations in our life. If you are not dealing with a demanding boss, then it could be a business that is not doing well or an investment that is not going according to plan. All these situations weigh you down heavily leaving you stressed and to some extent depressed.

Some people would recommend prescription drugs to deal with stress but the best stress reliever is to take some time off and head to camp with your family. When you are camping and engaging in all the activities that come with it, your body produces a hormone known as serotonin that known to make people happy and reduce your stress. This feel-good hormone helps you forget all the challenges that you are facing at a given time and allows you to enjoy the best that nature has to offer.

It helps families bond

When you spend most of your time at work and arrive home late when the kids are already asleep, you may miss out on the things that go on in their lives. You may not be able to tell their likes and dislikes as well as their fears and the things that they dream to achieve.

A family camping trip will help you spend some quality time with your kids and get to understand what is going on in their lives. Parenting is not just about getting your kids the latest gadgets and making sure that they have a roof over their heads, but it also includes listening to their dreams and aspirations and guiding them in the right way.

You will have a lot of time to do this when you head to camp with them and that is why you need to plan family camping trips more often.

You get to exercise

Camping is not easy. You will have to move things over, set up a huge tent for your family and go out and find firewood for your campfire. All these activities are quite strenuous and as such you will have to use a lot of effort to get them done. These activities, however, provide you will an opportunity to work out and to do some stretching.

Your office job probably doesn’t entail a lot of movement as most of the time you are seated typing on a computer and as such, you don’t get work out. Your kids also spend most of their time indoors playing video games or using their iPads, and this way they hardly get to exercise.

Spending time in the woods will provide you with an opportunity to work your muscles when setting up the tent, hiking and as you play sports at the campsite.

You learn new skills

Camping will teach you and the kids new skills that will help you handle the challenges that life throws your way. You probably won’t have all the luxurious that you are used to when you are at home and this means that you will have to find a way to survive without them. Camping will teach you how to survive and make do with what you have.

Camping is also about finding solutions to unimagined problems and this is a skill that will help you and the kids navigate life’s challenges effectively. Your kids are probably used to having everything that they need and spending some time out in the woods will teach them that that will not always be the case.


It is important that you find the time to be together as a family and you can never go wrong with a camping trip. This article on family camping vacations highlights the benefits of camping as a family and how to go about it. Read it to understand why camping vacations are important for modern families.

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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Shahzad November 13, 2023 Reply

    Hi Ruth, your insights into the importance of family camping vacations are spot on! Stress reduction, bonding, exercise, and learning new skills—such experiences are invaluable. Your practical tips for planning make it accessible for families seeking quality time amidst busy schedules. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Olivia May 5, 2018 Reply

    Hi Ruth,
    You nicely described here the importance of family camping. It’s very helpful and knowledgeable also.
    That’s true by camping we can reduce our stress and it helps families bond to get stronger. Its also help us to learn new skills.
    you explain perfectly The benefits of family camping vacations.

  3. Vickie April 9, 2018 Reply

    Yes..we grew up camping all over, especially Florida..every childhood, teen fond memories.
    And, we still do.
    We camped anyway we could..tent, boat, camper, open air at the beach..when it was legal!

  4. Maryann D. April 7, 2018 Reply

    I would love a camping trip to reduce stress. Any family time is a good thing for me!

  5. denise April 5, 2018 Reply

    We camped a lot when I was a kid. We had a small travel trailer.

  6. MD Kennedy April 5, 2018 Reply

    I so agree with you! And you don’t even have to go away to camp – you can even camp in your backyard!

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