Interview With Actress Loretta Walsh, “When Calls the Heart”

By Ruth on April 7, 2018 in Interview, movie, television

From the inception of the Hallmark hit show When Calls the Heart, there have been some extraordinary ladies who have taken on various roles within Hope Valley. While these stellar actresses could easily fade into the background, I would venture to say almost everyone who has seen the show for any length of time is acutely aware of the widow known affectionately as “Feisty Flo.” Thanks to the profound artistry and animated portrayal of this intriguing character, Loretta Walsh has become a favorite amongst the Hearties. I have had the privilege of interviewing her three times now, and each time, her artless pragmatism, engaging disposition, and incredible expertise overwhelm me.

RH: We are so glad Feisty Flo has returned to When Calls the Heart.  What are the highlights for your character this season?

LW: Some personal growth is headed for Flo this season with a message from her past. She is also in full force, as usual, supporting the community and her friends in Hope Valley.

How do you think Flo has changed over the course of the show? What do you see as her strengths and her challenges?

Flo has softened somewhat since we met her in season one. She has been affected by Elizabeth and Abigail and has also had to learn some tough lessons along the way. Her strengths are that she is resilient. She is great in a crisis and can be relied on to support whoever needs support. Her loyalty is one of the backbones of her character.

Her challenges are her quick tongue and her weakness for gossip. Being in the know is important to her (as she cares!), but sometimes she goes about things the wrong way and makes some questionable decisions…but nobody’s perfect, right?!

Season six has recently been confirmed for the show.  What do you hope for Flo in this next season?

LOVE. I think it would be lovely for Flo to find love and hope again by taking a step towards life with a new partner. Plus, I think the opportunities for some comedy as she ventures into new territory would be delightful. And maybe a new job or something that keeps her away from too much gossip…

What are one or two things (issues, historical moments, etc) that you would personally like to see added and/or covered by the show?

Hope Valley is quite modern in its equality of men and women, which is fantastic. In Hope Valley, we live in a world where women are able to vote already (as we have seen at many town meetings), but there is a part of me that would LOVE to see the suffragette movement explored on screen. It was an empowering and struggle-filled time for women that I think could be compelling viewing.

How has being a mom changed you personally and professionally? 

I am so aware of every minute of the day now, as life is very full, and I have to prioritize my time accordingly. On a personal level, I spend a lot more time at home and being with my family (my number one priority). Professionally, I feel like I have an even deeper understanding of roles that are mothers–the unconditional love and drive to protect and nurture our children is a wonderful and challenging part of our humanity. I am very proud whenever I get to portray a mother on screen or on stage–they matter!

Please tell us about this crowdfunding project for which you are currently preparing.

Kindred Entertainment is my small theatre company. I started it because I have a deep love and respect for theater. I have been changed and affected by powerful and extraordinary theatre and I wanted to share those experiences with others. Kindred is an independent company (no government funding or grants), so I am personally taking a big risk to produce THIS by Melissa James Gibson (a Vancouver local and current House of Cards showrunner). We have one more day to reach our goal and are currently 79% funded with about 140 backers/supporters…many who are Hearties. Feeling pretty grateful and excited!

Any other upcoming works you can mention?

Apart from season six of When Calls the Heart (WOOHOO!), I have another theatre project in the works for the fall (more details coming soon).

As a woman in the entertainment business, how have you seen things change for women in the business?  What is improving and what do you think still needs to improve?

I think with the recent #MeToo movement, things are changing for the better. There are increasingly more opportunities and respect for women, which is fantastic. The downfall is change takes time. There was a time that once you were a woman of a certain age, roles became few and far between. I think that is something that is changing, and I have hope and am optimistic about the future for women in the entertainment business.

Recently, a When Calls the Heart cookbook was published. What is your favorite kind of food to eat? To cook?

I love all kinds of food! But Italian is my favourite. I learnt how to cook homestyle comfort food from my mom, so cooking a classic roast dinner is one of my specialties.

Because When Calls the Heart is a period show, what is one thing from the show that today’s society could benefit from that time? What do you not miss from that time period?

As wonderful as it is, I think with the evolution of being able to connect online, some people have lost how impactful negative communication can be (e.g. on social media). Perhaps some could do with a good dose of “Don’t say anything online or in print that you wouldn’t say to a person’s face.”

I am very glad I was born into this time as I love my creature comforts: washing machine, dishwasher, car, and of course…the internet!

The only thing that saddened me at the most recent Hearties Family Reunion is that I was unable to meet the lovely Loretta. Thankfully, through the wonder of the internet, I have had the distinct honor of connecting with her and supporting her career whenever I am able. In fact, I recently did give towards her current crowdfunding project, and I hope one day to make the trek to Vancouver to see her theatre company in action. It is with deep gratitude and admiration that I highlight this immeasurably gifted and undeniably ambitious woman for all she does for the fans as well as the film and theatre community in Vancouver and around the world. She may be only one voice in a limitless sea of artists struggling to have their voices heard, but she has determined to go about things in the appropriate way. She accomplishes what she can right in the corner where she is, and I believe that her selfless labor will have sweeping, positive effects now and in near and distant future.

Furthermore, I applaud her steadfast devotion to her family. It is easy to get distracted in a business that constantly vies for your attention above all else, and families are sometimes irreparably destroyed due to ill-conceived but well-intentioned decisions made by individuals in this competitive marketplace. Loretta has consistently chosen to focus on her family and always place them first above all else, and that is the perfect recipe for personal success and eventually the right kind of professional success.

I hope that everyone tunes in and watches the Hallmark Channel (USA) or the Super Channel (Canada) every Sunday night until the season finale (which is three weeks away–yikes!) and makes a concerted effort to notice Loretta in this humorous but endearing role. I would further invite all of my readers to check out all of Loretta’s links below and possibly give towards her theatre project as well. In my humble opinion, we need more women like Loretta in this business who maintain the highest personal and professional standards while continuing to be charitable, genuine, and one of the sweetest people on the planet!









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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Linda Manns Linneman April 10, 2018 Reply

    What a wonderful, energetic lady. So much wisdom. I love this show and watch it as often as I can. It had to be great meeting her in person. Thank you for sharing this great interview.

    • Author
      Ruth April 10, 2018 Reply

      Linda, I have not had the honor of meeting Loretta in person, but from those I have spoken with who have, I’m sure you are correct. Thank you for your support.

  2. denise April 8, 2018 Reply

    I enjoy watching her on WCTH.

  3. Kathy Helms April 8, 2018 Reply

    What a wonderful interview Ruth…. Loretta Walsh is a lovely lady… and one of my favorites…. thank you!

    • Author
      Ruth April 8, 2018 Reply

      Kathy, you have been so instrumental in highlighting Loretta on the show so thank you for all you do too

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